How far is everyone in the rift

tier 50 I bought some tiers with the cells from the pass lol
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10 tiers away from being done but im tier 60
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43 with just the flashlight challenge left in tome 2.
I'm curious to know if they will provide percentages of how many completed each tome.
The further along these tomes go....I may even buy the pass if I'm close enough that I would get half of it back.
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I’m rank 38 and just about finished with lvl 2
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Finished it. I haven't payed for tiers.
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Wait how did u finish without paying did u just play a ton of games and earn the tiers passively?
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Tier 61, finished the second level of the Rift about two days after it came out.
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70 and all challenge done. No paid tiers.
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I had a headstart of ~30 tiers + I played quite a lot. I also finished both tomes.
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I dont think the rift is too hard.....yet. the only one I have left is the flashlight one and I'm just hoping for an afk killer at this point.
Grindy yes, hard, not yet. The tome is where most of my interest is, and it just happens to progress the rift, so its win win for me.
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Rank 41. Waiting for Tome 3.
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Tier 37 and counting!😎
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42 and waiting for the next level of tome 1.
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Finished all challenges so far and level 39
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Tier 30, almost done with level 2 of the tome. Havent been playing much because of work and school tho sadly
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Tier 36, been busy with school and haven't really had that much time to grind this life-consuming pass. Unfortunately.
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Tier 41 with one more challenges to complete. I feel like I'll make it to the end.
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60 so as long as I basically do the next level of the archives I'm pretty much guaranteed to complete the Rift
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Tier 7 baby 😎
I’ve missed so much from this game. 🙂
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Stopped trying after Tome I. The free rift isn't good enough to motivate me to do it and I don't want to pay for the premium one.
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Challenges of tome 2 done in 6 days, now rift 43-45 somewhere.
@beatddb Well, I just noticed that the free pass only has just one piece of x different outfits, so just killer weapons or the nurse head. This is really disappointing. I would hope they will add a whole set next time and x complete sets to the pay path. But probably they won't, as they wanna feed you, wanting to buy the pass for the whole set. Which is quite disappointing
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That's how the free tier works.
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Like 19 I think. Lol.
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26. Have like 6 challenges left. But they will stay there until the next chapter gets released. Extra bps.
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I just made it to Tier 20 early this morning, I'm sure I'll reach 25 in this gaming session tonight... probably.
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19 here. Its not going very well.
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Geez. I feel really behind. I was 18 earlier today and got up to 23 by doing some tome 2 challenges.
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Tier 10... working on 20 metals of gold or higher in the 2 tome
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Just hit tier 60.
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Tier 47 at the moment
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I can't remember the number, but the last reward I got was the first case of 50 auric cells, so like tier 40ish. I stopped playing for a while after completing tome 1. Just came back a little less than a week ago.
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almost complete. just this last mission legendary super almost impossible insane very hard quest
tier 43 now the rift
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Tier 31, still a few mission have yet completed for level 2.
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Around tier 20 :')
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tier 32. and i've done ALL the challenges, so you know its rediculous the grind. the xp you get for a single fragment (you need 10) to tier up. it's just too much.
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How is everyone so far along? I play almost daily and I'm only tier 27. Is there a faster way to tier up?
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Everyone who's above level 30 has almost certainly been doing every single Tome challenge. That's the fastest way to get Rift Fragments.
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Dbd was keeping track of your games when the Archives were sopost to come out in October. I got a head start of 10 or 12 tiers.
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Tier 41 or 42, can't remember which :p and I have the Trapper challenge and the 200k BP challenge left in Chapter 2
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Tier 62 and only need 2 more challenges in tome 2 c:
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Tier 37 with only the Enlightened challenge left to do. I probably won't do it any time soon because it annoys me.
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I dont play killer so I been buying a few tiers when I can to move me along. To me paying a buck or playing 16 games (400 exp each match X 16 is 8000 exp = one tier) is a choice I make. I will note the free track has very little left after Tier 50, whereas the paid track as a lot more items.
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I'm at 36. I'm just doing 20 lvls per tome.
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I forgot what level in the rift but I have four to do in the first tier and 1 to do in the second tier