Kindred Change

- "Kindred: When another Survivor is on the hook, see the aura of all other Survivors (and Killer if they are in range).
So now, instead of seeing the auras when YOU are in the hook, you see all the survivors and the killer when someone else is in the hook... But your other teammates don't...
This seems... Way worse.
Was there a problem with kindred before? I don't remember anyone complaining about it. It's a really a crap perk of you are swf, and only needed if you are solo and feels like a waste even then, since the other solo queue can't really communicate intentions well still.
I think I'd officially lose faith in this game if someone complained about kindred
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I'm pretty sure its both now though.
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Looks like a nerf.
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I'm pretty sure it's both now with the change.
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It’s a buff it’s pretty great for solo imo, I like it.
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Its both my dude.
1.Okay so Player A has kindred and gets hooked=Players B,C,D(who don't have kindred) can see each other and the killer if he is withing 12 meters of the hook
2.Player D gets hooked and does not have kindred= Player A can see other survivors auras and the killer if within 12 meters from the hook.
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As well as, not instead of.
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Did you guys even used it?
This effect was ADDED to this perk, NOT CHANGED.
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I use it in solo queue. My solo queue stack is nearly all "figure out where the others are". You get way more information. Bond helps me get gens done faster and I can tell if someone is in a chase