PS4 Optimization

Lately the menus on PS4 have been extremely horrible. Some of the worst I’ve seen in a year. It skips frames when switching killers or survivors and sometimes takes a while to leave the end game score menu. Some games have been dropping frames compared to before.
And during lobby's while waiting for everyone to ready up, frames are horrible and take awhile for the texture to load in
"We are working to optimize the game for this road map" near halfway into this road map and yet nothing is done on console, pretty good job so far devs
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ik on xbox frames are horrible
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Even as simple as moving your cursor around causes frames to drop, devs promised like what? About 6 months ago that they were gonna optimize console and all they did is just lower texture quality? So lazy.
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Just noticed infectious fright causes severe frame drops when it shows the survivors location bubble.
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The game is just not getting any optimization. You can watch the performance getting worse with each update, at least on PS4.
That's the one thing that makes me less eager to get the next update: From experience, we can expect the performance to get even worse after the Oni-chapter goes live. :/
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you think its bad on ps4 try xbox man its bad. the waiting queue is a nightmare just waited an hour and half for one match just now, and the lag is insane nothing worse than working on a gen and get hit with a lag spike and miss a check mark :(
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Tell me about it, usually after someone getting hooked or when someone gets hit or someone gets hooked and a debuff takes place, I get a skill check and everything freezes and then when it unfreezes the arrow is already way past the area to hit a skill check and yeah...not fun
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Last year in December they announce "Dedicated servers in Summer with the dedicated servers"
Summer is over and we are not getting nothing, just cheaper excuses and a new dlc guys!!!
Yeah the new dlc's are more important than the health of our consoles and pc. I notice my ps4 just wants to die when i open dbd and im not the only one who have notice this.
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Other thing as well that I notices, whenever I play other games, my PS4 is quite and sounds like it is running well, yet when it comes to DBD im guessing the fan or something started to kick in and my PS4 get louder and not sounding like its running well.
Devs, your game could be damaging peoples console, but oh well, add more unneeded cosmetics n such, overload my PS4 even more.
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In September 2018 they said that console would be optimized that December.
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You think it's bad on ps4!? You need to see my 15 fps when I play on my pc!
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He's just trying to learn to fly. Totally normal...XD
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My game runs pretty smooth overall on Xbox. Menus can be slow but in game is like butter, outside of the rare bloodlust/exhastion perk frame stutters. If your frames drop, you might want to restart the game every few matches. I think there was a mention of a memory leak a while back that can slow things down with subsequent games. Not sure if this was fixed.
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Idk how they manage to make the game run worse with every update. Right now it's so bad that PS4/Xbox only get 5-10 fps in the lobby (i mean #########? How can a lobby be so laggy). Battlefield 1 and V run much better on console and they have 64 players, huge maps, a lot of destruction and great effects. This is unacceptable!
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That's also a Triple A game from a Triple A developer for a Triple A franchise with a budget that goes into the tens of millions.
Not really that fair of a comparison dude...
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A couple of PS4 bugs I have been having for several weeks
1)After every single match I get the error pop up that I have been disconnected from the server and everything locks up. i This always happens before scores are displayed. Usually it doesn't last long. Occasionally it lasts as long as 30 to 45 seconds.
2) After the scores load and I triangle back to the campfire to start a new match I get "an unknown error has occurred". At that point I get taken back to the screen to choose whether I want to play as a killer or survivor. Both of these happen after every single match.
While neither take much time and the annoyance factor isn't significant I thought I would go ahead and mention it since there is a thread going about PS4 issues.
I have deleted and reinstalled a couple of times just to make sure and it hasn't helped.
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Devs should really priorize the optimization.
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Whenever I hit someone while in shroud it seems like the frames drop incredibly... this again happens mainly on disturbed ward and badham.
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Happened to me like 80% of my games yesterday on PS4.
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When they were making progress with optimization I hated Badham because it was one of the maps that had bad frames compared to the rest. Now it’s most of the maps that are as bad. The good maps that ran smooth like autohaven, Macmillan, coldwind farms are now worse than before.
