SWF Matchmaking went too far in the other direction

Originally the matchmaking for SWF was based on the lowest ranked player in the group (I think, correct me if i'm wrong).

Then they changed it to take the average rank of the group, but it would usually be very very close to the lowest ranked player in the group. Meaning, it would match with a lower ranked killer and that killer would get destroyed by 4 red rank players and a grey rank player.

Now, it takes the highest ranked player in the group. This is fine if you have the aforementioned 4 red ranked players and one grey ranked. BUT. It gets bad when the group is either 2 grey ranks and 2 red, or 3 grey ranks and 1 red, or 2 grey ranks a and 1 red.

The matchmaking of 2 grey ranks and 1 red rank causes a sh*tstorm for the one random red rank player that is put into that lobby. (Myself in this situation).

This was a match I had to dodge. I couldn't trust those two grey rank players not to get me killed.

I know this matchmaking is not red ranks and grey ranks, but the difference is more than 6 ranks below me and the other green rank person. They shouldve gotten put into a grey/yellow ranked lobby, since the majority of their swf was grey ranks. But because of their one green rank friend, they get put with me.

There should be some change implemented that will put the group into a lower rank lobby if the majority of the group is lower ranked. if it's 1/2, it takes the high ranks. if it's 1/4, it takes the low ranks. You get it. The solo player that gets matched with them should not be considered when the matchmaking is decided for swf groups. Because that solo will have no communication with that swf, so it gives them a harder time.


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    The bad apples ruined the bunch, so to speak. I know there were a few times I nearly quit when I was getting match after match against groups of reds, a green, and a fake yellow when I was still a baby killer. Maybe it can be revisited now that d/c timeouts will be a thing though. Would make it much less convenient to manipulate rank like groups were doing.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    Exactly. Although, those games are kind of the opposite of what i've been seeing (3 grey ranks and a red rank player together). It ruins the lower ranked players experience, having to go up against way more skilled people than them.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Don't forget that we won't be able to see ranks in the next patch since that was a bug apparently. It's going to be super enjoyable playing with rank 20 teammates.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    The devs changed it because Survivors always have a choice to play in a SWF against a high-ranking killer.

    The Killer doesn't have the luxury of choice. He doesn't know what ranks the survivors are until the game is finished, and if he runs into a full tryhard SWF that are all ranked much higher than him, all he can do is either make a futile attempt at winning, or disconnect.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414
    edited November 2019

    It was based on the average rank.

    Bringing a new survivor with you is a risk you make knowing that they will be match with a killer near your rank. You take on the responsibility to help your teammate during the trial.

    Before, a new killer had no choice to play against survivors of their own rank or a swf team of higher rank with a rank 20 mixed in. The killer is alone with no one to help them in these situations.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    I mean you should know what you're getting into when playing with a red rank player.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    I think a player shouldn't have access to SWF without doing a few games first, at least they can be matched against players of similar skill and get to know the basics.

    Or maybe limit the difference in Rank SWF players can have to stop ridiculous matchmaking like the above, where the Solo Player may as well sit in a corner and cry because what else can be done?

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367
    edited November 2019

    My understanding is that as follows:

    My close friend (the one I SWF the most with) will likely end the current season at rank 8, and will reset based on the new rules to rank 9, so far so good, before they would have dropped to rank 13. OK, in my case my highest rank average has been rank 14 in the past two seasons. I will reset to rank 17. This means on the reset day I might be SWF with a rank 9 which is 8 ranks higher than me. Its unclear if the rank 17 rest rank will have any pips. I am inclined to think not.

    So basically my challenge is this: to pip up while playing against rank 11 killers...so chances are I wont be able to SWF with any of my friends anymore due to being too low a rank. And sadly it has to be said the gray ranks are predominantly new players so my chances of a successful team win are somewhat diminished. It was the main reason I SWF'd mostly to ensure better team mates.

    Going forward we wont know the ranks of the survivors we are matched with until the end game chat.

    This game desperately needs regular unranked PVP where player experience and bloodpoints and rift challenges can be done without greatly upsetting the ranked players whose goal may be different.

    I suggest they add ranks 20-25 which will be considered unranked and use a better process than pips for ranking unranked players up to 20

    New players start at Rank 25 and play five ranks "unranked". I am not sure how that would best work, maybe remove SWF from those unranked ranks.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    With the new rank reset it might not be possible to get back to rank 20. They said nothing about where brown ranks will end up implying they will stay the same. Rank 20-18 may very well be the new player buffer.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    OK. I did have one thought on this whole matter of hiding ranks from the lobby. If you have a matchmade team that is say 12,12, 13 and 16. The lowest rank wont know they are getting a higher ranked killer. At least presently they can make a choice to skip the lobby if its full of ranks 5 higher.

    I also assume the reset will drop a brown crest to 17 and no pips. I think part of the problem is that the matchmaker is using rank as a way to "match" players of similar ability. Its been said ranks are simply reflective of hours played.

    I would like to see the game consider achievements won by a player in determining their overall rank. I believe the achievements are a good indication of skill. Just a thought.

  • AGuyNamedKane
    AGuyNamedKane Member Posts: 71

    I honestly prefer it this way. Better for new killers. If you're not as good as the survivors you're playing with, maybe have them teach you how to play the game so you can actually do better against better killers?

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    A good way to do this would be to have a custom game and have the group teach the newer person on voice comms and do looping and chases and that kind of thing.

    As the ranking is right now, there's no way to properly teach a newbie if they swf with a high rank player. they will get destroyed.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Dude your rank 9 you woulda pipped regardless. Dodging people is kinda sad because of rank. Most people are boosted animals anyways. I generally get these kinda games on PS4. Iirc this was 3 p3 claudette's and a detective tapp on the clowns map.

  • Kwanghyun
    Kwanghyun Member Posts: 186
    edited November 2019

    Well a potato should not play with high ranked teammates in the first place. Most competitive games have a minimum/maximum skill rating when it comes to teaming up to prevent this issue. But since it's not a thing in DbD, If you do team up with high ranks you shall suffer the circumcantes.

    Also it makes it so, there is no more boosted fake red rank suckers anymore since they can't farm free pips. They either bleed for them or remain at the low ranks there they belong.

  • lynelmane
    lynelmane Member Posts: 549

    That game is the opposite of what i'm talking about in this post. That was a majority red rank game and they got matched with you, a purple rank. That's a perfectly reasonable game, since the majority of the group had high ranks.

    What i'm talking about is having the majority of the players in the swf be lower ranks and still getting matched with a high rank killer.