Why are god loops still a thing?

Do we seriously have to wait X amount of time for every single map to be reworked for these god loops to be addressed?

Ironworks of misery

Coal tower

Groaning storehouse

Suffocation pit

Wretched shop

Fractured cowshed

Torment creek

Rancid abattoir (This is the most extreme one, but luckily its not always open)

Disturbed ward

Grim pantry

Badham preschool (sometimes when the correct windows at the secondary house with a "basement" is open)

Haddonfield (The known balanced landing house and the same house as with badham preschool if the correct windows are open.

All of these maps listed have 1 or more extremely good loops that is such a huge time waster that as a killer you know that you have to dedicate several minutes for 1 hit or just lose the chase. And as survivor you feel like you are the powerrole when using these loops since there's no way to get you with standard m1 killers at these loops. Unless they spend several minutes chasing you.

So i repeat my question are these loops getting addressed ONLY when the realm is getting reworked? Or can we please address them sooner?


  • Nhekii
    Nhekii Member Posts: 124

    They're called abusable windows, not loops.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    bUt tHEy'rE NeEdED!


  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763
    edited November 2019

    Not going away anytime soon judging by the new perk to reset pallets as well.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839
    edited November 2019

    The next realm getting a rework is Haddonfield. A new second map name for the realm was datamined. It's going to the Haddonfield Mental Hospital. Not sure if their will be any more new maps for Haddonfield besides that one.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Tbh after they change BL haddonfield is not going to be nearly as bad.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    After the BL changes, like 2/3rds of the infinite windows will be gone. Bamboozle covers almost all the rest until the maps get reworked.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Or just don't run them in the insane loop and wait to find them in a less favorable position later. Gotta know when to just abandon chase.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    Bluntly, either you run the perk or deal with the windows. Survivors are forced to bring multiple perks to deal with niche situations as well (DS for tunneling, BT for camping, IW for spirit).

    A HUGE amount of these windows are getting nerfed next patch, not every strong loop in the game needs to be removed. Otherwise we end up with Hawkins.

  • Bleediss
    Bleediss Member Posts: 130

    What do you mean most of the maps are still completely survivor sided and have windows that are busted and lead to broken loops that most killers can't counter without chasing the survivor so long they lose the game.

    Balanced Landing was nerfed, the game is completely fine now!


  • GothamUpsideDown
    GothamUpsideDown Member Posts: 20

    Because, perhaps, it's the only defense that Survivors have against Killers that will inevitably catch up with them? Maybe the Killer shouldn't waste time chasing after that one Survivor who's looping and get back to patrolling Generators. You're bound to eventually catch someone off guard and in an area where they're unable to loop.

  • GothamUpsideDown
    GothamUpsideDown Member Posts: 20

    I'm still a new player, learning about the game. I play both Survivor and Killer equally. The highest rank Survivor I've played against was an 11. And I have been caught in chases where the Survivor looped. For as annoying as it is, I understand why they would. If they would have broken out of that loop, I would have been able to easily down them.

    From your perspective it may be a horrible argument. But why looping is a thing is completely logical and makes sense in a dire moment.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I'm trying to explain to you, why you can't compare instadowns and extremely long loops. Extremely long loops need no skill at all to be used. Most instadown need either skill or a buildup phase.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 713

    This is all you can do for now yes but there’s nearly always a gen at these buildings it is impossible to defend so you just have to give it up because of map RNG.

    You can’t ignore people who run to these places all the time, otherwise they are perfectly safe there as long as you are close enough; even if you have to take a hit to get there.

    Lots of these have multiple gens within a close distance to them and what are you supposed to do I if everyone is at the loop?

    Whoever you decide to chase they will run to the safe building loop, whoever you’re not chasing will leave to a gen, and anyone you chase off a gen will try and run to the building safety; it’s a lose lose situation and nothing the killer can do unless the survivors mess up badly.

    There shouldn’t be places where you are so safe as a survivor, or you never feel in danger.

