Borrowed time

Is borrowed time bugged right now ? I’m unhooking people in the terror radius and they r immediately going back down and borrowed time isn’t activating .
Were you playing vs Freddy?
but yes, sometimes BT seems not to work, sometimes people still have BT, but it does not activate on a hit. But not that I heard that it happens when they get hit immediatly after Unhooking.
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Ive seen it work against me just fine. Just make sure you're hearing a terror radius and not Freddy's or Huntress's Lullaby.
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If you're going against Freddy, he has no terror radius when you're asleep. This means that terror radius based perks like Coulrophobia, unnerving presence and borrowed time do not trigger if you are asleep. Using the clocks around the map can let you wake up for free, but he can put you back to sleep if he finds and hits you. Killers like ghost face can remove their terror radius at will, making it so bt doesn't trigger. Otherwise, borrowed time should always trigger in the terror radius. As far as I know the perk is not bugged.
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It doesnt work with tier 1 Michael, does it?
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No I was playing against doctor and I was unhooking in the terror radius every time .
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He is undetectable and has no TR, so no.
(Which is stupid, tbh that Undetectable negates BT, but well...)
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No I don’t believe so