

Oni Power, Buff, Nerf, or just right?

Member Posts: 73

Oni Power, Buff, Nerf, or just right? 118 votes

Buff him a lot, he is weak
2 votes
Buff him a bit
18 votes
He’s perfect the way he is
65 votes
Nerf him a bit, he’s a bit too strong
28 votes
Nerf him a lot, he’s way too op
5 votes

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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    He’s perfect the way he is

    He's currently a bit weaker than Billy, but he's also a bit easier to use than Billy. That puts him in a really nice spot. Keep him where he is.

    He also has quite a bit of counter play. He's loud, his ability is on a timer and it requires that the survivors are hurt for you to be able to take advantage of his power.

  • Member Posts: 2,948
    Buff him a bit

    He needs a little bit more basic speed, he just feels slow AH to play as when he's not using the dash ability, maybe make him be able to hit (no insta down) whyle dashing?

  • Member Posts: 118
    Buff him a bit

    A tiny buff with one of his perk blood echo's with tiers.

  • Member Posts: 234
    Nerf him a bit, he’s a bit too strong

    I played both as him and against him and have no doubt that he's a bit too strong, but hey, if most people think he's fine the way he is, I have no problem whatsoever playing as him every match and 3-4k every time lol

    See you in the fog ;)

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    Too early to decide

  • Member Posts: 2,317
    He’s perfect the way he is

    Here we go, now it doesn't have to get nerfed

  • Member Posts: 8,342
    He’s perfect the way he is

    Thanks for the poll, Goldilocks 😉

  • Member Posts: 13,036
    He’s perfect the way he is

    Meh, needs alot of Blood Orbs to get the power, but requires 3-2 hits with M1 to get it

    He is balanced completely fine

  • Member Posts: 3,145
    He’s perfect the way he is

    He's fun as hell and a slugging god. A menacing figure to be charging full speed into your face.

  • Member Posts: 158
    Buff him a bit

    I think it's too early to tell, but his lunge and movement speed seem a little clunky when turning, which could totally be intended but it just feels bad for the player. The blood orbs could also be buffed to be absorbed when walking so it's not so counterintuitive for some.

  • Member Posts: 31
    Nerf him a bit, he’s a bit too strong

    He is some strange mixture of really powerful but not too powerful. I think his power is bang on perfect. Though his access to it is a little too easy, is almost his default mode.

    Still though, too early to give a fair answer. Especially given that PTB is not an accurate test at all. When I've played against him the sound was all messed up and buggy, he barely had a terror radius that worked (luckily I had Spine Chill), so counter-play to him is a bit difficult to judge. I assume that playing as him also comes with a few expected PTB bugs too.

    In full release, once he's cleaned up, and we've seen more of him against a wider playerbase will be fairer to judge.

  • Member Posts: 31
    Nerf him a bit, he’s a bit too strong

    I'm sorry but I'm not sure you've seen how his how power works. It charges from hitting, yes. But he can also absorb these floating bubblely orbs of blood from a bleeding survivor that really ramp it up. One hit can give him his power really fast. One hit and a long chase can give it him, run out, and then give it to him again.

  • Member Posts: 13,036
    He’s perfect the way he is

    I do know what is power is, which is why I said he needs alot of blood orbs

  • Member Posts: 1,456
    Buff him a bit

    I don't like that jumping in a locker force him out of his power, other than that I think he's fine.

  • Member Posts: 31
    Nerf him a bit, he’s a bit too strong

    But you don't. It doesn't take a lot of blood orbs and doesn't take 2-3 hits as you said. In fact, you didn't even say anything about blood orbs and simply said that it takes too long to charge from 2-3 hits... Like, yeah, it takes a long time to charge from 2-3 hits because you're not supposed to charge from hits... A single hit usually gives enough blood to fully charge...

  • Member Posts: 13,036
    He’s perfect the way he is

    You read it wrong

    Here is a more descriptive way of me saying it

    It takes a lot of BloodOrbs to fully charge it on its own, or you could hit a healthy survivor 2-3 times

  • Member Posts: 42
    Nerf him a bit, he’s a bit too strong

    I’d say the one hit power is a LITTLE op just a little

  • Member Posts: 3,278
    He’s perfect the way he is

    Just judging on how he feels so far, I like him, though I wouldn't object at all to a few buffs. ;)

  • Member Posts: 6,807
    Buff him a bit

    He seems ok in terms of raw power, but they need to change him so he isn't forced to slug.

  • Member Posts: 6,807
    Buff him a bit

    He can already hit while dashing and it's the instant down.

  • Member Posts: 6,807
    Buff him a bit

    Specifically you can instantly cancel a Demon Dash with a Demon Strike.

  • Member Posts: 1,284

    I'm gonna say "change". He seems just too similar to Billy, in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 2,948
    Buff him a bit

    Yeah, but I meant without the insta down would be neat and not OP.

    What I'd do to him is:

    1° More basic speed... I feel him slow AH

    2° The dash attack doesn't insta down

    3° You can collect orbs to mantain your rage power activated WHYLE on rage mode

  • Member Posts: 2,948
    Buff him a bit

    I know he is 115% but he FEELS slow, I don't know if it's because of his size, but I really feel him as a slow basic movement killer. It's like freddy's reach, he's the same as other killers but it feels broken (I don't want him changed though)

  • Member Posts: 877

    Or wait until he's live and then make a judgement.