    Lots of band aid fixes being mentioned which are all well and good for now, but the problem still needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. These loops have been a problem forever and are the last remaining relics of the early games life. They are the reason we have Bloodlust and the Entity Blocker and while they’ve made things more bearable, they still waste far to much time in a game where matches can be over in less than 5 minutes.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 713

    We aren’t talking about ‘removing strong loops’ like the really long unmindgameable ones you can clearly see the killer over.

    We are talking about using 1 window to loop the killer 3 times around a giant building, with the killer being unable to catch up even with Bloodlust until the Entity Blocker kicks in on the 3rd vault.

    Its no use arguing in such extremes; no one wants every pallet to feel useless like Hawkins but also not to be a 1 window, no pallet loop where you are completely safe or the killer loses the game if they chase and don’t leave you alone to do whatever you like.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    You call it a "mechanic" as if killers don't abuse slugging. If you can't catch someone atm then go find another survivor guy. As much as you killer mains hate being looped, why should I feel obligated to stay and wait in cases when the killer wants to down everyone and go for the 4k? (which happens a lot because apparently anything less is not a win)

  • MightyDwight
    MightyDwight Member Posts: 156

    The difference is that slugging is a tactic and part of the game to delay the hatch opening. God loops are an oversight due to bad map design.

    But given how Survivors scream for nerfs when exploits are removed, I guess it's not surprising that some people can't tell the two apart.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Why doesn't anyone complain about DEAD ZONES in this game?

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Because if the devs got rid of them, then survivors would have to get good. And we can't have that now can we?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    While it would require too many changes to be practical, the ability to create a window taking a long time to do so could potentially be balanced.

    If the Killer knows where the possible window creation spots are (either through aura effects or just having good map knowledge) he could simply patrol these places to prevent it and Survivors that do go for it aren't doing generators thus this entire thing qualifies as a secondary objective everyone wants so much.

    People often forget that a lot of weird mechanics can work just fine so long as the ramifications are taken into account and balance is done with the assumption that the mechanics will be used to their fullest extent.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    Slugging isn't used to JUST delay hatch opening, but if that lie helps you sleep at night so be it. God loops are just as much of a "tactic" as killers one-hit downing survivors almost every game. If I see someone trying to loop me around a big loop, I don't fall for it like a mindless zombie and go get other players because I know the difference between someone playing bad versus them just complaining about map layouts. I'm not surprised killer mains are pressed and complaining when the devs already cater to them.

  • MightyDwight
    MightyDwight Member Posts: 156

    Rofl. Gods are you wrong on every part.

    1) Just because some Killers troll does not mean I lied about slugging being a valid tactic. But as we'll see here; you clearly don't have any grasp on reality.

    2) God loops are clearly an oversight. This is proven by maps being adjusted to remove them.

    3) The Devs cater to KILLERS!? Sure, if you ignore Legion being gutted. Nurse being beaten into a coma. Spirit losing most of her mindgame-ability. The fact that every Killer recently has had powers that Survivors in some way control..

    But sure, buddy; the Devs cater too Killers. and I 'lied' about slugging being a viable tactic. Uh-huh. Apparently telling the truth is now lying.

    If by 'cater too' you mean 'Completely ignore the complaints thereof & nerf the only viable Killers in red ranks', then yeah.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    It would not take the devs much time to simply make minor mapping changes to the abusable god loops. However, they will likely not make the simple changes needed to alleviate map balance issues while we wait for full-scale "reworks" of maps which honestly feel like they will never come.

    Until then, get used to maps having safe zones

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Its curious that those god loops are in the oldest maps.its me the only one who thinks that devs purposely added big map with full of pallets TL and loops on the oldest ones becuz they thought everyone would play as them? Not trying to mess with but as you will understand devs aren't rank 1 OP God survivor.

