Is the New Nurse really bad?

So let me get this out of the way first. I play both Killer and Survivor sides so I really don't have much of a biased point of view but I feel like the nerf to Nurse wasn't necessary. I no longer can get a kill with her anymore and I can even bully a Nurse into submission now.
I just wish they didn't nerf her base ability and just reworked the addons. Does anyone one agree with me?
Is the New Nurse really bad? 87 votes
She is not bad, just not fun to play.
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Should've just reworked addons
So why is she easier to bully than pre-reworked Freddy then?
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I think she is still good, not S tier, but still viable, maybe you just did get very bad Nurses or just some mediocre ones.
But imo they should have just rework the addons.
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She's garbage.
They reduced the counterplay to her power from "use LOS blockers and the environment at your advantage, and try to predict her blinks" to "run in a straight line and she'll never catch up to you because she has 96% movement speed and a 6 seconds bs cooldown on her power".
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Should've just reworked addons
Thank you! Someone understands my pain. I forgot to mention that I play red ranks too so that is why I made this poll.
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She's still good. Granted, not as good and godly as before, but still a viable pick. I still see people kicking ass with her in high ranks.
The problem is, some people relied too much on her add-ons. And I've seen my fair share of Nurses demolishing teams with brown or no add-ons at all. That's one reason on why some people (not ALL, chill) bash on her new gameplay style so much. I bet that if she only had the blink cooldown tweak and no rework to her add-ons, everyone would still see her as the best killer.
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If you think Nurse is anywhere near easy to bully you either don't frequent high ranks, haven't seen an actual good Nurse before, or are overreacting.
Let me put the end all be all of this discussion:
The central game mechanic regarding chases is pallet and window looping. Running in constant circles to avoid the killer and waste as much time as possible, the Nurse can teleport right through these loops and catch survivors on either side, her power has not been changed and she is still very much the best killer in the entire game regardless of a two or three second cool down.
Anybody who says she's garbage (or anything similar) needs to stop and think how any single killer has a power that is better than the Nurse's Blink when it comes to cancelling loops and ending chases quickly.
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Should've just reworked addons
Spirit is the answer you are looking for plus current PTB Oni. No I'm not exaggerating or overreacting, and yes I frequently do play red ranks. So please tell me how all condescending might God that I, a poor pleb/peasant, how to be so great as the Nurse now.😒
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Should've just reworked addons
Old Nurse just need addon reworked not be neutered to the point where Legion is better than her now in my opinion.
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Should've just reworked addons
She's still the best killer if we pick a good map.. otherwise too many counterplay, and not fun as before to play addonless.. but maybe we just need to adapt, the devs are trying to balance the game, so is a good deal having a cooldown to a power wich ignores every survivor defense, when they talked about nurse i thought they 'd butcher her, but this is not the case..i think the base speed should be slightly increased tho..
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Her counterplay hasn't actually changed drastically, and my red rank Nurse main friends agree. One of them hates the rework, but the rest look at this as a more versatile killer overall now.
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This is the closest one to what I think. While the change was needed, her power has become more annoying to use imo. It's not very fun to enter fatigue and then wait 3 seconds for the last charge. :/
But hey that's just coming from an inexperienced nurse player so my words aren't much :/
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Should've just reworked addons
She just needed an addon pass to even out her power curve. Messing with how her base kit functions just seemed punitive to me.
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Should've just reworked addons
She's just not fun. Doesn't matter if I can get kills with her or not if playing as her isn't fun.
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Personally, no. However, for what i see is some people not having fun with the new Nurse. The people in-game that actually answered me say that she's fun with add-ons now(The base speed ones) and others say she takes too long with the base kit. I have seen 5 Nurses today and they managed to kill everyone but the last guy usually.
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She's not bad but not fun to play at all. She's also prone to dedicated server issues like rubberbanding and ghost blinks, but that's not her fault.
Definitely doesn't help, though.
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The people who think nurse isn't as powerful now are the same people who rely on 2 or more blinks.
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Shes easy to bully....... If the Nurse player is bad. She is still the strongest killer in the game.
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Should've just reworked addons
Well you might think that but Behavior says otherwise with the Spirit.
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Should've just reworked addons
She is not bad. She is still the strongest killer in the game, because she bypasses survivors strongest and most reliable defence, loops. Very good Nurses still mop the floor even with sweaty 4man SWF.
