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I HATE immersed players

Why are you urban evading the corner of the map?

Why are you crouching over there instead of pulling me off this hook?

Why are you crouching over there instead of healing me?

Why are you crouching over there instead of doing this gen?

Why do you not want to PLAY THE GAME?

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  • Member Posts: 528

    Exactly! How do these people get to red ranks is beyond me. Stealthy play all game to me, has very little room in DbD.

  • Member Posts: 135

    My guess, he usually plays a part of a swf and wasn't used to solo que, he certainly got no bp for the match.

  • Member Posts: 226

    What's an "immersed" player?

  • Member Posts: 528

    Read the post. Someone who hides anytime they hear a terror radius, basically.

  • Member Posts: 226

    What am I supposed to do when I hear the terror radius?

  • Member Posts: 528

    There's a difference between hiding on the off chance you won't be seen and literally going out of your way every single time to avoid being chased. And then also not doing anything useful even while someone ELSE is being chased because you're.. scared? Dumb? Idk.

  • Member Posts: 452

    Assuming your post isn't sarcasm, I would suggest stealthing until you figure out what the killer is up to. If they are chasing another survivor you can work on a nearby gen but keep an eye on the chase in case the killer puts their sights on you.

    When I was new I would panic as soon as I heard the heartbeat and would often end up catching the attention of the killer. Or I would completely hide but end up with hardly any bp at the end of the match. I found Premonition really helped me figure out what I could successful pull off inside the Terror Radius.

  • Member Posts: 5,613

    I hate this so much because there were 2 survivors doing this to me theyd crouch with urban evasion and walk around and hide in a locker or something everytime i came around. Finally found one hooked him and bbq revealed the other and ive never been so happy to have a game done. They basically said "you killed the other 2 so we just decided to waste your time for 20 minutes because we cant complete 3 gens on our own"

  • Member Posts: 330

    I be honest and say I'm more of a stealth survivor than a survivor that endures chases (because I suck at jukes) but I'm NOT an immersed survivor. I don't know how many times I was accused of that. I try to do the objective, get unhooks, and actually help my team. There's a difference between an immersed survivor and a stealthy survivor. I remember I once tried to be immersed because I saw people do it, most boring thing in my life I cant be that stealthy to the point I'm doing pretty much nothing.

  • Member Posts: 528

    No. Being immersed and still doing stuff is fine. I'm talking about the ones who are too scared to even leave the corner of the map.

    But also, why? How is that fun? I would get bored with survivor even faster than I do now.

  • Member Posts: 528

    Then you're literally useless. You contribute nothing to the 'team'.

  • Member Posts: 528

    Also going down does not equal being bad at chases. Even no0b3 and whoever else go down. Bad bait.

  • Member Posts: 651

    The people who play immersed probably don't understand there is only one killer that can be in one place at one time.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    man when I see teammates urban evading up to my hook I yell at my TV screen

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    I wouldn't call myself immersed, but I'm no runner. Stealth seems like just a viable option then, so I learned how to hide as killers walk past/around and get fed up to leave. No Urban and no corners.

    I just wait for you to leave, then go back to a generator. Or possibly healing someone.

    Even the rare Helpful Non-P3 Blendette? The one that did that generator you swear you kicked 30 seconds ago?

    ShOuLd HaVe BeEn RuNnInG wHiSpErS.

  • Member Posts: 927

    God forbid people play a survival horror game as if it were actually a survival horror game.

  • Member Posts: 528

    They can definitely play like that. Im talking about the ones who don't leave one corner of the map because they're too scared to move.

  • Member Posts: 34

    If you believe not helping the team helps you, by all means keep doing it. Never seen anyone one in any team based game DBD or otherwise win alone. Keep thinking about yourself and you will stay a rank 21 forever.

  • Member Posts: 1,623

    Inmersed or useless? I am an inmersed survivor. I like the feeling when I rescue someone from the hook even if I am in the hook after that. I like the feeling when I receive a hit for another survivor that is being tunneled. I like the anxiety when I jump in a locker and the killer starts opening them, and I think "please don't open this locker". I like when I see teamwork and not a survivor who just loop/juke the killer for 5 gens (there are some people that think they are too great for doing that and thinks they can command another people in the pre-chat and maybe trash talking them for not doing as he "commanded"). I like the feeling of anxiety when I am in the hook and it's the endgame Will they save me? Will they leave me to die? So, a claudette with urban evasion crouching in the corners of the map is not an "inmersed survivor".

  • Member Posts: 927

    Ah, okay. Those could just be cowards, then. I kinda like playing immersed. I don't have urban evasion, though, so I tend to quit because of how long it takes to get anywhere.

  • Member Posts: 128

    I mean, I’m “immersed” when I want to be but I actually get stuff done. I cleanse every totem with Small Game. I hide when my Spine Chill goes off and then go right back to the gen I was working on.

    But then I’ll also stick to a that’s about to be finished even if it costs me a hit. If I get bored at only doing gens I get the Killer’s attention and loop them.

    But yeah most immersed players are the most brain dead idiots to exist. One game on Ormond we partially three gen’d ourselves and my two immersed “teammates” decided to either hide in a locker or try to go back to the EXACT SAME GEN I was continuously going back and forth repairing while Ghostface was patrolling instead of working on the other 2 gens that existed, including one in the Killer Shack that was far enough away to get positive repair work done even if GF kept destroying it. Purple Ranks btw.