  • S_Panda
    S_Panda Member Posts: 539

    Probably because there are very few of them if any (unless we're counting hawkins many unsafe pallets as 'dead zones'). If there's a dead zone, it's likely because a survivor dropped the pallet there earlier. Heck some maps get those delicious 2 debris loop pallets in a 2 second distance due to how tiles are made.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You can usually outskill instadowns. Iri Head should be 1 Hatchet, that's the only unfair one.

    You cannot outskill god windows.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    Dw they're reworking 1 map every 5 years, these will all be fixed in no time!

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    It is so easy to spot the people that do not play both roles of the game at all.

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    I never said you lied about slugging being a tactic, but I did call you a liar about saying slugging is used to delay the hatch from being open. Slugging is primarily used to BUY TIME, which means survivor(s) should stop doing gens and get their teammates up but thanks letting us know what YOU use slugging for, now try to keep up.

    2. Maps are being adjusted because people like you constantly complain about looping instead of being proactive and going after easier prey.

    3. *face palm* just because your favorite killers get their powers tweaked doesn't mean they can't still get a 3k or 4k and the game is not obligated to let you get either of those, just like I'm not suppose to win every time, as a survivor.

    3A. Lol, killer powers that survivors can control - you spelled counter wrong but I'll break it down for people like you.

    Killer focus: Himself and his ability to play with X killer and survivors.

    Solo focus(NOT SWF bc the majority of people just start lobbies): Himself and his ability to play against X killer. Killer. Killer traps and (my favorite) incompetent teammates.

    You complain about getting window looped as if someone is forcing you to get looped when the entity will eventually cut it off after 3, lol. You talk about spirit and legion as if the game doesn't have anymore hard hitters like Clown and leatherface that turn into track stars the closer they get to you.

    I'm not even going to get into how much and often hit boxes work for killers but screws over survivors. Still not convinced this game caters to killers? Look at points in the game. Survivors JUST started getting points for wiggling (4 years later) and I absolutely love when killer gets 5k for each DC, but if a KILLER DCs what do survivors get - nothing. You wanna talk about p2p host based multiplayer? Let's talk about no matter how garbage a person's internet is they're still able to play killer and host 4 other people. Sure they bought the game like everyone else, but when you knowingly play with subpar internet because it gives you a certain level of advantage over survivors then there's a problem.

    Obviously you haven't played this game long enough to know these things kid. If a survivor DCs it's 5k for the killer and the game turns into 1 vs 3. If the KILLER quits - the end, and hopefully you don't lose your add-ons. Not even going to start on how insta-heals aren't a thing anymore, but the developers sure don't mind throwing in another killer with a one-hit down ability 🙃

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    I've seen every killer at red ranks my guy, lol. You obviously main spirit or legion and not anyone else so I guess git gud with other killers

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    hmm one requires RNG sometimes to get, others are always there and only requires you to RUN IN A CIRCLE and can be used multiple times by multiple people on top of the many 2nd chances the game gives survivors, the other has specific circumstances that the killer needs to do that is counterable and are usually time limited. yeah...…. sounds about right

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    bro just play stealthy. You runnin in circles saying its skillful. When i find abusable windows, i use em. But i know they are op. Thats the type of bs that makes spirit and nurse so good.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    id argue that the fake vault wasn't necessarily a mindgame but it was fun dammit

  • PandaChris
    PandaChris Member Posts: 140

    My favorite response so far from a survivor guy in this thread is "know when to cut chase". Okay sure, so what happens when a generator is near a god loop. Its either chase the survivor around and around till other gens get done or cut the chase and give that survivor a free gen cause there is no use chasing him.

    Thrilling game balance there. A lose lose situation.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Meanwhile the map designer creates bigger maps with more infinites. He could just stop, but he doesnt smh

  • And yet we have people trying to say it’s good that BHVR is balancing solos to be as strong as SWF because hey, “they can just buff killers”. But years after release we still have doodoo loops that we apparently have to wait for massive map reworks to hope for a fix. It’s as if these people don’t know the snails pace BHVR works at.