So Clown is the weakest killer?

Will he be getting a big buff?
Statistically? Yes. Mechanically, close, but probably not.
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His kill rate is above average, so what's the point buffing him?
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LF is the weakest killer.
The thing is Clown is kinda hard to play, but even if you play him well he'll never be a great killer.
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Lets focus on nerfing the top killers instead, shall we?
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Is not.
Because "The legion of losers" (personal nick name for them) exist.
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I heard the Doctor is being reworked next so I'm assuming Clown will come after.
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So Doctor is next, probably coming in the next Mid-Chapter, after that I don't know who is next to receive big changes.
IMO these Killers need help--Trapper(biggest changes), Pig, Leatherface, Legion, & Clown.
Trapper has problems that add-ons can't fix, this game was not designed around his power so his problem is more in-depth than something add-ons can fix.
Pig is amazing and just needs small tweaks, faster Crouch speed and some add-on changes.
Leatherface is weird, not sure what they can do to him to be honest but his main problem is that everyone hates playing against him but at the same time his power is very limiting and doesn't offer anything except a quick down.
Legion has been strung along for a while now and either needs a rework or the Devs can actually pay attention them and what the community is actually saying about them; none of this crap they're doing in the new chapter. Sure the changes are good, thank you, but other changes are just weird or lessens the viability of them and in the case of the Pin add-ons weren't done correctly, if any of the devs say that the way the Pin add-ons were done is good then they aren't paying attention; I made an entire post about why.
Clown is strong but his problem is that he has no map pressure, his power is completely non-lethal and doesn't hinder them at all in any way shape or form, he's the only Killer like that. His power just needs some more depth in my opinion and that's it, he feels unfinished.
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no hes not lmao
people just dont play him right. ive been to rank 1 a few times as clown with no issue.
his main issue is he is very addon dependent. and he NEEDS brutal strength to do much of anything unless you control the pallet.
but i dont see him as weak at all.
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I'm looking forward to the Doc's buffs being minor while getting nerfs to 'compensate' for his increased power
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He Is not but he Is d tier or the worst of c tier.
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"People just don't know how to play with him"
Are y'all serious? Clown lacks map pressure and his power isn't the best lmao watch good players like Otzdarva losing 2 gens with Clown. I personally think that he deserves more
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He has weakest comeback factor out of any killer. If people mess up against Leatherface, they straight up die. Legion gets a free hit at the least. But Clown? He got a few pallets down, sure, but he lost all the gens.
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prolly cause his power is so easy to counter.. he gets slowed down way more than billy when he charges and unless he finds a survivor out in the open a window or pallet makes him an m1 killer..
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Oh yes same here😈
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average is summing up all killers' kill rate and divide for the number of killers. no way the lowest kill rate to be above average. just to clarify how math works...
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LF isnt that weak problem is if you play him like a regular 115 killer you'll just have a hard time overall.
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Because he is. LF is the worst killer when it comes to chases.
All he has is camping.
Not hard to see why LF is the worst killer.
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His power does nothing for you in chases against good survivors. You'll be relying on your M1 most of the match.
The only way you'll get any benefit out of him is by camping.
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Let me quote you on what the devs said:
"A 50% kill rate would be the equivalent of two survivors dying and two survivors escaping."
So either you are set 8 for math or set 7 for math. Your calculation is just pure nonsense and I don't understand where you got that information from.
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I believe he meant average for the killers and not average for the 2 kills 2 escapes average the devs want.
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I disagree because he tried to justify what the average was for the graph. Also it wouldn't make no sense how that related to what the data the devs gave us.
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Not according to the developers' latest stats.
Clown's the overall weakest killer in the game and THE worst killer in red ranks.
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@Zoldyar imagine 3 students and their grades
a = 7, b = 8, c = 9. the AVERAGE is (7+8+9)/3 = 8
a got 7, is he above 6 and will be approved? yes, he will. But NO, he isn't above AVERAGE and YES, he needs to improve. It's math, you can complain to the universe if you wish, but you will still be wrong.
meg main, big brain as always
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At this point, I think this is an English problem than math. I think we are talking about completely different things at this point. You are thinking that I'm comparing clown to other killers (some how), when I'm talking about the average kill rate the devs aim for, for every killer. So I'm saying clown is likely to get more than 2 kills and escape each game, not that he is better than the other killers.
I feel like we are having some sort of set 8 argument right now. Also, I dont want to get insulted by an Claudette main out of all suriviors.
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Not claudette's fault that megs can't understand the difference between average and minimum.
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Its not meg's fault that Claudette mains can't understand the difference between math and english.
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I'm going to drop god pallet right in your face next trial, get ready
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I have an idea of giving 2 effects of Bottle by default, can add-on will change the effect / add another effect. Something like:
Default: (1) Blurry vision / (2) Speed decrease
- Brown add-on: increase reloading speed ; more Bottle .ect
- Yellow add-on: increase effect duration .ect
- Rare add-on: (1) replaced with Blind vision ; (2) replaced with fall to the ground (like escape from a trap) ; +Survivor get Broken (if in Bottle aoe while Injured)
- Very Rare add-on: +Survivor get Exhausted ; +Survivor get Oblivious (Survivor no more scream)
- Ultra Rare add-on: +Survivor get Exposed (Bottle dropped by 2)
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Lmao, is that how we going to be like? Thought we could have a peace treating, but k.
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I wouldn't say hes that bad. Problem Is he requires PWYF to be really good. If you have the full stacks or even 1 or 2 he starts becoming a incredibly good killer.
Biggest problem with Killers is everyone plays the meta mold of a deck without knowing why they play these perks. If they took the time to think and experiment they might start to realize some killers have perks that are far far better then a meta build.