besides dbd what other video games do y'all play

I've been playing Dying Light recently. It's awesome.
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Time for a super cop out answer, a lot, like, A LOT.
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Fallout 4
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The Outer Worlds. Currently on my supernova play through.
Also, I enjoy playing building games like Cities Skylines. Need to finish up my lake view mansion estates.
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I was playing Red Dead Redemption 2 religiously, but while waiting for the summer update, the game just got boring and stale. Two weeks after the summer update it got boring again! I am ranked 195 and nothing more to work towards in that game. I had to find something new to play in August, which is what led me to dead by daylight. I still get on it to play a couple of times a week, but it's really only to interact with some good friends I met while playing that game.
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Dying light, CoD, SoD2, Outlast, Prey, L4D2, L4D, BF1, I play alot of games that is not DBD
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Anything that isn't dbd.
Watch Dogs 2, Bf1, SCP:SL, other things.
Dbd is real stressful to play. And games are meant to relax in... Mostly, games has tourneys.
But I think dbd is lacking in the fun factor completely. Sure, fun for a few games, but then you start seeing the bad side of dbd.
Op perks, Survivor-sided gameplay, Little killers being viable, and virtually all the toxicity in *every game.* Seriously.
In a normal game that isn't dbd, you get Toxic ######### every few days or weeks.
This game has toxicity daily, and in nearly every trial, there is a toxic person, like everyone wants free will removed from killers.
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Mostly Paladins and occasionally Skyrim and Minecraft.
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The entire dank souls series, and World Of Warcraft.
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I play a lot of fallout 76, Overwatch & Viscera cleanup detail.
But DBD is my main game, it's relaxing to swf with my girlfriend.
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Black ops 3 zombie mode or World of Warcraft retail.
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Man, I have alot, and I mean alot...
I play alot of Minecraft, Rainbow Six Siege, Dying Light, Terraria, The Binding of Issac, Mother 3, A bunch of the Lego games (Lego Star Wars, Lego Batman, Lego Marvel, etc), Doom 2016 (and soon Doom Eternal), Friday The 13th, Crash N Sane Trilogy, and much more.
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Battlefront 2, God of War, Spiderman, Red dead redemption 2, and Cod Zombies.
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Borderlands , Borderlands 2, Borderlands The Pre-sequel and Borderlands 3. Yes, I am addicted to those games.
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Apex legends, Rainbow 6 Siege and overwatch (im into fps)
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Far Cry 3-5 (I'm Far Cry addicted), Red Dead Redemption 1+2, the Forest, Payday 2, Stardew Valley ^^, L4D 1+2, Dead Island, Dead Rising 3+4, Outlast 1 + DLC
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Milfy City
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I play overwatch and teamfortress 2
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Thank you for letting me know that you play TF2, you will like your wall for now on pootis
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oh well my name is a reference to a meme from tf2 so it could be easier to figure it out that way
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I know about the pootis heavy meme, but you are about to have a spy on that wall
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if you ever find me in tf2 I would like to know
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Okay, but it will a rare sight
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Overwatch... for the most part
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Star Wars: The Old Republic since 2015.
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I've been going back to Dark Souls 3 and Dark Souls 2 a lot recently.
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Rainbow Six Siege, GTA V, Battlefield V, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Friday the 13th, Gran Turismo Sport, Star Wars Battlefront 2
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I play a considerable amount of OW. Who do you main?
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Tank - RoadHog, Hammond, Zarya
DPS - Pretty much all of them but i play Mei & Ash the most.
Support - Lucio, Mercy, Ana
I have golden weapons for Ana & Ash so i play a lot of them just to flex lol.
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The Last Of Us
Days Gone
Resident Evil 2: Remake
Rise Of The Tomb Raider
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Tank: and Hog
(Main) DPS: Sombra mostly but some Tracer. I'm basically a mosquito when I play DPS.
Support: Experience tranquility.
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I play fighting games on the side, Street Fighter, Marvel Vs Capcom, Super Smash Bros, etc.
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Recently finished Death Stranding and I loved that and now I'm kinda in need of another story game to play.
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How about Smite? I only started playing it recently because of the new crossover with RWBY, and I started rewatching that series because of it. Fantastic show.
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DayZ, Minecraft or the Jak and Daxter series on my PS2
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When it comes to other online games, I normally play Paladins when DBD gets a bit stressful. When I'm too stressed for any online gaming, any horror game with a good story, Detention and Through the Woods are two personal favourites of mine.