nurse stats

nice stats on her, can we now finally revert her base kit? its time and we want to have fun again playing this killer instead of counting the stupid blink recharges, its enough!
Guys I'm 7% less effective with the Nurse please buff her. /s
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till console gets a sensitivity update I'm not even gonna bother trying to play new nurse
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knew once i saw the stats people were gonna use the stats to heart to come up for reasons like nurse to be reworked or buffed.
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I mean, her average game literally dropped from a 3k to a 2k. That's a pretty significant nerf, no bones about it. As to whether it was deserved or not is another thing entirely.
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65% puts her at a tie for the 3rd least lethal killer at red ranks. That's very significant considering the narrative some are trying to push about the nerfs not being substantial.
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Lel nurse weak. No more crutches with 3 blinks for you.
Almost every single nurse in red ranks that I played against completely mopped the floor with survivors. If anything it felt like she was buffed not nerfed.
The ones that failed and d/c were a new killer called Clownurse
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By stats, she's close to a clown at red ranks now, WHILE still being extremely bad at non-red ranks.
You think her popularity gonna go up from now on?
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She's fine where she is.
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look at all this clowns in here. never touched nurse but talking like a big boy huh? she is just unfun to play because of her stupid recharges. and if you guys are still getting destroyed by her then i dont even know how you ever got to red ranks with survivor. you can just run in a straight line now against her and there is nothing she can do to catch up.
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65% of survivors can't run in a straight line according to your logic.
I wonder if survivors really can't run in a straight line or you're just a bad nurse who used to rely on 4 chain blinks...
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Pick rate is low and she scores bellow Legion along with Clown and Demogorgon.
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Guys I never played Nurse and I think It's fair to see Nurse players wasting their time with two limited blinks and getting punished 10000000 times for their mistakes!!!!
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Overreaction, but thanks for proving my point.
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The World we live in now.
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Your point: We need to accept new Nurse because It's "fair" to survivors having so much time to go against her but also, we need to pretend that she is a fun killer to play right now. Well, the stats are proving my point.
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well, you are the perfect example for being one this players. but thanks for making my day
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Find proof for this wild claim, I played nurse before the rework and still play her.
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No my point is that you think the Nurse feels like ######### even though the changes had barely impacted her.
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I live in the red ranks world.
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That is actually funny
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Never thought I'd live to see the day
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You're being the joke on your own post.
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Barely? I think all the Nurse players (what's left of them) have a lot to say about your point of view
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This one?
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I got use to the cooldown pretty fast, I donβt get the complaints about it.
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Yeah and now I have 4 little bars that say otherwise
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exactly, this one where she isn't the weakest.
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Imagine time travelling to one year ago and posting this graph on the forums.
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*pretends to believe*
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I just really wish they didn't put the base kit changes on console nurse is ridiculously hard to play now before I could atleast do something
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You are correct. Demo and Clown score lower.
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I play on PS4, she has always been harder on console but it is still possible to do good with her.
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lol hell the 100 blinks achievement is actually hard
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If killers exist that can disregard game mechanics, they should be very punishing when making mistakes with them. This is what creates a skill gap. A nurse that makes 0 mistakes in a game is still going to 4k. Making 0 mistakes with her is extremely difficult, but it's healthy for the game to have killers with an extremely high skill ceiling.
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I donβt even remember when I got it xD
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nice for you, but i saw maybe 4 nurses so far after the change. she is just unfun to play for most of the ppl.
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Iβve actually seen a lot in PS4 lately
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People like you shouldn't even have a voice in discussions like these, as you contribute nothing.
The rework was literally all downsides, it provides in no way, shape, or form, a new way to play Nurse (without addons, obv.) It only limits the way you can play her, provides nothing in the way of making her better or stronger. It LITERALLY only makes her weaker.
And we aren't trying to revert the addon changes, although they do need work. We just want her basekit changes reverted, since they sink any fun you can have with her and make her much less effective to the point where she beat by Legion. LEGION.
If you showed someone this back when Freddy Tier was a thing I don't think a single person on the forums would've believed you.
Sad times we are in right now.
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So now that we just confirmed what we already know, are there any plans on changing base kit nurse? Just because she can still perform doesn't make her fun which is why I switched to other killers (not spirit because I dummy consider her fun either).
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Just going to point put that this picture is taken from the graph showing killer performance levels across all ranks. Nurse is obviously going to have the biggest difference in performance because of her extreme skill cap. This doesn't mean the character is bad, it means people who don't main her religiously aren't going to be successful.
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Was so obvious someone would misinterpretate these stats to rant about nurse being unplayable. Just learn to play her since she just needs adjustments in her playstyle to be nearly as too strong as she was in basekit before. Accept you wont be able to blink braindead as before. Cause thats the real issue players are suffering from atm (besides servers -.- ).
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Honestly surprised to see legion with michael i thought hed be lower.
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Funny that people keep interpreting "not strong" and "not fun to play" as "bad" and "unplayable".
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To be fair, how much of that is because alot of people dropped her post nerf? I imagine alot of Nurse players that were really good with her jumped to Spirit. That probably is having an adverse effect on her kill rate.
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If you blinked braindead around the map do you know what you would get?
Nothing. Because that's not how you play Nurse.
It never rewarded you for just spamming blinks mindlessly, you always always always have had to aim and take movement and map layout into account, as well as movement over time.
Stop posting this stupid #########, it gets so old hearing it when it is such a baseless argument.
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Nurse's kill rate was low before her changes, its dragged down by people new to her and just bad at her because she is the hardest killer to play. She was still considered the strongest killer before and she is still strong now. Kill rate =/= how strong Nurse is. All the baby nurses getting 0k are bringing her stats down.