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Why do survivors dislike NOED?



  • Member Posts: 240

    i don't... they comment on my steam profile about it :)

    aka: any way to complain, they'll find a way.

  • Member Posts: 1,052

    As long as I double pip, I don't give a ######### whether I get smacked with NOED at the end. It's a fine perk, and it punishes gen rushing. No problems from me. But I play both roles.

  • Member Posts: 1,052

    Failure doesn't happen until the match is over. Just because the exit gates are powered it doesn't mean the killer failed.

  • Member Posts: 157

    I'm a Survivor main and I usually just smack my forehead and say, "NOED!", then I die, and it's all good. I'm always in solo queue (or semi-solo: my wife and two randos), sometimes we get all five totems, sometimes we don't. Sometimes we die before NOED even gets a chance to kick in.

    I suppose the main reason for disliking it is that you can play well the whole game, then get blindsided by a lucky smack at the end. One killer main I know calls it "No One Escapes Skill" -- I think he hates it more than I do.

  • Member Posts: 877
    edited November 2019

    So many salty Killers in this Discussion, it's unreal.

    Survivors dislike NOED because you can be heavily punished despite doing 2-4 totems, you assume your team has cleansed the remainder of the totems but you instead get downed for the doing most of the work to prevent it from activating.

    If something like a totem counter (which has been suggested since forever) was added to the UI or NOED hinted at it's existence (similar to that of Devour Hope), the perk would feel more fair to play against without removing any of it's power.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Mostly because it forces them to think about how they play more than "I sit on generator while teammate runs" or "I bring 4 second chance perks and run all game."

    It's designed to make people want to do totems regardless of an active hex or not.

    As an absolute totem ######### myself, I don't find it much of an issue.

  • Member Posts: 877

    I prefer not forcing people to take a perk to counter a perk.

    If they add it to the UI for both parties and tweak NOED accordingly, everything would work out.

  • Member Posts: 240

    so it'll remove 1 of the features of thrill...

    also there are already a lot of counter perks...

    strider - iron will

    head on - iron maiden

    adrenaline - NOED

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    Too many people here think it's way deeper than it really is.

    Regardless of how it can be prevented (even if we ignore how it can be bothersome to keep track of destroyed totems as a solo, especially if everyone does one each) it leads to similar feelings as when a killer feel they "should've gotten that kill" and someone gets hatch with or without a key. You get to the end of the match, get hit once, and since it's endgame you often (understandably) get camped. Even if you don't think NOED is overpowered or anything that can feel like a kick in the balls. You "would've escaped" if it wasn't for NOED, even though it's as simple as... you didn't escape, so it doesn't matter if you would have if it wasn't for NOED.

    That's it for most people. People that talk ######### about it would've probably found something else to talk ######### about anyway because they're the kind of people that need to put the blame on someone else.

    Personally I don't mind it, even if there's games where I get that irrational "damn, I should've escaped!" feeling for a moment before realizing it's a silly mindset.

  • Member Posts: 877

    Then buff Thrill of the Hunt... it's not hard to do additional changes to ensure everything is working.

    Direct counter perks may exist in-game but that doesn't mean they're good/healthy.

  • Member Posts: 10

    You get the exposed status effect on the side of your screen when all the gens are done I think

  • Member Posts: 877

    The Survivors get it once a player has been been hit.

    One person is going down before you know it's present.

  • Member Posts: 10

    Oh, haven't played dbd in a bit and when I did I it played killer

  • Member Posts: 798

    Ahah ######### am I reading?

    so I say if the infinite with BL comes Into play is killer’s fault?

    anyway noed is just a boring and lazy per both for killer and surv. Rewards killer for playing bad and lazy, is RNG, in the end might not even reward at all since once you hook one others can just leave if they dont find totem.

  • Member Posts: 172

    Ruin is 10x more annoying just cus it seems like everyone runs it nowadays

  • Member Posts: 5,612
  • Member Posts: 175

    A few things here:

    The whole reason people don't like it is because it causes a negative play experience.

    It only happens a small percentage of the time but has a huge effect. Players would mind less if it was just a built in part of being a killer, since they would know it was coming.

    Once you get out of that game, there's the non-gameplay reason to dislike it, and it's posts where people insist that it is each individual survivor's fault if noed procced in a game they were in.

    I used to think my not knowing totem spawns contributed to noed proccing. Now that I can find them, I realize there's a whole second level to stopping noed; you have to make a round of the map finding each totem, and verifying that you can actually reach it and interact with it, and if you can, then go cleanse all of them.

