Help Me, Help You, Help Everyone. Collecting Data

Recently I made a post asking if certain data could be released to everyone showing stuff like Most picked Killer, Most Picked Perk, etc. (Post at bottom of paragraph.) In the post the question was asked "What data should be presented?" Many people were asking about top killers by ranks and stuff like that so I thought I could somewhat make a graph/table showing what was requested. This is where I need everyone's help in collecting the data for this because if I were to do it alone it would take forever.
The reason I want to do this is so that the devs can see that this is something that will benefit the community in deciding what truly is in need of a Nerf or buff.
To help share data you can do this after each match just take note of things and share them in a comment. The things needed are:
Your Platform,
The Killer's Rank,
The Perks the Killer used,
The Add-ons the Killer Used,
How Many Kills the Killer Got (All kills Count, Bleeding to death, Mori, Sacrifice, Reverse Bear Trap, etc. The only thing that won't count as a kill are DC),
As well as if any survivors DC'd.
It would be really helpful and won't take that much time. To make this efficient and not last forever I'm only going to be collecting data until December 2nd.
Please take note that I will mainly focus on the killers this time maybe i'll do a survivor perk one later. I will also not be including Oni into this being as he is brand new and not officially released yet. Thanks
- the original post I made about this idea
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I'm not home right now, but when I can I'll edit with results. Do you have a spreadsheet you're putting all the data in?
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Yeah I'm writing it all down and I'm going to put it in a spreadsheet later on. I'm just going to see how this idea takes off before I put to much work into it
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I love this idea and the effort you’re willing to put into this, but I don’t see people coming in here and posting their bad games, so the data collected wouldn’t be correct
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I'd love to but server issues rn make it impossible; I'll edit my comment with results if I find the time to play.
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There's always the possibility that people will only put their good games but it's encouraged that you put the bad games to because it will give a more realistic. I probably forgot to mention that you can give this data both as a killer and Survivor
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Rank 1
PGTW, Ruin, BBQ and M&A
Rin's Broken Watch and Kaiun Talisman
4 killed on Fractured Cowshed
0 DC'd
Rank 1
Franklin's, Ruin, BBQ and PGTW
Stolen Sketch Book and Scratched Ruler
0 killed on Crotus Prenn Aslyum
0 DC'd
Rank 1
Mad Grit, PGTW, Ruin, BBQ
Scratched Ruler and Stolen Sketch Book
4 killed on The Game (4 gens left)
0 DC'd
Rank 1
The Pig
Face Mask and Rusty Attachments
2 killed on Rotten Fields (5 gens left)
2 DC'd
Rank 1
Thrilling Tremors, PGTW, Brutal Strength and Ruin
Outdoor Rope and Prototype Claws
0 killed on Haddonfield (5 gens left)
4 DC'd
Post edited by Pulsar on0 -
If I'm not mistaken they have fixed the issue.
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Thanks for your help