New Event Idea: Make a Monster
This new mode, Make-a-Monster, is a mode where 4 survs fight a custom killer.
This killer isn't exactly custom, but it allows you to add powers from killers to other killers. Any add-ons for these powers can be used. The killer always looks like the base killer you used.
So, if you use killers, you have auto-access to any perk combos, and have a choice of what side powers go along with the killers main ability.
Say, your base is demogorgon, then you can doctor add-ons to make fake pallets within 40 meters of the UpsideDown Portals. You could use BBQ or Lullaby or any perks you wish.
This mode only lasts during different events, and you can save custom killers for when the mode returns.
On another note, the Survs are also aloud to access any perks they wish for the battle against the Make-A-Monsters...
What do you guys think?
It would be broken
It would be insane
It would be inane
It would overall be a really fun time if you like losing against busted things. And from my experience people don't like fun in their video games.
I mean imagine a Wraith with Freddy teleport or a Billy with Nurse Blink. That would be incredible to see.
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Very nice
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Lol... Honestly, looking back at this, i don't know what i was thing... Lol nice reply though
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Legion with a chainsaw looks cool
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Lol or Doctor with Demogorgon portals