    It is not uncommon to find totems you can't reach or interact with, and Nancy sure doesn't care about that noed later, so often noed ends up being the one totem no one can get to.

    tl;dr: negative play experience

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    Game is a 4v1 yet people get mad when they cannot 1v1 counter everything easily. I hate hearing the argument of "well its impossible to do all the totems when playing solo" because I play 99% solo as survivor and can do just fine.

    -In low ranks NOED never procs because your team is dead and you either did all the work only to die or get a hatch escape.

    -You have a perk that literally finds totems for you if NOED is as rampant as you claim.

    -Totem spots (while getting a little better in SOME spots) are easily memorized so you can just check the locations.

    If you have to break all 5 totems by yourself then your team failed you and you shouldn't blame the killer because your teammates cannot do another objective.

    Another argument I hear is "well we shouldn't be punished because we did gens fast and the killer was getting dominated" if that is how you truly feel then please explain why Hatch spawning is "ok"? I'll agree NOED can take a less skilled killer player and boost their potential (same as hatch escapes) but if you did totems them you would not have had the issue, unlike the hatch that cannot be stopped unless a killer slugs for 4k.

  • Member Posts: 38

    Op literally said NOED is easily countered by doing totems, and I agree.

  • Member Posts: 38

    Not every single person who uses NOED uses it as a crutch, some people use the speed boost to get to hatch faster on the last survivor. NOED is meant to punish gen rushing and sticking around during endgame, and before you say "Biased killer main." I play both sides.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    The funny part is I can usually tell when a killer is running NOED because they are doing poorly and/or not kicking/protecting gens much at all. It's almost as if they want you to gen rush so you don't have time to do all the totems and then they can activate easy mode and get a couple kills.

    Sorry but NOED is the reason many games go from a 0-1k to a 2-4k for bad killers. Does that mean that every killer uses it is bad? Obviously not. But there's a reason why it's a must have for killers like insidious basement campers. You can play as ######### as you want for three quarters of the game and then almost guarantee yourself an extra kill or 2.

  • Member Posts: 25

    The thing with NOED is that it just feels so cheap. When you've worked hard the whole match then die right at the end because of a one shot perk that requires no skill to use it just sucks. Adrenaline is incredibly annoying but at least the survivors had to work towards that. With NOED the Killer just kinda has to hope all the totems don't get cleansed by the end of the game. But I honestly don't encounter it enough to get too upset about.

  • Member Posts: 1,167
    edited November 2019

    Honestly, it’s just a downer(I didn’t realize this was a pun ‘till I read it). Imagine doing a bit of everything and running the killer for ages to be downed— you know?

    The perk is fine, but it always sucks to be hit with it.

  • Member Posts: 260

    You do have a counter, it is called cleansing them. I hope your post was sarcastic.

  • Member Posts: 2,731

    becuase it sucks to go against as solo

    If you're a solo queue, and you look for all the totems, youre going to waste at least a few minutes but more likely 5 or 6 to get all the totems. That's about a third of the average game time. Plus if you don't manage to find all the totems before the gens get done you get punished even harder because now every dull you spent time cleansing was a waste of time because the killer has NOED anyways.

    100% to counter NOED as a solo you shouldn't be looking for all the dulls, you should be leaving them up so the NOED is easier for you to find once it's active. SWFs can cleanse all dulls though because they can easily keep track of the number of dulls on the map and get them all as a team effort

  • Member Posts: 244

    Adrenaline does have a counter for example if you down a survivor wait for the last gen to pop then down him once its pop then it's gone

  • Member Posts: 219

    survivors can only do so much to a killer: when they get one shotted, you take away a lot of what their most intense moment is; chases

    so if the chases are all suddenly one-shot, it's not a lot of fun for them

    also, it feels like they're being punished for doing the right thing: completing gens

    when the killer gets a down from that, it feel unearned/undeserved because they only got it due to failing their objective of gen defense


  • Member Posts: 1,936


    The best thing to do in solo is to basically cleanse the well hidden totems if you come across them.

  • Member Posts: 2,731

    You have your counter backwards there on stridor. If the killer has stridor and you have iron will, the killer will still be able to hear you (although quieter than normal)

  • Member Posts: 688

    Survivors don't like to reach the end of the match and get downed and killed, which is natural. While it can be annoying, I find ruin to be more annoying than NOED. This is because sometimes survivors just spend so much time looking for ruin that by the end of the match, only 1 gen is fixed and everyone dies. On the other hand, while being downed by NOED is not great, at least it means you almost got to the end of the match and probably got some bloodpoints as opposed to dying early with no gens done.

