Hardest rank for solo players - Not rank 1...

I would ask solo survivors who have reached rank 1, is rank 1 the hardest? I say this because at rank 1 your teammates are (usually) pretty smart and the killers (usually) don't camp. I played 10 matches at rank one, pipped every single one. Now that I'm back to rank 15, its nice to get on that one-hook, and see 1 survivor working a generator opposite end of the map, one survivor hiding in a locker, and one just kind of wandering the trees on the outskirts of the map lol... rank 15 is way harder...
Only thing I'll say about rank 1 is you are more likely to run into some REALLY dirty killer builds (no salt, just saying)
I would agree with that. Rank 1 players are usually competent. Its the newer players who make life harder because of inexperience.0
Agreed, and since I only solo Survivor and don't boost to rank 1, I've adpated to playing with incompetent survivors. I generally use what most would call an immersion build; relying on not getting caught until the hatch spawns.
Problem is, once I'm matched with competent players they're looking at me wondering why I'm hiding in lockers and tip-toe'ing around the skirts of the map. They're the ones who would usually sandbag me or rat out my hiding spots to the killer.
At that point I have to change my playstyle to be more altruistic, and just expect to be hooked.
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@Dwight_Fairfield said:
I would agree with that. Rank 1 players are usually competent. Its the newer players who make life harder because of inexperience.Most rank 1's on console are potatoes tbh.
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For me it changes. I can find competent survivors in every rank since a lot of people derank purposely. Although in lower ranks survivors are incompetent, there are less nurses so the life is easier for me. In rank 1, killers usually play either hillbilly or nurse so the matches are sometimes nightmare for survivors.
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i know that very well... when i play killer and someone loops me for a minute, 3 gens comleted. When i'm with my rank 15 survivor buddies and i loop the killer for ten miutes, they might already have done a gen. same with DCs. at lower ranks its nearly impossible to play a round without one of your mates ragequitting / killing himself on the hook, which makes the game really f*cking hard. Then on the other side, if you happen to get a competend team, you just completely dominate the killer...
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@Dwight_Fairfield said:
I would agree with that. Rank 1 players are usually competent. Its the newer players who make life harder because of inexperience.That was true before the emblem system made it so easy. cant sign that anymore.....
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I'd say that the middle ranks can be the more frustrating ones as a survivor. While I don't play survivor enough to reach rank 1, I can see so far that around rank 10 it gets harder and frustrating as a survivor. While yes, you have brain dead teammates, at least you get irdiescent lightbringer very easily because you are the only one doing gens. Most times the killers aren't that great, which makes getting evader easy as well. It feels for me that me piping (or at least black piping) isn't that much dependent on my teammates.
If you rank up, I sometimes get the feeling that, while the killers get better, my teammates stay the same. You get people that hide in a locker in the basement for two gens before they even think about doing something productive. Which is fine when the killer is bad and you can easily juke him without even trying. This scenario is not fine when you are not able to lose the killer and therefore loop him for quite some time while no progress on gens is being done.
But then you get a game where the killer is bad and you pip or even escape very easily despite these teammates. That's why I don't think there are "hardest" ranks for survivors, but there are more frustrating ones.
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At rank reset when trying to get rank 1 again I have to say the hardest part has to be around rank 10 just because there are still survivors who aren't that experienced. Ranks 1-4 I have to say are the most easy for me.
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qpwoeiruty said:
I would ask solo survivors who have reached rank 1, is rank 1 the hardest? I say this because at rank 1 your teammates are (usually) pretty smart and the killers (usually) don't camp. I played 10 matches at rank one, pipped every single one. Now that I'm back to rank 15, its nice to get on that one-hook, and see 1 survivor working a generator opposite end of the map, one survivor hiding in a locker, and one just kind of wandering the trees on the outskirts of the map lol... rank 15 is way harder...
Only thing I'll say about rank 1 is you are more likely to run into some REALLY dirty killer builds (no salt, just saying)
When I at solo at rank 1 on my account I can count on my teammates to help me out with a mistake I've made . Just gotta get past rank 13-14 and then pipping is a breeze .0 -
Rank 3-5 is probably the most brutal because you've got people who don't belong there and or are trying to derank. They don't care if they sandbag you while doing it either since they just want BP. You've got those that are only there because they farmed with WGLF followed the killer around during chases. Did tiny bits of gen progression, sabo'd some hooks partially.
Then went for the basement jogathon and chest searches all while not really doing anything but because of sandbag unhooks pipped.