Why do killers get nerfed due to complaints?

Can someone tell me why the killers get nerfed when survivors complain that "it's too hard to survive". Why don't the survivors get nerfed. when survivors loop or gen rush a killer they call it skill but if a killer does a good job it's not skill he's OP and it's not fair. Just because a survivor loses doesn't mean a killer is OP. Developers shouldn't have to go back and change characters that work to make people that can't take a loss happy.



  • I don't think killer or survivors should get nerfed. I play both and both have days when you lose but the no need to nerf characters.

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254

    To put it simply devs haven't clue what there doing they just nerf anything that causes a flood of crying survivors) nerf nerf nerf we nerf wahhh wahhh wahh 🤣🤣🤣 i couldn't resist.

    Killers complain aswell but are met with silence. Just look, you mention nurse devs go running into the hole they crawl out from.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Such nerf 😂

    Don't know about you but I now have protection vs insta downs from killers by kit or ability.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I think he's pointing out how killers get nerfed faster than survivor perks. It took 2 years for DS to get the nerf hammer, while Legion only took a few months...

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    But then they immediately nerf Spirit and gut legion right after... and there is a tendency for killers to be nerfed at a quicker rate than survivors.

    I understand they don't want to kill what makes them money, but they could try to make the killers the power role since they're at a massive disadvantage at higher ranks.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    Pretty sure they said they were looking into buffing certain killers like Doc. Tbh I don’t think they intended the Legion changes as a nerf either because they’re well aware that Legion is one of the least performing killers.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Can you really "gut" someone that was already tripping over their entrails?

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Good point. I still make them work at red though. Maybe I'm masochistic like that. : P

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    They are still way stronger than most killers, especially with all the second chances they have. Keys are also still unbalanced, and red ranks survivors can bully a red rank killer if they're playing one that isn't strong, like Wraith or Clown.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Because killers don't buy the newest Kekdette/Meghead skins.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Things on both sides tend to get nerfed when there's massive complaints about it.

    Nurse has always had people criticizing her, Spirit has had it for a while. DS always had controversy around it and got nerfed, MoM had overwhelming controversy around it (for good reason) and got nerfed. Balanced Landing hasn't had nearly as much complaints directed at it in comparison and that also got nerfed.

    It happens, but it's not an automatic thing. If stuff just got nerfed if complaints reached a certain point, don't you think camping and tunneling would've been made mechanically impossible to do ages ago? Same for SWF. The devs don't just go "if complaints are greater than this arbitrary number, nerf it"

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776


    Borrowed time, hook swivel, tweaked decisive strike (stronger than last iteration)

    Decisive strike:

    They tweaked it to a perk that is highly abusable. we went from everyone can jump off, to the obsession can jump off the killer and the others need to wiggle a little,

    and now we are back to everyone can jump off and are a god for 1 minute who can force undeserved saves and abuse the killer with no fear

    They didn't nerf decisive strike, and they have been bending to survivors cries about camping and tunneling.

    An overwhelming amount of people said to just nerf nurses addons, they ignored everything and destroyed her base kit to the point that even the best addons can't even get you to that level.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Survivors get nerfed too. But most survivors and killers seem to have this selective hearing problem where they can only see when their side gets nerfed.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    Most of the crying is valid criticism. Just because something conflicts with your viewpoints does not mean it is crying or complaining. Every bit of feedback on the forums is taken seriously (except of course the feedback that isn't posted seriously).

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Everytime I read posts where killers are using the words "working", "fun", "balanced", "do their job", everything just means that "they have fun playing a killer which stomps every survivor group". Thats not neutral in any way, and then theyre add complains about getting nerfed, even though thats just what balancing means. Im sick of those posts.