  • Member Posts: 140
    edited November 2019

    Noed is a reward for killers for survivors not doing their objective. Just like how Adren is a reward for survivors for killers not doing their objective. The point is both sides have it. Nice argument bro. Cant defend Adren and hate on Noed.

  • Member Posts: 346

    As someone who plays slightly more killer than survivor I agree NOED is a dumb perk. It's frustrating and boring to go against.

    Think of it the other way around, a survivor perk that repairs all gens after a certain amount of time, or replenishes all pallets unless the killer fulfills an annoying (and to some extent random) requirement. You should be rewarded for doing well in the match and if you're struggling and need some help (Blood Warden, Haunted Grounds, etc come to mind as reasonable "clutches") one perk still shouldn't have the power to take you from a 0k to a 4k in the right situation.

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  • Member Posts: 835

    I dont personally mind NoED as usually when killers have NoED their playstyle already reveals that and I play accordingly by cleansing well hidden totems and leaving easy ones to be found if they becomed NoED.

    Only thing I dislike about NoED is that I keep killer busy for 5 gens, get downed and my whole team goes down aswell and killer gets 4k.

  • Member Posts: 1,737

    Because it punishes them for being complacent and lazy.

  • Member Posts: 175

    It punishes survivors for totems spawning in inaccessible locations as well, and it punishes all survivors for something they can't control, namely their teammates.

  • Member Posts: 175

    That's not accurate, it only shows you where they are in a certain range and only when a gen completes.

  • Member Posts: 170

    ThErE Is No CoUnTeR tO AdReNaLiNe. How bout you just kill all the survivors. And plus punishing the players for gen rushing.... ######### are we supposed to do just chill and wait 10 minutes then do the gens.

  • Member Posts: 174

    Exhaustion perks aren't a reward for failing, they are just strong perks with a cooldown effect. Dead hard doesn't reward failure, but it does allow an extra mistake. Desicive kind of rewards failure, but if it triggers, it's the killers fault, for either tunneling, or playing the survivors game and grabbing them after getting rushed by someone off the hook. Deliverance doesn't reward failure, but does pretty well at negating it. And self care means that they are healing slower than if someone else healed them, and they had to have gotten away from the killer.

  • Member Posts: 48

    What if the Devs added something like this.

    You as a survivor cleanse 1 dull totem and killer has NOED, you do not get insta downed the 1st time. However, if you get healed up fully and Killer still has NOED up then you may be hit with the one shot.


  • Member Posts: 158

    Do totems then

  • Member Posts: 453

    I don’t have a problem with totems as a Nancy right now (oh yes) so I haven’t heard of this noed before since I started using small game w/ inner strength.

    Honestly they can fix totem spawns so they aren’t spawning in my lap near a generator.

    But I’m going to persist to find them with my small game ;)

  • Survivors tend to feel that if they did the gens they deserve the escape, they already earned it in their eyes.

    Things like NOED remind them that until they leave they are fair game; and that annoys them.

    I've killed survivors without noed at the end game, and they get just as salty and find something else to blame everytime. My favorite is when 2 of them leave; and two are left and you put one on a hook and of course just camp them because ######### else can you do? and the other one runs up and dies instead of leaving and they freak out about you camping.

    They feel entitled to the survival credit at that point, anything that interrupts that is gross to them.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Because the perk rewards bad players, i despise thing that give unearned victories

  • Member Posts: 175

    What a facile argument. Survivors don't control when totem spawns are inaccessible, and survivors don't control their teammates.

  • Member Posts: 210

    @TragicSolitude I totally get what you mean. I had a difficult match and managed to get 4 totems by myself, I had small game but just couldn't find any more so I assumed they were all cleansed. There ended up being 1 totem left which no one could find and as it was against the Trapper which made it 10x harder to find, even with Small Game. At the end 3 of us died (1 died early) because of NOED.

    I don't particularly like Noed as it can feel cheap but it shouldn't be taken out or anything. It's a gamble on the Killer's part and a treasure hunt for survivors - at least it adds something else to the gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    I usually run BBQ/Ruin/Pop/NOED on some weaker killers and play well, having useful perks for each phase of the game.

    But you know, I can 5 gen a team, close the hatch, have the last person get healed for their failure state Adrenaline, hit them with my well deserved NOED, and get called trash by the potato brigade.

  • Member Posts: 926

    If you haven't cleansed all the totems and/or escaped rather than t bagging the killer then get downed. You've lost. Sorry not sorry

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