My issue with the Tome

Before we get to the fact that we will soon be to the near impossible chapters, I think my current frustration with The Tome is it's lack of flexibility. Here's what I mean, tonight I had more Trappers than I've had in any given week. Clearly there's more out there trying to get the trapper tasks done, but it does get monotonous after your third repeat killer in a row. I'd prefer more perk, add-on, or offering based requirements over play this character only requirements.

The tasks do seem to be tough, taking multiple rounds to complete. Players will have trouble getting through this chapter especially if they don't devote all their free time to just this game. I'm looking forward to Holiday time off to get caught up or push ahead. Unfortunately that won't always be an option though...


  • The_Grim_Reaper99
    The_Grim_Reaper99 Member Posts: 53

    Agreed, luckily I got got Trappers challenge done after 7 or 8 games 3 of which haven’t trapped anyone the rest below 4. Would get pretty bland and tedious if the third tome was trap 8 survivors in a single trial, which as Trapper can be a very hard task to do.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    The killer challenges are the only ones with actual difficulty and not artificial difficulty, imo, which is my problem with the tome. Well that and it adds real world politics into their game, which I disagree with real world politics being added to any game. Games are for fun.

    As for what I mean about the artificial difficulty. It's not really HARD to use self care 2 times in a match. You probably won't win that game if all you brought was self care without a med kit or anything, but it's not really HARD. Safe unhooks basically ensures people bring BT and farm people off hooks. Most of the survivor challenges basically require you to play in a way that's abnormal and/or self defeating, while most of the killer challenges I can complete by playing normally.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    If you aren't good with trapper it's difficult. If you are, no problem m8 lol.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I got mine in the first game I played Trapper in.

    EVENTUALLY the Meg realised she couldn't get to the exit gate before I caught her from the point where I kept dropping her near a trap and swinging, and then she played along and got a nice escape for helping me get that garbage killer's challenge done.

  • SafetyOff
    SafetyOff Member Posts: 68

    I agree. As a new player, these challenges are more troublesome than fun. I'd like challenges like "while having Hope equipped, reach Exit Stage portion of game" or "play a game as Meg Thomas"

    Or " play 3 games of Meg Thomas in a row." "Using addons, repair a generator" some basic, easy stuff.

  • Mrwood204
    Mrwood204 Member Posts: 226

    When does the third tome come out?

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145

    +1 all challenge almost complete only trap still not done yet... I dunno what this BE expect us to do this almost impossible legendary rarely ultra hard quest..

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    Yeah I do see that I'm making more dumb plays for the killers benefit so I can get as far on the survivor tasks as possible.

    I believe the 27th of this month.

    I've still got a few tasks left to do. Some may be ultra hard, but I think I can get them done before the next Tome is released. This is definitely not something new players or people who don't play the game daily will be able to ever proceed in.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    You must not be red ranks.

    I can predict 75% of players builds before the trial starts (BBQ, Ruin and Pop)

    I wish behaviour would do something about this extremely boring meta.

    I am well aware survivors have a meta as well, and I hate it.

    Things need to be mixed up.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Mrh. I don't mind going against Trapper. He's one of the killers I find most fun to play against.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    Nope, I used to be red ranks but now I try not to get that high up. It's not worth the longer wait times and facing the same build after build. Except now I'm in ranks that are predominant trappers, but at least queue times as survivor on PS4 aren't AS long at this rank. With the new ranking system, it might be harder to avoid red ranks if I only have to build up 4-5 levels instead of 10, but hopefully queue times won't suck so hard then.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    The tome challenges were really easy to do, and none of them required to go out of my way to sabotage the team. Datk sense one seemed pretty bullshit, but i got lucky with my first game, with a ghostface who really wanted to protect 1 generator, and kinda camped hooks, so i had 1 friend with me, and he played with the ghostface and kept him by the one gen that he hardcore targeted, and kept saving the two randoms, and with all the pop goes the weasel, and constantly dropping chases to go back to a gen, eventually i did like 4 gens by myself. But the trapper challenge is really easy, 4 traps is nothing, 1 more than the daily ritual for it. If you can't get it, or have to farm, then you aren't putting your traps in good spots. Plus, the tar bottle makes it crazy easy to get traps, they won't see the trap, they will just see the m1 bar if they move slow enough. The reason it's a specific character, is because it's lore for trapper, so you have to play trapper. The hardest challenge for me was the 2 flashlight blinds, because i kept getting billy 3 games in a row, so he'd chainsaw pallets.

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 767

    The most frustrating for me was ‘Unhook 15 survivors’ - sure you will get this over regular play eventually, but almost every game for the last few days has had 2 or 3 people ready to unhook the second someone is hooked, while the killer is still there, because everyone is desperate to finish the challenge at the cost of normal effective gameplay.

    I would prefer challenges that could be completed through normal gameplay, but not challenges that encourage poor gameplay and behaviour.

    If you could have more than 1 active challenge at a time it wouldn’t be so bad I don’t think; maybe 1 master challenge and 2 regular challenges? That way you could have for example ‘repair 15 gens’ and ‘unhook 15 survivors’ and you wouldn’t feel obliged to make bad plays just to work towards one or the other as you have a fall back if a challenge is ‘too crowded’ as in everyone seems to be trying for the same one at the same time.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    Well the unhooks do have to be safe ones. Thats there to stop players simply ripping people off the hooks regardless of the Killer camping or not.

    An interesting challenge would be "escape as Feng Min using only her three unique perks" as less than 0.0% of the player base has done that achieve.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    What could they do about it? It's just a fad, and without those perks for some people (I cannot live without Pop), playing Killer means constant de-pipping and getting gen rushed in 2 minutes.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Except Borrowed Time counts as a safe unhook, which is why irregular gameplay is still happening despite requiring "safe" unhooks.

  • Mrwood204
    Mrwood204 Member Posts: 226

    I cant tell if you're being sarcastic about the ming thing, or just talking about switch.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    No I was being factual, in the global stats for PC (my chosen platform) currently so few players have done it the global stats show it as 0.0%

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330

    Oof imagine not being a Trapper main.

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145

    best quest which never finished... almost all of them only this one

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    I actually got that one finally on my first try! I managed getting at least 6 survivors trapped. I am lower killer rank, so that may have helped.

    The last killer task I have to do is interrupting a Survivor, it's just random whether a Survivor will do that or not. I've been doing it when the task wasn't selected. 🤷‍♂️

  • Mrwood204
    Mrwood204 Member Posts: 226

    It helps if you have ghostface. It was the easiest challenge for me.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    I had just prestiged my trapper and didn't want to dump bloodpoints and time into releveling him at the moment. So I just initiated farming. Why are people crying about this? Just farm a match and get 4 survivors to step in your traps. Done.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Again, down someone, drop them at a gen, get the team to farm. Then grab someone off a gen and let them go. You guys are making this way harder than it needs to be.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    Sometimes you can't find teams to do this though...

  • Mrwood204
    Mrwood204 Member Posts: 226

    Dont really need a team though. Just one survivor will do, as long as they keep stelling in the traps.