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@Spirez oh I agree things have gotten worse across the game... it's just I have noticed that I have noticed disturbed ward and badham are the absolute worst out of the all the maps... especially when playing demogorgon... everything is just so blurry whenever I open the mouth... I stopped playing it..
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I remember that. Funny how the menus actually used to be smoother back then.
At least Wraith can't destroy the in-game framerate/actually forcefully DC people by just equipping the Seeping Hollow Cosmetic and running Sloppy Butcher anymore though.
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Are we just gonna ignore how bad the graphics are right now on top of the poor Performance, Bad Balancing and Frame Drops.
The Character Models used to look decent (at least compared to now) but then with the Plague Chapter the Graphics turned to sh*t. They got a little bit better with the recent update but holy sh*t are the frame drops ever more present.
although the poor balancing is still pissing me off the most.
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Is that why the game freezes for a few seconds when I select wraith.
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Honestly at this point I just want smooth frames to get skill checks without frames freezing. Even if it means bad graphics. But at this point it’s bad graphics and even worse frames.
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This is the sad thing, that we have been patiently waiting such a long time for the promises to be fulfilled; but still no better and actually worse in lots of ways - meanwhile lots of less significant changes were made and even a Switch release before they get the current console releases running reasonably well.
No way I would touch the Switch version with the more powerful consoles struggling as much as they are.
The PS4 fan sounding like a jet engine has been a known problem since console launch and reported regularly on the Tech Issues forum. The title screen frame rate is uncapped and frequently causes problems when even more technically demanding games are being played.
Seems like an easy fix would be to cap the frame rate for that issue but still nothing has changed.
Console killers in particular I feel are the lowest priority out of everything and have always felt rough as hell.
I wonder if with the next gen consoles being announced they have given up on us :(
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I didn’t know it was this bad on console, and here I thought PC was bad. After they release the Oni chapter, they really need to stop working on anything else and just optimize the game for console and get rid of as many of the bugs as they can for all versions of the game.
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It's really on any killers, and happens pretty often, you find someone, you get close to them, and then you try to land your first hit but the game ends up freezing for a second and you miss your hit which is really bs and cost you a lot.
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This is very true when I play any other game on PS4 the fan on the ps4 is very quiet but as soon as I boot up DBD my PS4 sounds like a airplane taking off.
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I have a ps4 pro and it recently started doing it a few updates ago.
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Yeah for some reason the game has a lot of trouble loading Wraith on PS4. Especially if he's wearing the full Seeping Hollow outfit.
It used to be REALLY bad in-game, but it's gotten better and now it mostly only happens in the menus or on Killer-side when you uncloak.
The issue I'm talking about though was back when Sloppy Butcher caused Survivors to constantly spurt blood for the rest of the game after they were hit once.
Uncloaking with even two Survivors like that would basically freeze the game for everyone playing, doing it with all four spurting and the Seeping Hallow outfit on turned it into a slide show and lcould crash the game.
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So true... I'm sorta excited to see players on PC mentioning that they are getting better frames on the PTB... Hopefully this is a sign that console is going to be getting a bunch of love with this update.
I really wanna get a switch but.............. If PS4 is in this sort of condition what I am to expect with the switch!
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@Peanits Any update on this?
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You would be the luckiest person if you got one of them to comment on an optimize subject thread, especially for Console
I've noticed that as well and I'm giving in some hope
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We should be getting an optimization update for the game on the next chapter update. Not sure how significant it is but at least we're getting something now.
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Lol, you can even get kicked out back to the main menu if you switch characters too fast now. It's so bad.
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All I've heard so far was just increase sensitivity, which is nice but that won't really do much if frames get in the way with having high sensitivity and that is not a good combination. I fear with all the added effects The Oni has, could just cause more frame problems if no proper optimization comes with this.
That bad? Big yikes
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Yeah, lol, got an error(I clicked through it so I don't remember exactly what it was, probably "An unexpected error has occurred") from switching chars 3 times in succession
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I've been getting that as well quite a few times. After leaving a match it sends me back to main menu with "unexpected error" message, same when failing to connect to a lobby(worse case I do connect to one but as it is loading to the live lobby is sends me back to main menu instead) or even just searching for a lobby
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Honestly I don’t care how small it is. Anything is better than what we have now.