  • MightyDwight
    MightyDwight Member Posts: 156

    Ad every time I read a survivor post about 'Broken', 'Unfun', 'OP', and 'Stomps', it all just means the survivor is unhappy the Killer killed THEM. So they come onto the forums and claim they DC, or claim the Killer does their job 'too well', or they afk in games to pad a Killer's kill stats so the Killer will be nerfed.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Uhh survivors have been receiving nerfs since week one of the game. Not that many of those nerfs weren't needed. Orginal Well Make It was absolutely broken. But to say killers are the only ones getting nerfs is completely inaccurate. Also that they nerf solely on survivor back is just not true. They take feedback into account. But I seriously doubt it is the deciding factor.

  • MightyDwight
    MightyDwight Member Posts: 156
  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    DS honestly needed a nerf. The game itself is based around time management for both sides. Having a chase with 1 good person then getting hit with DS either because of body blocking or just because u chased the obsession was brutal.

    Missing a Survivor with Dead Hard or Dropping a Pallet too early on a loop can't even compaire to the damage old DS caused. Not to mention it was toxic based on juggling and just slugging the obsession worse then these days.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    How about stop trying to insult other people, cause you spread lies?

  • moridoll
    moridoll Member Posts: 27

    Legion was legit broken. His addons were broken, his giving BT was/is horrible. I love playing him but he's never been good. Survivors have lost a ton of things due to killers crying over it. Killers are getting BALANCED not nerfed. I play both sides, and Nurse was OP we all know that, Spirit I never had an issue with, besides most ppl use her to tunnel right off the hook.

    Killers still get to mori off the hook, camp, tunnel, and yet they still cry about a perk that once used can't be used again in that game.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970
  • Taiga
    Taiga Member Posts: 368

    That’s true but the new DS is completely useless when the killer has a Ebony Mori offering.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
    edited November 2019

    It's a risk, but neither mori nor keys are balanced either. DS usually just gets you slugged anymore so bring unbreakable.

    Still want your avatar D:

    Also how come Pig's ambush attacks wont apply exposed, but will reveal you have it? I kinda feel jipped when I've set up a good ambush and my Devour Hope wont down them. Almost every killer has a addon for instadowns, but the one killer who can use an ambush can't even apply exposed without coming out of crouch letting them know your there when the TR pops back up after a few seconds.

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    I have a theory that devs may be more attentive to survivors because they need 4x more of them per match. This is pure speculation and I hope that it's really not the case.

    It is hard to read some forum posts and look at things like the DC problems and not feel like survivors control the levers of power in this game's dynamics and abuse that power constantly. It seems like most killers go out of their way to play by the "survivor rules" in hopes of appeasing them and getting to play "fun" matches on the killer side. This isn't good enough for a lot of survivors though and they would much rather ruin a match than be good sports.

    Btw I play both sides and even when I play survivor I have a bad experience more often from other survivors, not the killers.

  • ruler33
    ruler33 Member Posts: 244

    Over the years survivor has been nerfed like a ludicrous amount now ill be honest when the game first came out god was it super survivor sided but yeah i think someone people do complain to much though some people need to just be happy with how things are some time's

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    PSA: paper-nerfs only after they have been made irrelevant by several other game changes and meaningful survivor-buffs are the only forms of nerfs survivors ever get, done purely so they can make their lol-lists of 'extensive nerfs' they've received and pretend they are somehow on-par with the hundreds of undiluted nerfs killers have got.

  • ahandfulofrain
    ahandfulofrain Member Posts: 528

    Because the devs baby survivors.

  • GothamUpsideDown
    GothamUpsideDown Member Posts: 20

    The only Killer that needs to get nerfed, in my opinion, is The Cannibal.

    When I first started playing, I went against a lot of players using him. I've only escaped from him once and that's because the player was stagnant for, virtually, the whole match. It was only when there was just one Generator left to power did the player begin actually playing.

    Needless to say, he downed one Survivor with The Chainsaw and just camped that one Survivor for the remainder of the match.