  • Member Posts: 31
    Nerf him a bit, he’s a bit too strong

    That's not a more descriptive way... That's you changing what you said... Like, seriously?

  • Member Posts: 2,117
    Nerf him a bit, he’s a bit too strong

    There are some serious issues thats needs to be fixed esp. hitboxes, his "Dash" thats not a dash but a "nothing can stop me"-run and the far to much blood orbs (or more the whole mechanic cause its a no brainer tracking ability).

  • Member Posts: 110
    Nerf him a bit, he’s a bit too strong

    You just feel slow, it's similar to when you turn your fov up in a game and you feel way faster. He's speeds fine he's 115 like every other killer and doesn't need to go any faster.

  • Member Posts: 110
    Nerf him a bit, he’s a bit too strong

    These are only first impressions obviously but I do think coming out of dash is too quick. Right now if your dashing towards a survivor and they have good movement and know how to dodge your dash flick combo it doesn't matter because you can come out of dash in half a second and just smack them down. It just feels like you could outplay him but it really doesn't matter in the end because of how fast he gets out of dash. Other than that I think he's perfect but maybe could use a buff that makes lockers not deplete your power cus that's really annoying.

  • Member Posts: 3,647
    He’s perfect the way he is

    I feel like he should stay as is.... bhvr out did themselves with this one.... locker cancelling is perfect tbh.... think about it.... 1 person is slugged and the onis is about to get you too... you jump in locker hes, forced to leave or cancel his power... I like it because it is counter with payment..

  • Member Posts: 284
    Nerf him a bit, he’s a bit too strong

    This is by far one of my favorite killers right now, but I feel like he's a little too strong in some aspects.

    The flick he can do when swinging his Demon Strike is a little nuts.

    I'm not saying it should be completely removed, but it needs toned down a bit.

    He should have some form of cooldown when coming out of the dash since he can just zoom around the map to insta down people with a longer than normal lunge.

    However, he shouldn't lose his Blood Fury when he picks up or pulls someone out of a locker. .

    Other than that I find him really fun to play as and it's an intense but fun experience to go against.

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    He’s perfect the way he is

    I think he's in a great spot as he currently stands. A tier with reasonable counterplay (drop pallets and heal).

  • Member Posts: 843
    He’s perfect the way he is

    6/15 killers have 1-hit capabilities, not counting the Oni and if you count the Trapper.

    That's a little more than 1/3 of killers able to one-shot you.

    Oni can't use the power at loops well, but can easily run down survivors going from loop to loop. As opposed to the Plague, who just needs to puke on you a bit then can one hit you, or Ghostface, who just has to look at you funny from a distance.

    That's not the mention the various perks that allow you to one-hit survivors. Make Your Choice, for example.

  • Member Posts: 651
    He’s perfect the way he is

    He seems like a very strong killer, but I don't think he is OP. Having strong killers is healthy for the game and there is no reason to nerf him unless there is consistent data he is over performing. People are still trying to figure him out and counterplay can take weeks to months to develop. I think minor tweaks are fine but please don't jump the gun and give him the old Freddy treatment.

  • Member Posts: 1,784
    Nerf him a bit, he’s a bit too strong

    Why in god's name has anyone picked 'buff him a bit'.

  • Member Posts: 634

    It's too soon to say for me. The only Oni-chans I faced were rank 20s, so I'm not sure what his actual potential is.

  • Member Posts: 1,599
    Nerf him a lot, he’s way too op

    He's got both chainsaw abilities at his disposal, free tracking on survivors, and a power that takes even an incompetent killer three hits to fill. Something's got to give.

    Two of the four is fine. Not all four. He's balanced at right above Billy - he's both easier overall and equally versatile.

  • Member Posts: 3,145
    He’s perfect the way he is

    Fair, but I think OP just wants early opinions. My opinion won't be set until a couple weeks after he's live.

  • Member Posts: 2,246
    Nerf him a lot, he’s way too op

    Will get nerfed sooner or later.

  • Member Posts: 1,862
    He’s perfect the way he is

    I'm liking the bell curve going on here with how the votes are turning out.

    Tbh Oni needs very few if any significant changes, and I'm more worried that they'll change him too much from the current PTB incarnation. I'd honestly rather wait until the mid-chapter patch to make any changes rather than make balance changes based off the PTB just to avoid knee jerk reactions.

    Some people think he shouldn't be slowed down when collecting blood or lose his entire power when picking up a survivor off the ground, but it is these specific mechanics that I think keep him fairly balanced. You take those away and people are liable to start shouting he's OP and cause him to get nerfed even harder

    He's also not the easiest to use in terms of movement, you actually kind of have to learn how to use the demon strike before being able to just one shot someone so I think this also contributes to the idea that he's pretty perfect the way he is right now.

  • Member Posts: 2
    Buff him a bit

    Buff his perks otherwise its good

  • Member Posts: 243
    He’s perfect the way he is

    Some of his abilities are hard to master, but he remains easier to play than Hillbilly. So far i would say he is perfect, then again with time perhaps we will find some flaws and ask for a nerf/buff!

  • Member Posts: 857

    He seems to be in a good place. But who knows with how backwards bhvr can be, everyone thought Plague was gonna be good too then they nerfed the ######### out of her on live and people eventually learned how to stomp her. now she's yikes..

    He seems strong in certain things, but he's also weak in certain ways. Seems like he'll be a bit strong on launch but it all depends on how well survivors can adapt to playing against him, if they can't then we're likely going to see more nerfs than the ones we're seeing people suggest right now.

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