However new Nurses and even average Nurses pre-rework now struggle at high ranks, because of how incredible punishing she is versus smart survivors. For new players there is no reason to pick up Nurse, and go through the hassle of learning her, when one can achieve pretty much the same with Spirit, but with 10 times less effort.
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Should've just reworked addons
she is still good but a lot weaker and not fun to play anymore. the recharge saystem destroyed the whole fun with this killer. there is a reason why you dont see nurse anymore at high ranks. its only spirit now. thanks to all crying survivor mains.
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Should've just reworked addons
They promised not to mess with her, but look where we are.
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Still the best Killer.
But I guess, with those WONDERFUL Dedicated Servers, she lacks more than she should. Disabling the Servers might help with getting a real experience, the Servers are hurting her more than the Rework.
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Should've just reworked addons
Try playing on consoles and come back to the discussion. We don't have dedicated servers and she is not the best on there instead one of the worst Killers now on consoles.
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To be fair, she was bad on Console anyway, even before the Rework. The performance is not the best on Console, to say it nice.
(No offense, but I dont think that Console players run into that many really good Nurses like PC players do, especially because of the difference in performance)
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Should've just reworked addons
Well she wasn't bad on consoles before but you just needed to set your sensitivity up to 85-100 in order to get her to work. Now that doesn't even matter since she is unable to get close to survivors.
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Should've just reworked addons
No, but they should've just reworked her add ons.
I find her much better with the Matchbox add on now.
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I play console.
I use to see 1 Nurse every 100 matches.
Now I see 1 Nurse every-oh wait that's a tree branch....yeah they no longer exist.
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This is no less the case than it already was.
If you move towards the survivor during your 3.5 second cooldown after fatigue (2.5 seconds of fatigue, 6 - 2.5=3.5) you will move 13.475 meters
In 3.5 seconds a survivor can move 14 meters. Thus the survivor can only gain an .525 meters of distance more on the nurse than the could before the nerf
Basically the only people complaining about the nerf still are the people who are either on console or could only play nurse with 3 blink/omega blink
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Maths must not be your forte, eh? And playing killer/survivor at red ranks surely isn't either.
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Nurse move speed is 3.85 m/s
Survivor move speed is 4 m/s
3.5 seconds x 3.85 m/s = 13.475 meters
3.5 seconds x 4 m/s = 14 meters
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She still has really good mobility if you only use the first blink to get around the map. That way you have the blink back almost immediately after getting out of fatigue and fatigue is actually a lot shorter than after both blinks (Some people actually used only the first blink for mobility pre-nerf). As far as chases go, having to wait for two blinks can definitely be frustrating but considering how strong the power is, this drawback is totally reasonable in my opinion. With a bit of practise, you can often hit a survivor on your first blink. The second one just seals the deal if you mess up slightly. I have played a lot of pre-nerf nurse and some post-nerf nurse and it honestly doesn't really feel that different since I can usually use the recharge time to hook a survivor I just downed by using the power.
TL;DR: She's still the best killer in the game. She still feels really strong when I play her. She's still scary when I play against a good one but it's a lot more rewarding to outplay her now.
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She's a little slower than usual now in Chase, but overall the Outcome is the same as the prenerf Nurse
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Should've just reworked addons
She feels clunky to play and can't traverse the map as well as she used to. Not to mention the main counter of "run in a straight line". I'm by no means a "god-tier nurse" but she doesn't feel fun to play at all. And kinda pointless when I can get similar results in the red ranks with a good Freddy or Spirit build, without the ridiculous effort required for Nurse. She isn't worth the effort unless you're already a dedicated Nurse main.
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I have played against maybe two (probably just one) Nurse since the rework to her everything.
They should have just modified Nurse basekit (not with a blink charge regeneration like what we have) and NOT modified her addons. I used to be fond of playing Nurse with add-ons like Jenner's Last Breath and Anxious Gasp (which when combined provided the fastest movement speed in the game, I believe) or several other add-ons when I was feeling like having some additional fun, but now I stay away from her add-ons, which either aren't fun to use (torn bookmark, spasmodic breath, matchbox, etc.) or go against the game design I hope to see for this game ("Bad Man's" Last Breath, dull bracelet, fragile wheeze, etc.) or both (eg. Spasmodic breath among others mentioned).
If anything, I would want Jenner's Last Breath and Dull Bracelet to be reverted. I'm conflicted about Anxious Gasp, but I think I still prefer the old version's effects more. Perhaps change the names and effects around with other add-ons to keep both versions?