Which killer perk idea would you choose?

I know we just got some new perks for the recent killer but some of them aren't great. But not focusing on that, I'm curious on which of these perk ideas would you want for DBD?
Which killer perk idea would you choose? 37 votes
Killing Veil - Survivors who enter the basement become Oblivious and Exposed while in the basement and for an extra 10 / 20 / 30 seconds after leaving. If a survivor enters the basement while you are in it, this perk does not apply to them.
You're kidding, right?
This + Territorial Imperative, no question.
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Odd One Out is outrageous, Despair is weak, mega weak, Jinx's penalties are useless, Killing Veil is good, Rage is messy, Death's Leash won't be useful at all, beginner perk at best, cool down unnecessary, Execution's Blindfold is good but check the time it takes for survivors to enter from each stage to the next.
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Killing Veil - Survivors who enter the basement become Oblivious and Exposed while in the basement and for an extra 10 / 20 / 30 seconds after leaving. If a survivor enters the basement while you are in it, this perk does not apply to them.
Laughs in Basement Trapper*
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None. Mostly for the same reasons ShrekIsHot listed above.
I do like the idea of some negative effects applied on survivors who scare crows, though... it's just that luck doesn't meant squat as of now, and aura reading is very situational.
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Killing Veil - Survivors who enter the basement become Oblivious and Exposed while in the basement and for an extra 10 / 20 / 30 seconds after leaving. If a survivor enters the basement while you are in it, this perk does not apply to them.
Such a good idea
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Rage - When you are stunned by a pallet or locker, you receive a token. When you have 5 / 4 / 3 tokens this perk becomes active. While this perk is active: The next healthy survivor you basic hit becomes broken until hooked. If you hit a broken survivor while this perk is active, they become broken for the rest of the trial.
Rage is like the only perk I see to have potential. I like the idea of having a perk work with the broken status effect. Though having to be stunned 3 times just to be able to give one survivor the broken status effect is too much of a condition.
Odd One Out sounds way too op and no fun to go against, Killing Veil might not be op but still really frustrating to deal with, since basement is already strong enough.
And the other 4 perks just seem almost useless. Especially Death's Lash and Jinx.
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Odd One Out - You become Obsessed with one survivor. Your Obsession becomes exposed throughout the trial. However, you cannot see your Obsession's aura and they receive 50% more bloodpoints in all categories. When your obsession is sacrificed or killed, one random survivor becomes your obsession after 120 / 100 / 80 seconds.
I apologise, I got too into reading the options and forgot the question was which perk we would like to see implemented into the game, not which perk we would personally choose for a loadout if all of them were available. I wouldn't like Odd One Out actually implemented into the game as it's way too strong and encourages tunnelling.
Execution's blindfold would be fairly useless, considering people would still see the notification bubble, and they would also have a general idea of where someone was hooked based on where they got downed. It would be particularly worthless against SWF.
Despair reminds me of old Dying Light, but worse. If the penalty were way higher, like 80%, then it might be an okay perk.
Rage would be an alright perk, if it weren't for the fact that the tokens are far too difficult to get for the payoff of making someone unhealable who is already injured just on the offchance that the chase is broken, which isn't extremely common once the survivor is injured. Speaking of broken, the secondary effect is way too powerful. You could build up two tokens, hit a survivor once to break them, and then hit them again to down them and make them permanently broken.
Killing Veil is way too powerful, especially combined with Territorial Imperative as Boss mentioned. Oblivious and Exposed is too much. Pick one, and it might be a more balanced perk.
Death's Leash is a bit too situational for not a good enough payoff. The cooldown is unnecessary, since survivors escaping your grasp doesn't happen too often anyway. It also encourages tunnelling, which in my opinion is bad for the game. (Not that it isn't a good and perfectly valid tactic, but I don't think we should go out of our way to encourage tactics which make the game much less fun for other players.)
Jinx is objectively terrible. It affects two things that no one really cares about - aura reading, and luck. If it afflicted them with blindness, or at least reduced aura reading by 30-50 metres, then it might be okay.
