Can we change the struggle phase please?

I've been playing Dead by Daylight for about a year and I hate to complain but when in struggle phase can we change it from pressing the action key at an increasing speed to holding the action key? Since I started playing I've always died on second hook because I just simply can't press the button fast enough. Especially with winter practically here with cold nights, which is when I usually play, I just can't do it and while it doesn't force me to play killer playing killer is definitely more enjoyable then getting my games cut short because of a physical liability almost entirely out of my control. Thank you to anyone who sees this and at least tries to get it implemented into the game have a good rest of your day.

PS, devs could you actually do this? I'm sure it's possible but if it is why hasn't it been done yet? I can't be the first one to say something about it. That's all.


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Either this or just let it be automatic, that would be cool, it really sucks when your team is taking their sweet ass time to come save you and you're the only who's struggling, to click a button 100 hundreds.

  • Artyomich
    Artyomich Member Posts: 281

    I got a bug where I didn't have to press anything and there was no button prompt to struggle either. Best bug ever got to say, I just had to alt tab and watch something before I get rescued.

  • StevePerryPsychOut
    StevePerryPsychOut Member Posts: 190

    Yes, please! Struggle phase is so obnoxious, and it's unfair for console users. PC players can bind it to mouse wheel, but console players are stuck mashing. I've worn out buttons on 2 controllers and when I wore out my first A button i thought the mechanic was non functional. Now I change my struggle button and systematically wear out all the face buttons one at a time.

    BHVR! Struggle is literally costing me money and breaking controllers! Please change the mechanic!

  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270

    This is a great idea.

  • concious_consumer
    concious_consumer Member Posts: 282

    Automatic would be lame. Tactical suicides are heroic

  • Kralle
    Kralle Member Posts: 121
    edited November 2019

    Just give skill-checks or sth like that to compensate the button mashing all over again. In my opinion it wouldnt be a struggle stage if you just press and hold a button.

  • Avocet
    Avocet Member Posts: 284

    Making it automatic could be a solution for people suiciding on hook too.

    "The Entity will devour you in its own time, foolish mortal!" *evil laugh*

  • WolfPad06
    WolfPad06 Member Posts: 182

    Increasingly more difficult skillchecks every other second, starting from about half the circle, would probably be a good solution to this.

    It keeps it tense and interactive without being so incredibly obnoxious.

    By the end of your bar, the most "difficult" skillcheck could be something close to a DS skillcheck. A bit more challenging but by no means too hard to hit.

    I've lost hopes the devs will change struggle soon though. It's been requested since forever and they still haven't done anything about it at all. Probably because it doesn't make them any money.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,103

    or it could just be made to hold the button instead of smash it into oblivion.

  • wannabeuk
    wannabeuk Member Posts: 135

    Problem with that is it will instantly turn new players off, it takes time to get into the swing of the skill checks as a new player and it would likely drive away new players who die constantly on their first hook.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501
    edited November 2019

    I mean if they make the struggle phase automatic that could prevent people killing themselves off the hook prematurely with the new dc punishment im all for it. Because people forget they now made it so you get banned if you dc to much so now people are like "fine i just will make sure i die on first hook" nope if they make the struggle phase automatic cant do that either. Comeon and play and stop being a coward.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Dang, a whole year of dying every time you get to second hook?

    I'm honestly in awe of your persistence.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501

    A lot of stuff can happen though that forces you to die on the hook one big one is killer internet. I love when were stuck on a game lagging then when im struggling it lags and is like "OOPS YOU DIDNT PUSH IT DEADED" um yes i was pushing it.

  • Kralle
    Kralle Member Posts: 121
  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    It shouldn't be a skill check because I can't macro a skill check and do nothing the entire time like I've done for thousands of hours now.

  • Kralle
    Kralle Member Posts: 121

    It doesnt has to be a skill-check. It was more like an idea. The Devs could create sth completely new. I dont know.

    But it should be sth to compensate that, what we have at the moment.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yeah, but imagine that happening every single time. I'm just impressed he stuck with the game.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501
    edited November 2019

    But yeah with the surge of people who will probably die on first hook instead of dcing making the struggle automatic would deny them that which means more bp for killer and survivors. You dont get to kill yourselves i get to kill you lol.

  • DeathEscape
    DeathEscape Member Posts: 313
  • Ranster
    Ranster Member Posts: 7

    For clarification on my own post I didn't die Everytime on second hook it was mainly when I got past about a quarter left in the bar, so about half way through struggle, it just gets to fast and I can't keep up. If ever I got further it was perfect conditions and my hand felt like cooperating for once.

  • Ranster
    Ranster Member Posts: 7

    I'm sorry for the confusion but it wasn't Everytime, it was about half way through struggle. Also, if you saw my player levels you'd see how I still played for all that time. In other words, I played a ton of killer.

  • Ranster
    Ranster Member Posts: 7

    You have a fair point, it is called struggle for a reason but in light of all the changes that enhance the game to make it more fun for players what if dying second hook almost every game is ruining my fun? Should not the devs change that if they're changing everything else for the sake of our, survivors and killers, fun?

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Struggle phase is tedious and lame. Please change it to something less tedious and lame. The struggle phase is not something that we necessarily need to feel immersed in, and even if we did, button mashing is not a good way to feel immersed.

  • WolfPad06
    WolfPad06 Member Posts: 182

    So... You don't want your lazy alternative that cannot be used on console to be removed because you will now have to actually do something instead of using a macro? Yeah, nah.

    Anyway, the skillchecks I propose will be more than generous when the struggle phase starts, say half the circle like I mentioned, so maybe you will die the first game because you don't know it's coming but any more than that won't really be common at all, otherwise you'd just not be able to do any objectives anyway.

    I'd rather it be something completely different too, something fun or visually interesting, but I think the skillchecks would be easy and quick to implement so that's something the devs could do in a single midchapter patch.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764
    edited November 2019

    I think also wiggle need a similar change. Dont like tu ruin my gamepad for it.

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    Change struggle phase and wiggling to continually pushing buttons simultaneously for example L1+R1 on PS4. It isn't difficult to do, isn't rough on the controller and keeps the player's attention.

    Got the idea from playing Remothered.