    The Cannibal's ability to use The Chainsaw needs to be reworked. Whether it's a shorter duration or his movement speed is reduced. It's, virtually, inescapable. I've never not gotten hit with it.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    The Cannibal is one of the worst killers in the game. You just gotta learn how to counter him, I'm sure there are plenty of guides on YouTube that can help ya out.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Ignorant comment. Go look at everything survivors have had nerfed recently. Ask anyone that bought ash for his perks. Mettle of man is borderline useless now. Balanced just got gutted for what it was primarily used for because it was too good and allowed some infinites. Med kits got reworked. Insta heals are gone. Survivors have a 12-16 second heal and a borrowed time medkit. Pallets were made less safe and abusive. Flashlights were made harder to use. Maps were reworked for killers you not suffer from infinites all the time. Borrowed time received a counter (Oblivious effect). They care about both side. Not just the side that complains more.

  • GothamUpsideDown
    GothamUpsideDown Member Posts: 20

    It's hard countering someone after being downed and camped for the remainder of the match. Which is usually what happens when facing The Cannibal. It's almost as if his Power encourages camping. All it takes for him is to down one Survivor and the match is thrown into chaos.

    For The Cannibal to be the worst, people have mastered camping with him just fine. Really, I'd say the worst Killer in the game is The Legion. I've escaped from them, virtually, every match. The Cannibal, just the one time.

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254

    Hahah yh buying ash for a broken perk you deserve that. Move along

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    I agree there has been nerfs and buffs on both sides, and its coming closer to be balanced on both sides. It has been a rough road over the years. While it was rough for killers at the start, and they did get some buffs and changes; it became very worse once teleporting pallets and the reduction of survivor hotboxes lead to looping. It took a very long time to remove the telporting pallets, but looping is a still a problem. They added blood lust, but its not really a solution so much as a mitigating factor. Where I'm going with this is it hasn't been a straight line of nerfs and buffs. But From ym perspective, its still takes more skill and concentration to play a killer then it does a survivor. And I think killers need to be more powerful to make up for that drawback. Honestly if behavior would focus on designing new maps that weren't as exploitable, that would help more then any killer buffs they could give. And while they are at least looking at it, with most things that involve making killers stronger, they take their time. When they add things that make survivors stronger, they tend not to spend as much time on it in my opinion. There is also the comments that the devs do not play thier own game, and I have to agree with it. They are always spending time on making new content, so it is hard for them to see how the game actually plays. So they rely on data. And supposedly take input from the fog whisperers. But they don't seem to take thier opinions into account as much as I would like, on both killer and survivor main streamers. Data is thier main focus, and the problem with data is, it can be flawed, especially in a game where the power needs to be balanced for higher ranks, and you're taking data from across all ranks to make their decisions.

    tl,dr The devs are trying to balance for everyone, but over reliant on game data.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    It depends on if the complaint is justified.

  • beatddb
    beatddb Member Posts: 565
    edited November 2019

    Well overall im sure survivors got more nerfs than killers, but thats because they were too OP and had to be put at the same level. We all know how broken the game was before.

    Even then, I do believe that a good and coordinated 4 man SWF can win against every killer, except MAYBE spirit.

    I have hundreds of hours with Nurse and Huntress and I still face groups where at least 2 are good at breaking LoS / dodging hatchets.

    Add dedicated servers to the formula and its a bully fest for lower tier killers, ever since they (servers) were added I've only got a single gen grab, all the others were negated by the entity.

    I also don't think that perks like DS or BL got gutted, DS is somewhat stronger than before and BL now is working as it should have from the beggining.

    Maps are still bad from both sides, having some really strong with above average loops and others with pallets so unsafe that is a joke. Hopefully BHVR increases their map game in the near future. Havent tried the new Yamaoka map yet but already saw it can spawn an infinite, gg I guess?

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    It only applies to the side that buys the most cosmetics.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    "Leatherface Is high mid tier".

    At rank 21, maybe.

    Seriously, Leatherface is only good for camping to death that P3 Kekdette that burned a Macmillan offering and looped you for 5 generators and two exit gates.

    He may not be the worst killer in the game, but he's pretty damn close. The only reason why he isn't the worst is the legion's existence.