BHVR doesnt care about console players

I have been playing DBD since August of 2018. I really really love this game. however, what I fail to understand is why BHVR has yet to update the optimization on consoles.
I also do not understand why we do not have the option to change our sensitivity....
also as of 1:30am central time us November 25th 2019 the playstation servers are still down. not only did they go down when all the other platforms went down, but they went down again around 11 PM central time. and BHVR has yet to comment about it....
TL:DR: I really love this game but wish that bhvr would pay more attention to console players.
I agree that they work hard , but I and I'm sure many many other console players would like to be given the same love as PC players. We aren't even getting DC penalties , only PC is.
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They also get to test out new killers and perks earlier than console players (PTB ) and they got bill as a exclusive for a long time
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I dont remember them ever mentioning consoles getting dedicated servers ....
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I played this game on console back in mid 2017. You should have seen how bad it was then.
Now I play on PC. And to be fair, the game has improved quite a bit on console since the early days (I know this because I still check occasionally).
Not to mention, the devs are giving away a bunch of free cosmetics to all players. So I wouldn't say the devs don't care at all.
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I honestly have no faith in the servers I'm scared the day they come to console
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yeah but as someone who plays both PC and console would you agree that they spend more of their time on bettering the game on PC as opposed to console ?
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It's hard to say. I think part of the problem is the devs are having trouble updating the console version.
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that makes sense. I just wish they would spend just a little more time on console. because there are some tiny things that could be easily fixed .
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it's not just how they perform but the extra work they put in it. like I said earlier PC gets the PTB, its feedback ultimately affects consoles without us even having a say. different killers work differently on different platforms.
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your right, they toataly don't care. it's not like they gave you guys bill after months and months of paperwork and copy right issues. it's not like they give you good ping lobbys. They toataly don't care.
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??? everyone on console has the shittiest connection known to man
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good ping lobby??? what ? you must not play on console 😂 also if they were able to get bill on PC then it probably wasn't too hard to get him on xbox where his game was really popular on.
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okay so my bad on the ping. But honestly. Stop complaing that they "hate console" almost every game company i know of goes for console then PC. "Rockstar" they released all gta's all red dead's, etc. to console first and pc.. idk a year or 2 later? so save me your sorrows for a single game.
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I use to play a game called for honor abs pc would always get to test patches and new heroes first because pc doesnt have to approve any patches xbox abd ps4 have a process in which they have to approve patches thats why sometimes ps4 gets updated with new stuff before xbox or vice versa. Its more efficient to put it on pc to test turn off the ptb and optimize it then send it to ps4 and xbox and put out a future date to release it that way its already approved and both platforms can have the update at the same time. I know it sucks pc seems to get things early but its only because sony and Microsoft want to protect their hardware from malicious updates and stuff pc its really on you lol
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I literally don't play any game that does that. I have the right to complain , especially since I play DBD about 95% of the time that I play games.
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you have the "right to complain" ok bud. sure. you have the right to complain about a company that created the game you play 95% of the time and say they don't care about your platform... see how stupid you sound?
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The only things they need to fix for console is the sensitivity, and the awful framerate.
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With discussions like this i wish there was a vote down button XD
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you can play a game and still feel like the dev's dont put extra effort into your platform like they do PC , see how stupid you sound?? especially since you're criticizing someones opinion( an opinion which means you should take it with a grain of salt). imagine getting angry and aggressive over someone stating their opinion on how the dev's are treating other platforms besides PC 🤡🤡 do me a favor and go play one game of console . then come back and talk to me.
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I have to agree with this. Just as an example. Nurse an spirit although fun I wouldn't place them at the top on console. They both perform a mile different from pc to console.
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Tho I agree saying they dont care is wrong. We all have right to complain as consumers.
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PC is the test bed and we are the monkeys. You will get servers too. Once we work out all the bugs for you.
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Be careful what you wish for.I'm still waiting on a response of what happens when a killer pulls their ethernet and everyone disconnects. Would that count for a dc for everyone? If you say no we will be on dedicated servers you have way more faith in BHVR than I do.
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This is absolute BS when you see much more impressive and demanding games running perfectly because they are optimised with the console hardware in mind.
Console optimisation has been promised for years when they started updating the Unreal Engine and we’re still patiently waiting with no sign of it coming any time soon.
They say it’s a gradual process but if anything things get worse each patch as the game becomes more demanding and optimised with progressively better PC hardware in mind first and foremost.
Its crazy to me they would release on Switch with the current console versions in such a bad state.
Switch players, are you having to use both hands on the right Joycon to struggle on hook and move the camera around at the same time?
It feels like no one from the dev team has played on console or there are some small and easy changes that could be made to massively improve the experience.
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PTB is much easier to do on PC vs the update for a console and then a revert plus the people who dnt want to play it making it physically impossible.
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Since any update to console must go through an approval process. An unstable PTB build would more than likely never be approved by the console companies. Last thing BHVR wants is to pull a Fallout76 and brick someones console.
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#########, I doubt you are in a position to invite me to do that; and just because I can’t doesnt mean most other game developers don’t do it regularly.
DbD is not a technically demanding game compared to most console games, it’s just not optimised like most console games are because it’s a port of a PC game that is updated to suit PCs.
How can you look at something like Death Stranding, Monster Hunter World, Red Dead 2 etc etc and say that DbD is too much for console hardware to handle?
Yes those games have bigger teams and budgets but to say DbD running as poorly as it does is down to hardware limitations is just nonsense.
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"what I fail to understand is why BHVR has yet to update the optimization on consoles."
If you actually started playing back in August of 2018 then you'd know that they have optimized quite a bit about the console versions. The dropped frames back then were abysmal and the visuals were worse.
