How to deal with trapper in EGC?

So we had a trapper who trapped both of the exit gates 1 gen left and he closed the hatch so its a 50/50 chance on him checking the gate im opening and if he doesnt i win right? nope because lets not forget the traps alert him so right when i disarm the trap i hear the terror radius so yep i go into hiding he comes back resets the trap and walks away. i went back disarmed it again and went to working on the gate until i heard the terror radius then i hid again he came back and put the trap back down again but this time stayed there and since there was like half a bar left on the egc i headed over to the other side and disarmed the trap and started working on that one and same occurance so i just kinda accepted my fate. RIP. (Im not asking for nerfs to trapper im kinda just frustrated because we did so good had 1 gen left and the last person died and he closed the hatch and i guess spent the time to trap the gates at the start of the game).
It's one of the Trapper's strengths, just gotta try your best to make it out.
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I have the same issue. I honestly don't know how to escape except hope I get lucky and he places his trap slightly wrong. Same as Billy, he can skip between gates especially if they're in close proximity
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That's literally the only thing Trapper has going for him. If you're in SWF both of you could have popped the traps at the same time.
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The real problem is probably gate distance. Otherwise Trapper made the right play and trapped both gates before killing the other survivor. Most you can do in that situation is try to get the gate open or go search for a key.
The killer earned that one.
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Trapper is strong in endgame. Let's nerf him lulz.
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Easy counter is press the menu button then click leave match.
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spirit can literally just go back and forth. Same with billy. hag can trap both gates. Demo can port between them. Huntress can sling hatchets across the map. Killers are heavily favored in that situation and if you’re the only one left your chances of getting out are not and should not be 50/50. More like 75/25 (90/10 on billy and spirit and the upcoming oni) your odds increase if more people are still alive.
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let's not forget this whole farce called EGC is just to prevent some people for stand-off hatch plays. that is literally the reason we have to deal with this bullshit now. If people weren't jerkoffs we would just have the normal hatch play which is the most fun and fair for everyone.
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I said in my post im not saying for him to get nerfed
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The best way to deal with this kind of situation is to give up and go cleanse some totems, open chests, or have a good chase. You won't survive, but at least you'll get some nice points.
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Here's what you should do, as soon as the game starts and you see it's a trapper do not use your toolbox but to break his traps into oblivion, broken traps cannot be used, that would've saved you
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Just hide until there the EGC is nearly over, then make some noise and when he comes to find you, teabag him for the last few seconds before you die.
I count this as a win.
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You have a weird definition of "win."
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Unless the gates are really far away or the trapper screws up, you lost.
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Direct quote from the post you did not read "Im not asking for nerfs to Trapper"
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They just come back like 2 minutes later
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Best strat I've seen on the forum so far
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How long does the EGC last? I do know... I'm asking if you do
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You said "at the start of the game" and also "break them into oblivion," it was confusingly worded.
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disarm 1 trap, go to the other disarm it then go back to the OG and disarm it again then open that gate, or if you REALLY want to mindgame, disarm, open until 1 light gets turned on then go for the other.
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Letting trapper put you in that situation was your undoing, the game was already lost.
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I'm a Trapper main and I use this strategy all the time. The thing that is special about Trapper is that he has one of the few counters to a survivor escaping during the end game collapse. He can always trap both gates before the end game and find the hatch ahead of time. If you can't get to the hatch in time or consistently disarm his traps before the end game, then you're screwed unless you have a key. The only true way to beat this strategy is if you have a key for the hatch.
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*Flashbacks of trappers trapping under hooks*
But yeah, you couldn't have done much in that situation. In situations like that I just go looting chests and hope for a key... but you gotta get lucky.
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Find an item if you don't have one, disarm one of the traps at the Gates, set the item down, crouch behind it while looking up into the sky, and beg for mercy.
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True, sorry, I meant to save the toolbox for needed trap breaking, it could be shack ones or for the EGC
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Gotcha. Good strategy I never really thought of tbh
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If he closes the hatch then you're screwed. It's one of his few strengths and there would be no way to change it without ruining him.
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at that point, you dont.
He has pretty much won now.
the best chance you have at that point would be to disarm a trap at one gate, sneak to the other while he comes over there, disarm that trap and start opening it.
if they are far enough apart, you might be able to open it before he comes back, however thats unlikely.
you could also try to continue that stealth game by starting one exit gate, sneaking away, starting the other, etc. thats risky too though, as the EGC timer is very tight.
in general i'd give you the advice to never even let him place these traps in the first place. check the exit gate switches from time to time while the game is still ongoing and disarm these traps. that way, when the EGC starts, you have the same chance of escape as with any other killer.
or the Trapper is actually going to trap the gates again before shutting the hatch, so you have more time to look for it.
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If the doors are close enough, no tactics will work if the trapper has any sense at all. Go for the style points (teabagging in the face of your demise) or just go grab actual points from chests or totems. If you have enough time you may find a key and can grab hatch. But barring that unlikely occurrence, best option IMO is to find the path with the most pallets available and get chase points with pallet stuns and then teabag in the final seconds....EGC is garbage.