Bloodpoints/Bloodweb are unrealistic, suggestion

You literally have to play this game BEYOND religiously to unlock a fair amount of content for free after purchasing the base game. I have over 500 hours logged and have yet to unlock half killers/survivors/perks

The fact that you can't realistically play the game competitively after 500 hours of game play is sad and quite honestly, makes me want to stop playing. I have spent over 30 dollars on DLC and still do not have all killers or survivors unlocked, let alone all of them leveled to 40+.

To be fair, I have prestiged a couple of times before I understood that was a massive waste of bp, it still wouldn't have added up to being anywhere near completion had I skipped those prestiges. The fact you can spend over 500 hours and be so far away from unlocking a total of what 20 ish characters? I unlocked all 100+ league characters in less time. Even if I were to purchase all the DLC content I haven't unlocked, it would take me over 500 more hours to have the blood points to unlock their teachables, and then teach them to anyone.

I have no problem with the actual characters being so time consuming to purchase for free, but the fact that you have to work countless hours just to unlock AND countless more hours to build just to have an equal playing field with everyone else who has more time or money. It's already asymmetrical enough without perk disadvantages the game is just straight up not fun to play when you're hurting for a better build.

The archives have helped, but I'm almost finished with round 2 at the time of making this post with no clear end in sight when I might unlock all characters or perks. I was really hoping for the archives to be a saving grace with this issue but it's a small band-aid considering how much time is expected to be spent earning perks especially for bad players who get less points than seasoned players.

I don't know what the solution is, but one place to start would be allowing people to unlock more than 1 perk earlier in the bloodwebs. Each level only yields 1 perk for a hefty pricetag, and most perks require you to purchase their tier 3 variant to maximize their usefulness. This can add up to spending well over 200K BP just to unlock a single tier 3 perk, usually not the one you're hoping for, sometimes just to make the bad ones stop showing up.

Is anyone else having this problem? Before people start posting about builds to farm blood points, or ways to farm them fastest under the current system, I understand there are ways to circumvent the issue, but I generally find this issue is overarching, especially if you don't have fun playing blood point builds.

I consider myself a fairly decent player. I've reached rank 1 multiple times as survivor, and I generally hover in purples or reds now, mostly because I play for fun, not ranks. I can't imagine how uninviting this system is for new or lower rank players who average less than 10k blood points in their matches. Something really needs to change if we want this game to grow. It's got a substantial learning curve for players who are not familiar with the genre and this system just creates an even larger disadvantage than the gameplay is designed for.


500+ hours, not even close to unlocking all perks, survivors, or killers. Low rank and unskilled players are at an even bigger disadvantage than the asymmetrical design intends. Possible solution: allow players to unlock multiple perks in the bloodweb at much lower levels.


  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    I have about 600 hours and have about every perk i want. Granted I didn't waste time and researched a lot of perks before leveling survivors and killers up. The game is honestly too grindy. Bbq (the point gain at least) and wglf should be base kit for all characters.

  • Luckyz
    Luckyz Member Posts: 5

    yeah I definitely could have done myself some favors and researched better, but also 2 of my prestige levels were done after the first set of legacy clothing came out. There were rumors of legacy outfits for the later survivors so I invested my BP into prestiging laurie just in case. Obviously it would be nice if the system were a little more forgiving to those less understanding of how it works, regardless of where they've wasted their bloodpoints.

    As to BBQ I 100% agree it's so powerful that almost every killer runs it to play competitively. In my opinion BBQ and ruin are a little out of balance as they're probably the 2 most common perks and lead to the most frustrating and repetitive gameplay for survivors, but I agree that since it's so game-changing everyone should be invited to use both in a reasonable amount of time as they stand in the game currently.

    The randomized system is honestly fine but to have to dedicate hundreds of hours to unlocking the game you purchased just to play on a fair playing field is problematic. So many killers need essential teachables from other killers to run a lot of meta builds so even when you've unlocked a new killer, chances are you need some old teachables as well. For example when oni comes out, he could benefit from a nurse/clown teachables build exclusively as he stands on PTB. Which means you better own the other 2 DLC's & have them to level 40 if you want to try it.