Just played legion after playing the other killers for a while.

Decided to take a break with legion and came back and realized just how behind legion is when it comes to other killers, other killers have their own way of dealing with survivors. The 2 chainsaw users every killer except legion can use noed michael has tier 3 oni has his thing. Legion...just kinda lacks any down potential because all his power really does is smack you and thats it i go to get the other survivor and the other surviors mended or healed by that point. And the other killers that dont have down potential have other things that make them good. Freddy puts people into the dream realm every 30 seconds which depending on the addon can be really good And can tp to gens. Trapper catches survivors in his traps then kinda just walks up to them and smacks them or has the addon. Huntress can snipe you and hag has her traps. Not to mention ff itself is kinda a joke like i miss or the power runs out im stunned for 4 seconds...are you serious on top of the already having to wait every 20 seconds for the power. I wasnt really that active when he was reworked so can someone let me know what they were trying to go for with him? Also any suggestions is appreciated on how to play him better hes definitely confusing.
Well he's getting some changes soon, he's going to be faster and he's not going to be able to use STBFL, Third Seal, Dark Devotion, etc with FF anymore and Mending will take less time.
I can't really give you any suggestions as the Devs don't know what they want from Legion and aren't really making things fair in the areas he needs it most.
Assuming you don't care about the changes and are just good at the game I will say this:
Legion is supposedly meant to slow down Survivors, Devs nerfed that part, so start the match using FF to distract and injure everyone, maybe bring in the new Mangled Pin as it's kind of fixed. If someone is injured don't use the power unless you want to ''distract'' them with DW and find someone else but be confident that you can get the down on the next person. Bring in Thana as that is more powerful than your ability for some reason to maximize how long you can stall Survivors. And that's basically it, pinball everyone if you know more than 1 person is nearby and if no one is then just strike them down normally.
Infectious Fright might still be a good perk to use on Legion, the idea is that when you down someone you can possibly ''distract'' the nearest person with DW while you hook the person on the ground; you have 12 seconds, 4 of those is your stun and the rest of that time is backtracking to your slug and then looking for your last dude who probably already Mended halfway to your slug.
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yeah i know they basically killed him for me because stbfl dark devotion and them made him decent and now when these all hit live hes dead as a doornail. Also doesnt doctor kinda do this job better than him considering doctor literally has a build that makes skillchecks almost impossible and all he has to do is go and walk around as you go insane..
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Here my thread of how they can fix them. I'm sure that would make legion a threat.
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it honestly would but idk if theyd admit they were wrong in removing ff as a basic attack so we will see because i hope they know what they did to him. like look at the forum for everyones opinion on worse killer and look whos probably like 80% of the list.
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Ruin, Sloppy, Thana, Dying Light, double cooldown addons.
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sloppy doesnt work have to be a basic attack they fixed that and the cooldowns are being adjusted to with the nerfs coming out i believe. Also thana sucks ngl.
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My honest opinion..
I really think they should put fast skill checks on mending.
Or maybe you can see their ura when unmending?
I don't know. Something really needs fixing there
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Even with legions new changes they are still one of the most powerful killers the game has. There is a way to play them that makes them very effective [almost broken]. You need to figure it out. Im a legion main, consistantly red rank, i don't know why players think they are weak.
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Probably because most aren't good with them and fail or escape them and feel it was easy.
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This post is hilarious
Legion is weak because they don't have a power, all they do is stab people and force them to heal, then are countered when people don't heal.
While other killers such as Spirit actually have a power
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I run stalling zone control build (Corrupt intervention , PGTW , Surge and BBQ(if you don't care about points you can put whispers)) . As for addons use anything you want since they don't do much anyway . This build work pretty well for me . Corrupt allows you to zone survivor towards your spawning position so you can have higher chances of injuring them all at the beginning of the match , surge + pop helps you with stopping gens (I find ruin unreliable) , and bbq/whispers gives you additional tracking .
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Gotta love the "I have the answer but won't say" kind of responses...
I am always amazed people actually say these unironically
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Having survivors at one shot state is not that bad actually . Not to mention killer instinct one of the best tracking abilities (I'm not joking) . People exaggerate too much about legion being powerless m1 killer , if killer's power doesn't down survivors in a few seconds it doesn't mean that it's useless power .
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i was gonna say im not red but im purple and legion just does nothing against good survivors EVEN LEATHERFACE who everyone calls pretty weak can at least down a person.
