If SWFs are such a big problem...

Why doesn't BHVR add ingame comms? It's a feature in most other competitive games, and even some multiplayer PvE games. Adding the comms would allow solos and SWFs to be on a more level playing field as well, letting BHVR balance the game around comms too (since Killers won't have that kind of advantage). Only reason I can think of that they haven't done it yet is a technical issue on their end.


  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310
    edited November 2019

    I'd rather survivors be able to type and have a text bubble appear above their head. This way if they say a slur or something, they get insta banned from using the system. (Temporarily or something)

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    The only way to really balance that would be to give killers way more aura reading perks/add ons and abilities.

  • FluorescentLemon
    FluorescentLemon Member Posts: 257

    They'd just use Discord or console party chats to get around it

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    See thats the thing- if every survivor could use comms, then Discord or party chats would only exclude solos, and thats more of a detriment to survivors than if everyone used DBD comms. If survivors could use comms with their teams regardless of solos or swfs, then BHVR can account for that and balance the game accordingly, most likely by buffing Killers in some way.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    They should really buff solo survivors with decent communication abilities, so that they can actually balance the game around swfs and not solo survivors

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I've been saying this for years! Because the current balance is heavily leaned toward SWF. Years ago I said SWF was cheating but the way the game has grown in comparison of killer to survivor power, add ons, perks, buffs, and nerfs it's obviously based on SWF games so they need to just add comms.... Solo games are such a lottery based on how good the killer is and whether teammates are going to actually try or DC.

  • PandaChris
    PandaChris Member Posts: 140
    edited November 2019

    At this point they might as well just add voice comms with a mute function if someone is being rowdy.

    Good luck giving killers anything afterwards though to balance everyone having voice comms. When someone even mentions any change to SWF or compensation to the killer when they face SWF its complained about how unfair it is.

    SWF is basically all advantage without a disadvantage or compensation to solo survivors or killers. But I doubt it will ever change because its been enjoyed like that for so long by survivors and any change is deemed as "punishment for playing with friends" rather than noticing there is no downside and it needs balance.

    I have read on here even something as small as allowing solo survivors and killers to get more BP as "punishment for playing with friends" because the SWF group arent getting the same amount of BP.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,103

    The problem with in game voice chat is next to no one in the community wants it. Sure there are a small group that do but a lot of people don't including the devs. It would increase the levels of toxicity and such. I personally wouldn't want to hear a 12 yr old screaming at me while i'm hooking him calling me racial slurs and telling me how he did my mom last night and how bad i am at the game.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060


    Rather give Solos all the Information SWF have and balance Killers around that.

    So: Buff Solos so they are equal to SWF (roughly), put Killers on a level that they can face SWFs without any problems.

    But Voice Chat... I dont want to talk to strangers. Since the DBD Community is full of children, I also dont want to get insulted when I miss a Skill Check or do anything which another person considers incorrect.

    I mean, just imagine being the only one with a 3 man SWF full of Italians/German/Russian/whatever... Not really cool to hear a language you dont understand all the time.

    And lets not forget the Language Barrier...Clearly no topic in the US, but in Europe it can easily happen to speak to someone who does not know English (most likely Italy, France or Spain).

  • DJ_2_toxic
    DJ_2_toxic Member Posts: 29

    I've said this soooo many times that swf should have a reduced action speed and solo should be able to see your friends at all times. Also for killer ruin should be a base perk.

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    this is not an option, i don't wanna talk to anybody else, just wanna play my game and have fun by myself. if i wanted to talk to anybody, i would go out and make friends. ty

  • Hex_ToasterBath
    Hex_ToasterBath Member Posts: 38

    Adding in game comms would screw the killer over. Because most survivors already play swf and have a different site using comms, and you're saying we add it so the random people and coordinate too?

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    Comms are irrelevant. The game gives you all the information you need. When I play solo if I get decent team mates we don't need comms because everyone knows what to do already. When I play SWF sure I'm on comms but none of us are talking about the match. We're just chatting about whatever and having a good time. Comms aren't the problem with SWF, what causes people problems with those teams is simply that everyone on the team actually knows what they are doing.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    Then mute him- same goes for other toxic players and/or language barriers.

    Some people use comms to coordinate their teams, not everyone just uses it to socialize. There's a difference between four really good solo survivors and 4 really good SWFs with comms.

    It's a simple fix with simple solutions. If you don't want to use it, then disable the feature in options. If someone's giving you a hard time and you don't want to mute, report them (I know BHVR is bad with reports, but its better than nothing). Comms would fix way more problems than they would create, and problems they do make can be fixed or worked around via a few handy options.

