Just played legion after playing the other killers for a while.

supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,611
edited November 2019 in General Discussions

Decided to take a break with legion and came back and realized just how behind legion is when it comes to other killers, other killers have their own way of dealing with survivors. The 2 chainsaw users every killer except legion can use noed michael has tier 3 oni has his thing. Legion...just kinda lacks any down potential because all his power really does is smack you and thats it i go to get the other survivor and the other surviors mended or healed by that point. And the other killers that dont have down potential have other things that make them good. Freddy puts people into the dream realm every 30 seconds which depending on the addon can be really good And can tp to gens. Trapper catches survivors in his traps then kinda just walks up to them and smacks them or has the addon. Huntress can snipe you and hag has her traps. Not to mention ff itself is kinda a joke like i miss or the power runs out im stunned for 4 seconds...are you serious on top of the already having to wait every 20 seconds for the power. I wasnt really that active when he was reworked so can someone let me know what they were trying to go for with him? Also any suggestions is appreciated on how to play him better hes definitely confusing.