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debatable because sometimes ill smack a survivor and it doesnt show me like anything if it was whole map then maybe. Also hes meant to be a slowdown but pig and doctor do it better doctor walks around making your skillchecks impossible and driving you insane and pig just puts traps on your head you have to get rid of.
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Either you trolling or just very inexperience . Pig has to down survivor before she can put rbt , even then it's usefulness comes to rng . Doctor's skillchecks are usefull only against survivors who are bad at skillchecks (or survivors who experience frame drops against doctor) . So nah , you are very wrong .
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i run impossible skillcheck doctor and even in purple you hear gens explode a good bit. pig i have never leveled so idrk about her i just know she doctor and legion are the 3 slowdowns. I dont know the radius of FF but like i said sometimes i smack the survivor with it and no heartbeat. Use distressing and the addon that inreases TR along with the one which you give survivors more insanity when they are in the tr and your pretty set especially if you 3 gen patrol.
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only if your ruin/lullaby doesn't get broken in the first min of the match
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So true poor ruin.
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This is correct. Same for Pig's traps. People were not happy they weren't getting kills with them, but they're really meant to slow the game rather than secure kills.
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Yeah but she forces you to do something else legion just smacks your hand then runs away.
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The difference is, mending is very convenient to whenever the survivor wants to do it due to terror radius ect as well as soon taking just 12 seconds to mend. While Pig makes the survivors want to take the trap off as soon as possible so they can avoid getting killed by it due to multiple variables that could happen if the decided to take their sweet time with it.
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This legion originally was like "oh you have to heal or youll eventually go down" but that was a problem now its like "yeah your probably never gonna go down"
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For all the people saying that players are using Legion incorrectly... Make a guide.
I created a guide for Hag over a year ago explaining why she wasn't as bad as people said she was and it helped people understand how to use her.
Then she got a little buff which made her the decent killer she is today.
If you think we who think Legion sucks are playing him wrong or don't know how to use her effectively... make a video guide explaining it.
If you can't provide that kind of proof, people will continue to think Legion is a bad killer.
I personally think he's awful.
Change my mind.
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I feel like people say that because of him being bull last year they dont want him dominant again. Theres reds that say he sucks majorly.
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But with legion nobody heals anyway (especially when combined with DL and Sloppy) so you have really good generator slowdown.
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The amount of info feral frenzy is awesome. I main legion on PS4 and really like him (Frank baby) after getting better with FF hits. The PTB changes look good and am curious since I like bamboozle already on him. The big thing that stinks with him is that he’s very punishing for missed FF and his base power cooldown is rough if you can’t reach multiple targets and get the ball rolling. Maybe you only lose have your power gauge for missed FF so you don’t have to wait so long if you whiffed it at the start of a chase.
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Especially with latency and the amount of survivors who like to 360 you a 4 second stun is 1 second less then ds
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I'm just gonna try and make this short but why not reduce the fatigue cooldown to something like 3.5 seconds if you're gonna reduce the mend time from 15 to 12 seconds, if your power is gonna be less efficient at slowing them down why not just make the power feel less punishing to go into. It's one of the few killer powers in the game where it's not worth using half the time where as killers like Billy and Spirit for example really don't have to worry much about when they use their powers because it can be used either as an effective mobility tool and/or helps end chases. (I know Spirit is 110% thus needs a stronger ability but Billy is 115% like Legion)
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because where talking about legion here.
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I think legion's power needs some changes like the more you hit the better the reward is. Like if you hit 3 people in feral frenzy the 4th hit is an insta down or something like that. He needs something to down people
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I don't get why 2 smacks dont down really if you get smacked by any other killer like 2-3 times your downed. Some its one hit.
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Wait wait... His power is meant to slow the game down by having survivors mend....
But now you're nerfing the mend time.....
"BuT hIs aDDos are NOw toO sTronG iF wE doNt nErF MenDiNg"... So.. don't change his aDDos maybe???
Everyone is having a hard time to understand the brilliance behind this decision.
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and then they said in another forum that they didnt want to make nurse with a longer fatigue "because they didnt want to make the same mistake twice (obviously refrencing legions 4 second long fatigue)"
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I saw it
Somehow they are aware of their bullsht.. but unable to fix it.
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i just want to honestly know if they dont like legion because from what weve seen (Nerfing him when hes already the weakest killer knowing that the fatigue is to long and removing all his good synergies basically)
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"Stalling power"
Reduced mend time to 12 sec lol epic stall
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They wanted to delete him from the game without having to give a refund, so they just made him useless.