As I already mentioned, Odd One Out is way too strong, especially considering that it automatically switches your obsession after the first one dies. Who cares if they get bonus bloodpoints if they're just going to get tunnelled out of the game before they have a chance to earn any? Not being able to see your obsession's aura is also not enough of a downside, since most hits aren't achieved by being able to see auras anyway.
If I had to pick one to implement as-is, I would probably say Death's Leash, as it's the most balanced. But if I could make changes to them, I would choose Killing Veil, but remove one of the status effects.
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Odd One Out - You become Obsessed with one survivor. Your Obsession becomes exposed throughout the trial. However, you cannot see your Obsession's aura and they receive 50% more bloodpoints in all categories. When your obsession is sacrificed or killed, one random survivor becomes your obsession after 120 / 100 / 80 seconds.
That is stupidly strong with Furtive Chase.
Also, I think Despair should integrate with Thanataphobia.
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Odd One Out - You become Obsessed with one survivor. Your Obsession becomes exposed throughout the trial. However, you cannot see your Obsession's aura and they receive 50% more bloodpoints in all categories. When your obsession is sacrificed or killed, one random survivor becomes your obsession after 120 / 100 / 80 seconds.
That's why you'd run Furtive Chase with Odd One Out. No more tunneling.
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Odd One Out - You become Obsessed with one survivor. Your Obsession becomes exposed throughout the trial. However, you cannot see your Obsession's aura and they receive 50% more bloodpoints in all categories. When your obsession is sacrificed or killed, one random survivor becomes your obsession after 120 / 100 / 80 seconds.
No more tunnelling, but an even more powerful perk.
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Odd One Out - You become Obsessed with one survivor. Your Obsession becomes exposed throughout the trial. However, you cannot see your Obsession's aura and they receive 50% more bloodpoints in all categories. When your obsession is sacrificed or killed, one random survivor becomes your obsession after 120 / 100 / 80 seconds.
Exactly! : D
It's even better than Obsession T3 Myers!
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Death's Leash- When a survivor escapes your grasp, they become have their aura reveled for 4 / 6 / 8 seconds. This perk then goes on cooldown for 60 seconds.
Jinx, Executioner's Hood, Despaire and Death's Leash are all pretty cool with some slight changes to make them work with the full mechanics and of the game the perks already there.
The others are way too powerful... And broken in other ways that make them useless.
I don't know, not many of these seem too well thought out. Hell, Rage practically counters itself except for its secondary effect which is way too powerful. Bizarre mix of too weak and too strong that just makes them out of place and crappy.
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Despair - When a survivor is sacrificed or killed, all survivor receive a 5% / 10% / 15% repair and healing speed penalties for 30 seconds.
Execution's Blindfold is countered by SWF, so into the trash it goes.
Despair is good.
Rage is okay, but but could use a little tweaking. Maybe make it take less tokens to active, but remove the perma-broken effect.
Killing Veil is way too easy to exploit. You stick a single Survivor in the basement with Agitation and its GG.
Death's Leash is straight up trash. It needs to last way, way, way longer and maybe have a secondary effect to even be worth considering.
Jinx's effect is awful, but I really like the idea of having more perks that trigger off Crows, the last one we got was Spies From The Shadows which was nearly 3 and half years ago, when the game first came out, and we never got another crow perk since.
Odd One Out is broken.
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None of these. Half of the perks are stupidly strong (depending on what other perks you use with it) and the other half is stupidly weak.
You might be on to something, but these perks will need a lot of adjustments.
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Execution's Blindfold - Hooked survivors don't have their aura reveled for 10 / 20 / 30 seconds. Hooked survivors also receive blindness until unhooked.
Honestly, I really like all of these, except for Despair. It's a nice idea but that little of an effect for only for 30 seconds? That's a bit underwhelming for killing or sacrificing a whole survivor
Jinx would also need a buff because I think those status effects really aren't all that impactful. I think Luck just generally needs a rework to be more comprehensive and have more of an impact, I really like the idea of the Luck status effect it just needs to be better.
Aside from that, these are all epic ideas that I could see definitely making it in game.