Archive Challenges Tier 1 and 2 - Which have been good and bad?


Ok, so we've had 2 tiers of challenges so far, and I'd like to discuss what has been good and bad, and why.

First, the challenges that I think have been good: (Challenges in italics are master challenges, to be completed in one match)

"Disturb 25 crows," "Search 5 chests," "Cleanse 8 totems," "Search 3 chests with Plunderer's Instinct," "Blind the killer 2 times," "Repair 3 gens with Dark Sense," "Unhook a survivor who unhooked you earlier," "1 grab."

- These challenges specifically are very good, and healthy for the game. They require you to go out of your way to do something which some players may do, but not all players do. It makes people explore other aspects of the game, try perks they wouldn't otherwise run, and just shake things up a bit. Importantly, while some may take a few games just by luck, none are too difficult. It is REASONABLE to expect that these will happen within a few attempts if you're concentrating on them.

"Escape as Claudette," "Break 5 things with Brutal Strength," "Heal 2 health states using Empathy," "Catch 2 survivors in Bear Traps," "2 basement hooks with Agitation," "Heal 2 health states using Self-Care," "Catch 4 survivors in Bear Traps," "Heal 2 health states using Botany Knowledge and a Med Kit."

- These challenges are good thematically. Regardless of if they're a little dry (as all of Claudette's perks are 'healing' themed) they force you to play as the characters the tome centers on and explore their perks. So far there has been no "Unnerving Presence" challenge, and I'm legitimately questioning if they forgot that was Trapper's perk and used Distressing instead by mistake.

"Kill all 4 survivors once"

- Just decent, play well, nothing special.

Now the bad challenges:

"Hook 8 survivors," "Repair 2 generators," "20 skill checks," "Damage 6 generators," "Heal 4 health states," "Unhook 5 survivors safely," "Sacrifice 5 survivors," "Unhook 2 survivors safely," "Damage the same generator twice," "Stun with pallets 2 times."

- These challenges are just dull and uninspired. Most of them could be reworded to "play 1 match" and the performance would not differ. You aren't doing anything out of the ordinary, you aren't even doing more than you usually do (or not a heap more) and all of these have no impact whatsoever on gameplay.

"3 great skill checks with This is Not Happening," "Chase for 90s with Distressing,"

- Distressing and TINH could fit in with the "change your build" side of good challenges, but they're just such non-impacting perks. Most people did the TINH challenge without even getting injured for those checks. These are just "play with -1 perk." So they basically fit into the same "boring" category as above. Speaking of boring:

"Sacrifice 13 survivors," "Heal 10 health states," "Unhook 15 survivors safely," "Repair 15 generators," "20 gold emblems."

- "Just play a craptonne of matches doing the most basic of objectives" is NOT A CHALLENGE. Forcing killer players to play upward of 20 survivor matches just to do boring, rudimentary challenges SUCKS. They aren't rewarding for the time investment, they aren't interesting, and they aren't challenging. They're dull as hell.

"Earn 50,000 bloodpoints," "Earn 200,000 bloodpoints."

- Same as above, it's just "play the damn game." These get their own category because they suck ridiculously. Not incorporating any forms of bonuses or daily rituals means that "200,000 bloodpoints" for me was OVER 600,000! Why? I'm still earning those blood points, almost all were earnt within a match even if perks and offerings grant bonuses. Just make them count all earnt bloodpoints properly.

And the special "worst challenges" category goes to:

"Drop 15 pallets," "Deplete 6 med kits."

- Making survivors play poorly is a really ######### thing. When it's rewarding to do so, it's even worse. Dropping 15 pallets, as most players have luckily got to experience, usually means one douchebag getting the killer's attention then throwing the entire match by dropping as many pallets as possible. It ruins the game for everyone else, and it's ######### that it's encouraged behaviour. On the case of the med kits, most players choose to be frugal with items and retain them after a match, it's frustrating to HAVE to waste 6 med kits, even if they're brown, or from Pharmacy, or you die anyway. This challenge is ass.

That's just my take, hope to hear where others agree/disagree, and hopefully we see less of these garbage filler challenges in tier 3 and future tomes.


  • DarkPit
    DarkPit Member Posts: 87

    I totally agree with your opinions, but what i think is a bit more important then dull challenges is that most of the harder ones is that you have to get them in one trial. But thats just my Opinion.

    And whats also not that great thought about is that Killer/Suvivor ONLY player have to switch to a unfamiliar role tp get every challenge. Im a Survivor Main, but good as Killer aswell, so i dont have that much problems, but i know people who hopefully BHVR overthinks the Archives a bit more, cause its mostly really fun, but some things could be better

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I'm mostly a killer player but I play survivor too and like it.

    What I don't like is a fortnight's challenges being "play an hour or two of killer and 50 ######### survivor matches," especially when the survivor challenges are mostly boring 'play a lot' grinds.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,414

    The Killer challenges are pretty fun. But I sadly can't for the life of me get a survivor match. Some of them are pretty simple on paper but aren't easy to do. Like the interrupt and grab. I swear to god I could get a grab every match if I tried, but as soon as I activate that challenge the grabs stop working or I just get too jittery and press the attack button at the wrong time.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I enjoyed challenges like that because it meant I'd play a killer I didn't normally play, like Ghostface, Michael or Spirit. I'd prefer "it's a little hard" to the immensely dull ones that surround it, but also over the ones that were leaked that are blatantly impossible.