  • Member Posts: 1,711

    When I start the trial next to a mate and the first thing he does is crouching and urban evading to a gen.. Then I already know it's going to be a garbage team mate most likely.

  • Member Posts: 142

    to Anyone is this discussion,

    don’t have these thoughts on all immersive players because most end up helping the team a lot. Especially towards end game if they have to take hits and go on the hook to save someone on dead hook, and since they’ve been immersed and never caught it’s their first hook. And they also mainly do the objective, unless they are just urban IMG around, but I myself am a immersive player but I’m mainly there to get my team to escape.

    sorry if that made no sense but I’m tryna type fast 😅

  • Member Posts: 19

    The problem with immersed players is that it puts an extra burden on the other survivors. Now three survivors have to deal with the chases that should be spread out over four of them, which means someone ends up getting three-hooked much quicker than they would have been if the fourth survivor would have been willing to take a chase instead of urbaning around the map.

    Being immersed doesn't really help the team. If this were a 1v1 game I could see it, but it's not. It's a 4v1 game. Every second that you aren't in a chase you should be on a gen, except in edge cases. Anything else is just poor time managment and a lopsided spread of burden among the survivors, IMO.

  • Member Posts: 8,904

    I think the problem isnt so much immersed players, but rather unproductive players. It sucks to see someone retreat to a bush everytime they hear the TR, but the doesnt mean every player that becomes a ninja with stealth perks cant also be the one busting out half the gens, or go for unhooks. While it's true that looping a killer can waste alot of their time, its also true that causing a killer to fruitlessly search an area trying to find the guy that was JUST on this 90% gen while you give em the slip.

  • Member Posts: 142

    I sincerely agree with this. It isn’t the immersive players, it’s the unproductive ones that cause the game to fall. And some immersive players (like myself) can and will be caught sometimes. And when we do, we sure can loop them for a good few minutes. My last match I looped the killer for the last three gens (I did the first two) and lost him since another survivor took him off my back and I ended up opening the door and we all escaped (the reason I last for three gems was mainly because I had the new insta heal that caused the BT status affect)

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited November 2019

    I play stealth and I can make the killer waste a ton of time just by having him searching every nook and cranny trying to find the guy who keeps taping the gen he just kicked 10 seconds ago and has been doing it for the last 60 seconds.

    Also stealth frustrates killers, frustrated killers make more mistakes and put less map pressure.

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  • Member Posts: 5,897

    There's smart immersion and dumb immersion. The OP listed the dumb ones. I know personally I'm not very good at chases. So I try to avoid them. But I'm also the person who will die to get the others out.

  • Member Posts: 8,904
    edited November 2019

    That immersed player is wasting the killer's time by having them search for them. On the other side of that, the guy who got caught looping is using up his own teammates time by having to go for the rescue. If I can frustrate the killer by forcing him to search every nook and crany for the guy about to finish the gen in this location WITHOUT wasting my teammate's time by forcing them to come save me...shouldnt that be preferred? Me not getting hooked doesnt mean my teammates will get hooked more often.

  • Member Posts: 3,104

    I often run bond and whenever i come across one of these players who have not done anything in 5+ minutes i get the killer to chase or follow me to them and most of the time the killer actually will either follow me without hitting me or chase me and then as soon as they see the immersed player they go for them. sounds scummy but when you realize that player has had a pretty boring game so far its only nice and considerate to get them some action with the killer.

  • Yeah, how dare they play like it's an actual horror game. Nerds

  • Member Posts: 321

    I had to force myself to stop being a stealth survivor. I used to always run Urban Evasion and play stealthy. And then I realized that I'm never going to be able to get good at running the killer if I continue to play stealthy. It was definitely a struggle at first, and I'm still not a great survivor player, but I get so many more bloodpoints than I did before. I can consistently get 4 stacks of WGLF each game, and I definitely feel confident looping the killer at certain structures now.

    It's annoying and boring to play with and against Iron Will, Urban Evading Blendettes. I've noticed high rank players don't even make an attempt to be stealthy and thats why Ruin is seen as necessary on some killers. You will get gen rushed right in front of your face when nobody attempts to hide. One issue I hate as survivor is when an immersed person saved you from hook, they hide when the killer comes back and i'm left there loud as ######### because im injured so I just get back into the chase. The healthy person who saved you should take the aggro from the killer instead of just leaving you to get hooked again.

    I actually do run Whispers on every killer lol. I hate playing without it. And yes, mori EVERY Blendette. Not every Claudette, though. Throw any shirt on Claudette that isn't blendy, and you're good to go in my book.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    I say "Blendette" but I'm really not. Well, not the immersive kind. I just use her defaults because the only cosmetic I've purchased for anyone is the black leather Pig outfit because bright red is super obvious.

  • It's not a killer's job to make the match more survivable for the survivors, and it's not a survivor's job to be more visible or interactive for the killer or other survivors so they feel good about their teammates in whatever arbitrary laundry list of standards they expect them to operate within.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    Not all immersed players are useless. There are plenty of immersed players who still do gens, save people on the hook and that can actually loop well. Immersed players get so much unneccessary hate. The immersed players who literally do nothing are terrible teammates but it's not all immersed players.

  • Member Posts: 69

    My opinion is that immersion isn't the spawn of Satan, but people do it wrong. They're TOO sneaky and scared, it gets people killed.

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