What are the DC penalties?

I don't see this info anywhere. Is it something that starts small and escalates? Like 5 - 15 - 30 - 60 minutes, etc?
They probably don't want to say until they see if it works as intended.
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I can see so many killers purposely slugging knowing about the DC penalty, lol. And I assume the penalty applies to killers too that rage DC, correct?
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If it didn't affect killers I would write a letter to my congressman.
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Slugging is no reason to dc. And yes it applies to all players.
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I prefer to call it snailing.
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What about when you're the last person alive and got slugged and the killer refuses to pick you up? I also think the penalty only applies in the beginning of the match.
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I think it's worth it to wait out the extra couple minutes for the BP, ritual progress and emblems. I just go afk so they see the crows and don't get any satisfaction out of it.
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If you just want to play the game, I don't see why you should have to wait 4 minutes on the ground doing nothing. Especially if you're playing with friends as you'll make them wait too.
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I agree that you shouldn't have to but I don't see this devs changing this anytime soon. Last player should be able to concede defeat to end the match immediately
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If you DC 100 times a day, u get 5 minute timeout.
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Then go and do other things. SWF shouldn't be able to dc into hatch.
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I saw people trying to test it on PTB, and got no penalties... so I don't know..
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Do the dc penalties work for console as well?
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Not yet.
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Simple fix for slugging, allow the slugged survivor to crawl and earn points crawling...
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And recovery points!
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Indeed. This will then give a slugged survivor purpose.
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Dc is exclusively a survivor problem. A survivor dc wastes the killer's time. A killer dc, the survivors just go for the next instant-queue.
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I don't have the information that the OP requires yet, I will however update this thread once that becomes available.
The proposed system is for both sides, killers & survivors - it's an equal problem.
And we do not encourage DC'ing on the forum, any more "I dc because of ..." type posts and you will have action taken against your account.
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We need a mechanic to bleed out faster. This way, toxic killers who refuse to hook anyone can't bm in that way.
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One little feedback from my side: imo killers don't have to get punished by DCing since they don't harm a player directly (unlike survivors, who can F over the entire team by rage quitting). Killer rage Quittung is basically just match canceled on demand.
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And that's supposed to be fun? That's still taking away points that the survivors can potentially earn. DCs need to be punished. Period.
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I personally have great enjoyment of a killer rage quitting, especially when it's a toxic killer camping with 5 gens up or similar. And it's not just me since you see on any stream or upload how players burst out laughing when the killer rage quits.
Maybe you haven't played enough since you care a lot about points, but people like me don't really care. We earned so many points and unlocked everything possible, it's just numbers. Side note: killer rage Quittung gives every survivor 5k escape bloodpoints
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I assume you asked them after the game to know that this was the reason they were slugging?
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In context, it really can be. If it's just pressure/snowball, no reason, for example, but a killer plays scummy all game and then decides to slug for the 4k despite knowing where hatch is? Yeah no, I'm out.
Honestly, a good solution to this would be that after a certain threshold in the game, if a survivor is slugged, especially if only one is still standing, they can choose to forfeit without it being a DC and just gain the points they earned; it's not fair to expect people to wait around for that crap when they want to get on with their next game.
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My favourite is making the ebony mori iri head huntress DC after they tunneled and mori'd someone off the hook. But I do laugh when survivors decide to DC just because I downed them as a killer they don't like (such as freddy, who I admit I do hate playing vs)
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Sometimes the killer needs to slug to be able to keep survivors from doing certain things. The whole new killer is based on slugging. So that's not really a good thing.
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Like I said, in context. I gave an example of a time when it really is unnecessary but they do it anyway and the survivors have no choice but to wait. It's not pleasant.
I slug aplenty, so I understand well why one might do so.
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In this case the survivor can still go afk and do something other till the round is over.
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Nice, promoting not playing the game while playing the game. That is an incredibly stupid idea and you know it.
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what if a player had a meme name for DBD such as Spirit = DC but doesnt actually DC?
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No? The survivor can decide if he wants to take the dc penalty or not. At the momenr about 95% of the dcs are cause of small meat.
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And now pulling stats from nowhere...lmao
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Most dcs. Better? Most dcs.
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As the last survivor we really need a button "Concede" that automatically sacrifice you in the game and save your bloodpoints. then we could potentially think about removing the "Quit game button".
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How so? If the killer has already closed the hatch and is just standing on top of you for no reason IMO it would be a completely valid time to dc.
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I like the fact that we are getting this information up front tbh. So many things on this game are, oh so secret.
Do I think this will stop people leaving a match? No. Truth be told there are reasons people leave other then just throwing dolly out. It does not matter if you agree with the reasons or not, the fact remains the same. People leave.
I really hope after this drops to the main, devs start looking into ways to reward for staying as well. Losing a pip for getting camped or tunneled is bullshit to be freak. More so if you are unlucky and get more then one match in a row where killer is a camper.
The reward for staying is the same as the punishment for leaving at current. Under those circumstances. A de-pip.
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This is best post ever 😍
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Possibly giving credit to you for gens done while killer is within 32 meters and you’re hooked? Similar to getting credit while gens done during a chase
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Amateurs. Gastropoding is where it's at.
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but what if you legit disconnect? like what if one day you were like "Hey, I'm going to hook my game up to the ice cream at McDonalds"
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in this scenario even if he wants to slug you to death you just have to wait for EGC to kill you.
If you don't want to wait a couple of minutes for that, you can just wait the ban time ^^.
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But you don't even get a timeout if you leave at the end of the match.
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you will with the next patch, that's the point.
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oh and by the way that's how I think people will be punished, more or less.
Every time a players DC his DC counter increases. A DC is removed from his counter every 24 hours + if after 72 hours the players never DCd his counter gets reset.
- 1 DC: nothing
- 2 DC: 1 minute ban - basically just a heads up "Hey, we know what you are up to!"
- 3 DC: 5 minutes ban
- 4 DC: 15 minutes ban
- 5 DC: 1 hour
- 6 DC+: 12 hours + explicit warning message "You'll get permanently banned, be careful"
- 19283 DC: permanent ban
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I doubt they will ever go above an hour, but that would be fine. I’m guessing something similar although maybe two “freebies...”
Third time is a 5 minute, fourth 10, fifth 15, every time after that one hour
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"Feature - Disconnection Penalties: Players who disconnect early from games will receive temporary matchmaking bans, with the duration escalating for repeat offenders."
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People won’t DC if the game wasn’t just a survivor beat down once your caught. Sometimes it feels like you can’t actually play the game and get either hook camped or slugged and left to bleed out still getting camped on. How about they do something about the damn killer able to take people out so quick? Give survivors more to do slow the damn pace down. Maybe proper will stick around
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Prime example of why people should just quit playing altogether. Unless they diversify the experience a little more as survivor by adding more team oriented goals and nerf killer abilities a little to stretch the game out longer I just don’t think people are gonna be happy on either side of things.