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Survivors: Name 3 of the dumbest things you have done by accident

1° I tried to take a hit for 2 injured survivors to escape whyle comming out of the basement cause the killer was basement camping, ended up body blocking them and the killer got them both, hylarious, for me...

2° Jumped off a 2nd floor with BL, landed directly infront of a chainsawing Bubba... Yes... I know...

3° A friend of mine said "I'm being chased", I saw a Hex whyle knowing the killed didn't have Ruin nor TOTH nor Huntress Lullaby, my brain thought "Devour Hope"... Yes... Haunted Ground... My friend got face camped...

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  • Member Posts: 3,047

    I use to pop Haunted Grounds every time when it first came out. Every single time.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    Looked back to check the killer and ran into a hole on the wall.

    Forgot a trap was in places I checked.

    Forgot I had dead hard. A lot.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Laugh at these

    Continued a loop when the window I was gonna use is blocked

    Dead hard right into a bear trap, yes, not over it on it

    Body Blocked 2 people while they are being chased by a bubba

  • Member Posts: 537

    Forgot to charge controller, battery died during a chase, I couldn't find the charging cable so the killer got me, I couldn't try to wiggle and since it was second hook, I couldn't struggle. By the time I found the cable I was of course dead :)

  • Member Posts: 367

    Leaped off the stoop roof into the arms of Freddy.

    Ran into a wall while being chased while injured and got downed

    And my favorite as it happens quite offten... trying to make a safe unhook head towards the hooked player and as I get there the player is unhooked and bam the killer who was patrolling (not camping) nearby gets to whack me.

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    I let myself get chainsawed by Billy while standing on hatch thinking I'm going to get out anyways..

  • Member Posts: 284
    1. Tried to vault a freshly Bamboozled window.
    2. Dead Harded a hatchet and made it hit another survivor.
    3. Tried to take a hit because I thought I had DS, turns out I switched it out the last game.
  • Member Posts: 1,457

    Dropped a pallet on the same side of the killer, not evening stunning them. Giving them a free hit. 😑

    Tried to activate my insta heal but pressed the wrong button. I ended up going down 😑

    Made a mistake and hit the button for locker instead of dropping pallet. They were both next to each other. So both options came up at different times. Once again, killer got free hit/hook. 😑

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited November 2019

    Popped haunted ground even though i knew the killer didnt have ruin. Next totem i hit was devour hope though. And if i had a dollar everytime i somehow managed to use the pallet but get stuck on the side of the killer id be rich sadly. Also can i just say I HATE self care and throw pallet down are the same buttons on console so i end up self caring and the killer looks at me like "you dumb a##"

  • Member Posts: 988

    I think one of the funniest things I've ever done was an accidental bodyblock on an injured player. I figured okay, its thid guys death hook and not mine, I might as well trade to give him a chance. He runs to the gen I'm on, I get off and try to go around him to the left, he moves left to try to go around me, I'm like, oh crap, so I start moving to the right as he moves right. This went on for about a full five seconds while the killer walked up and then hit him, at which point I ran away laughing like a banshee and got reported for toxicity in the after game chat.

  • Member Posts: 651

    I was all proud of myself for completing dark senses on my first try just to find out that I forgot to select the freaking challenge!

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    I tried to take a hit for someone against a pinky finger Clown at the exit gate. It totally slipped my mind that he had pinky finger.

    Ended up getting instadowned and 1-hooked. The survivor who escaped didn't even thank me lol.

    I'm sure I did a lot of stupid stuff throughout the years but this one moment was pretty... memorable.

  • Member Posts: 384

    1.) Back when the EGC didn't exist, I once spent 30 minutes looking for a non existent hatch as survivor.

    2.) I brought an ebony for a daily, forgot I had it. It happened twice and I ran out of moris.

    3.) I tried to get Adept Clown at red ranks.

  • Member Posts: 549

    1) used dead hard and it ended too short and I stepped into a beartrap right as it stopped. trap was right in front of the exit gates, that were open. killer was chasing me.

    2) jumped off a house in Haddonfield without BL, stagger was so bad that the killer caught up to me and smacked me

    3) step into beartraps that had previously caught me that I KNEW existed

  • Member Posts: 28
    edited November 2019

    I always use borrowed time and a few weeks ago I switched it to adrenaline on my Bill and thought I made a clutch save only to see my teamate got downed again instantly. And then in the post game chat they said what kind of bill doesnt bring BT and I havent played bill since.

    Also one game that stands out I was in a game with the infamous puppers cranking out a gen with him and hear a billy coming but dont know where and as I got off and ran I ran right into billy face first. Im sure a thousand people laughed at me.

    I've also accidently sandbagged a few blendettes with diversion pebbles.

  • Member Posts: 2,948

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