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    I didn't say they aren't used, I said they are unnecessary because the game gives you all the information you really need. As for there being a difference between four really good solo survivors and 4 really good swfs with comms. Yes, there is a difference, the swf knows each other and will take risks that the solo players wont. That has nothing to do with comms. Again, I'm not saying they don't get used, I'm saying they aren't needed.

  • xerav
    xerav Member Posts: 392
    edited November 2019

    Yes the Game tells other random Players that you found ruin or that you have seen the Killer and its save to repair the gen. I guess we found a 4 man swf player here.

    A shame that all the good solo survivor are get ranked the same as 4 dudes abusing a system ...

  • dont_ask_me_again
    dont_ask_me_again Member Posts: 490

    If they added voice comms to dbd that’d bring a lot more life to the game.

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    You're right, the game does tell the other random players that you found Ruin, when you break it everyone hears an explosion and gets a visual notification of where the totem was and the debuff icon for Ruin disappears. You seeing the killer is irrelevant as to whether it's safe to repair a gen as gens are being worked on when the killer is near or far regardless and those working the gens have their eyes and ears open to listen and watch for signs that the killer is coming to their gen. So just hearing a heart beat doesn't mean the killer is coming but the heart beat growing more intense means the killer is approaching so be more alert, etc.

    As for the comment on having found a 4 man swf player, that comment seems rather pointless because it has zero bearing on the subject of in-game comms vs external comms. Secondly, most of the games I play are solo matchmaking so no, I'm not generally in a 4 man swf for the majority of the matches I play. When I am in a swf party though (regardless of the number of people in the party) the presence or lack of comms is completely irrelevant because the information we need to know to play the game is provided by the game itself and comms only offer insignificant extraneous information that is not required to play effectively. It's the difference between what is 'nice to have' (comms) and 'what is needed' (information the game already gives you without comms).

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Divide ranked in sólo ranked and SWF if you play SWF killers get buffed

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    If you want solo on the same level as swf then this needs to happen

    All these perks at base level

    bond, empathy, OoO, kindred, dark sense,Alert, Premonition, spine chill, Windows of opportunity.

    Add this to base survivor:

    Traps and totems light up for all survivors when seen or touched.

    Remove or make a new perk or re-balance as they will be useless:

    Knockout, All hex perks,

    Add quick chat bubbles with phrases like

    "i am being chased"

    "i am not being chased"

    "help me"




    "i have found"


    If solo survivors are to be the same strength as swf, then all of this must be done to compare.

    None of this will happen as killers will be destroyed, and bhvr knows it. It is already in the game

    "but it doesn't happen every game so deal with it"

    "not everyone plays like this so deal with it"

  • OswinOsgood
    OswinOsgood Member Posts: 184

    Only problem i have with typing is console, unless you have a keyboard plugged in it takes literally forever to type something. Youd have to hide in lockers just to say something lol

  • Bingbongbong
    Bingbongbong Member Posts: 202

    For the simple reason of new players. This game has an incredibly toxic and sometimes hostile community, If new people were being screamed at by other players it'd be a huge turn off for the game.

    Toxicity thrives with just a post game chat box, If we can't even handle that I can't imagine how bad voice coms would be.

  • theonethatknows
    theonethatknows Member Posts: 11

    The amount of jealous kids I played with that would help the killer to find me and hook me because they didnt get the points or unhooks or because the killer started chasing them instead of me, because the killer knew I was a more difficult chase, is big.

    I call them antimates. They drop pallets next to you or fast vault or point with the finger in your direction and then lead the killer to you.

    Imagine having comm what those people could and will do.

    So no thanks to comm.

    Make it like in Battlefield games where you have a wheel of messages you can click.

    Thats the best solution.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Aura reading should be the last thing spoonfed to survivors, as it is even stronger than comms. HUD info only reveals what theyre doing, aura reveals what and where.

    Any feature not needing input to give info back will just boost cwf too. You dont need to ask your buddies for their locations if you can already see them, thus giving you more time to use comms to coordinate instead.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Can't wait to hear all that toxic end game messaging now in full volume screaming!

    Can't wait to be called all kinds of racial slurs for making a play someone else didn't approve of!

    Can't wait to "opt out" of voice comms only to have the forums be flooded with posts complaining about people opting out of voice comms!

    In case it wasn't obvious I hate this idea.