Things aren't the same as PC but, really, how can you expect them too be?
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do you know how long it took the PC to get slightly playable on both sides? the biggest downside to DBD is that they keep branching out to more platforms so they don't really have the time or team to allocate more time to readily fixing the main platforms (being pc and console). Console will never be the sole focus since the game is primarily PC/where it started to begin with.Take it from a player whos been here since the getgo.
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to answer you on the plug thing pretty sure if the killer pulls the plug it counts as a penalty on them. if to many "plug pulls" happen itll be DC penalty.
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No Mans Sky is a procedural online all the time UNIVERSE, Remnant is multiplayer and procedural and runs great.
Death Stranding is a shared online experience where other players buildings appear in your world and more.
Monster Hunter is online with 16 player lobbies, it also has multiple AI monsters not only interacting with the players but with other AI monsters, something DbD doesn’t do.
RdR2 is enormous in comparison map wise and has random procedural events involving multiple AI, and also has more players together in its online mode.
Borderlands 3 has procedural dungeons, a full story and campaign, drop in and out multiplayer.
DbD doesn’t even come close in complexity and being technologically demanding to most console releases.
Hardware is not the reason DbD runs poorly on consoles.
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I certainly feel like the proverbial red headed stepchild playing this game on console.
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see! thank you! people on PC feel like I'm attacking them when in reality I just want to be given the same love as bhvr gives them!
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In terms of not caring about Consoles I think it's just disappointment that gameplay wide Console always get stuff delayed, not working or not at all.
It seems like bugs on PC are way more important to fix and is prioritized over any Console stuff.
Optimization has taken an age and Console is still a way behind PC.
In terms of free cosmetics then that's nice but it doesn't help rid the console specific problems which have always existed but never fully fixed.
It should be fine to raise a point about how you see things whether you're right or wrong being rude or belittling towards eachother is a little much.
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Actually they promised Xbox One X and PS4 Pro Enhancements over a year ago. Still nothing on that. At least these two consoles could further be enhanced and optimized, yet Behaviour continues to ignore this additional power.
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"The devs work hard" - if you consider ignoring core issues like hit boxes by pumping out constant dlc skins to appease us then sure. "We wouldn't have the same content as our PC counterparts" - except consoles didn't start getting dlc AT THE SAME TIME until like 2 or 3 months when the game finally got ported over to Switch and that's a fact.
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Right. And tbh it's a little too late for servers I think. This game has been out for like 4 years and should be running as smooth as butter at this point, but a lot of the fan base has dropped, no cross play between consoles and on top of that a next gen consoles are dropping next year. If Bhvr doesn't pull their act together before the next big thing drops OR someone capitalizes on the idea of DBD and make it better = game over.
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You must have memory loss. I’ve played since 2017 myself, and the lag has NEVER been worse on console than it is right now. It’s TERRIBLE. I was in a lobby the other day and I couldn’t even get my items and offering on before the match started because my cursor was moving so slow and teleporting around to the wrong items. It’s ridiculous.
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There's also the triple window bug in the lobbies and the constant unknown errors
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The FPS was worse back then.
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This is not an excuse because my ps4 can deal games with better graphics at 60 fps without problems. They lie to calm down the console plebs.
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The only people that cares about console players are console players
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Same. I can handle every bug since the rubber banding back to the hook. That was something else 😊
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Ive played both pc and ps4.. mainly play ps4 since u have a ton more progress and friends there.
Ps4 is constant bad frames (especially when archives dropped at this current time if you get bloodlust / use an exhaustion you get a total of maybe 1 frame a second its rediculous.) The game constantly freezes up for a few seconds even though its fine. Ive never blue screen error'd till the other night my friend left my lobby and that somehow crashed my game.
Console is at probably the worst ive seen it atm. Where as pc is fine works fine 80/90% of the time im playing sometimes has a bug or random disconnect etc.
The frames were never good on ps4 but atm its almost unplayable
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On behalf of Xbox players I say the game is doing pretty fine. However, I did play dbd on PlayStation for a few months but it was so bad that I got rid of my PlayStation. That was about a year ago. So I can understand your concern. Xbox works pretty well and keeps up with dbd. The optimization roadmap that we saw earlier this year though... I haven’t notice much a follow through on the devs part in last few updates. Just hope for the best mate
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At this point, I'm really just waiting for a better DBD clone, but it will be pretty difficult now because of all the licensed killers this game got... Maybe they even had to sign something saying these killers cannot be in another game for 5-10 years or something.. This game was fun and had so much potential, and they didn't do tooooo bad with it, but the lack of transparency, the lies, the handling of the console ports... Etc. Plus the fact you're made to feel like a second class citizen for not playing on PC? Like really, you little internet kids want to go around treating folks like 3/5s a man because they don't want to pay out the ass for a new computer just for DBD?
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One of the biggest things console players seem to forget (I play DBD on PS4 myself) is that BHVR cannot make big changes to console DBD without first going through Sony (PS4) or Mirosoft (XBOX). For this reason it takes longer for us to get things AND these things have to be approved. BHVR already had PC and console DLC be realsed at the same time (something that wasn't a thing before) and has been trying to make the game run smoother. While I agree I would like to see more done for console players in this regard it is incorrect to say BHVR doesn't care about us or that they are not trying to help us.
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Certification of patches / game updates takes a week, two weeks at most, at least for Sony. The certification process is not a reason for a delay in patches unless the patch was disapproved.
Nevertheless, I do believe BHVR is trying. Before the Archives, my PS4 ran the game very smoothly. It got a bit worse with Archives, though is still playable (for me at least).
So to say they aren't trying is wrong. They are, there's just a lot of ups & downs, so it looks like they aren't quite getting the hang of it just yet.