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Why so many Ghostface?

Member Posts: 430

As a a survivor main I rarely play as a killer. For that reason I am not anywhere close to being familiar with the nuances of playing the various killers. I guess the question I have is why it seems so many killers play as Ghostface. I can only speak from my personal experience, and I realize not everyone will have the same experience.

I have been noticing a trend lately so I actually kept track of how many matches I have played and how many of those matches the killer has been Ghostface. In the past 5 days I have played 53 matches and in 28 of them Ghostface was the killer I was up against. Prior to those 5 days I wasn't keeping a specific count, but again I started keeping count because I had been noticing I was playing against Ghostface the majority of the time.

This isn't a complaint. I seem to fair about as well (or maybe as bad) against Ghostface as other killers so it isn't about that. I am just genuinely curious why over 50 percent of my matches are against Ghostface when there are 17 killers to choose from. Is Ghostface that much more powerful?

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  • Member Posts: 338

    Because Is a good killer Is like saying why so many spirits? Why so many Freddy? Why so many billys? At least on pc

  • Member Posts: 430

    I figured that much out. I suppose I should have been more specific. What I'm asking is what is about Ghostface that makes him so much better that over 50 percent of my games are against him?

  • Member Posts: 137

    This one guy is Ghostface 100% of the matches I've played him, and he straight camps you out and then squats on your face lol

  • Member Posts: 624

    I usually play him, and can say it's because he is the best stealth killer currently.

    Wraith is eh. He doesn't really spook people and is generally uninteresting to play.

    Pig is a ton of fun, but her stealth basically demands whispers or other tracking perks because it obstructs your view so much. Her trap power is also basically a gimmick unless you are running multiple rare add-ons.

    The only other who comes close is myers, but he is huge so he can't really sneak up on people like ghostface can, and he also has a horrid earlygame to have to go through.

  • Member Posts: 166

    Because he's fun to play. And he's pretty good.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    People like their insta-downs. Especially when all it takes is 2 seconds of staring and BOOM exposed. Is that cheap? It feels like it, but it really isn't. I'm having problems breaking him out of stealth when I'm looking straight at him btw, so that's a factor. I have to run Spine Chill on every character because there's so much Ghost Face. When the devs buff other killers or slow down the gens so we can actually play with more than 3 different killers, you'll see less of him.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    The impact of Tru3.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    He's good, he's fun and he just got his classic skin.

  • Member Posts: 912
    edited November 2019

    u lucky then. because the only thing i vs is spirit and billy

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    Basically using him for surprise attacks and to mind game pallets with no terror radius or red stain, its more effective then trying to stalk and get insta downs.

  • Member Posts: 306

    I agree breaking him out of stealth these days takes a miracle. I have tried the stare at him, stare slightly above him (due to 3rd person angle), etc. I have an easier time blinding him than breaking him out of stealth so I think that has a lot to do with it.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2019

    The devs keep chopping the top tier killers down so people are just naturally moving down the list.

    Ghostface is what the other stealth killers should have been and never made it.

  • Member Posts: 137

    I can't wait til we can play across all platforms. Got 2 killers on Switch that always play Ghostface, and they always camp. It's such a small pool that you face same people all the time, and when they're constantly cheap, it gets old

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    Run a generic stall build, run around in night shroud and stab people. Basically a stealthy Legion except the free hit is harder to get.

  • Member Posts: 938

    He's a good killer that people were excited for, and now has the endorsement of the wonderful Tru3

  • Member Posts: 78

    Getting him out of Nightshroud does not seem to be a hard task for the survivors I play against with him :D. Nevertheless I enjoy playing him, as he is actually pretty stealthy without the dumb warnings Wraith has to deal with. Stabbing survivors out of nowhere is very satisfying and you often get them of guard while doing so. A surprise one shot at match start is also very likely. But without good perks he is relatively weak. It's a shame that one is forced to equipped the same dumb teachable perks on all killers to stand a chance against the genrush. If you don't care too much about it, I'd recommend playing him, even with lame perks.

  • Member Posts: 4

    I wouldn't have a problem with it if survivors could actually stare at him without getting exposed nonetheless.

  • Member Posts: 830

    Strong killer, good pressure, 115% speed.

  • Member Posts: 8,601
    edited November 2019

    He's straight up fun. Sneaking around is fun. Finding the perfect stalk angle and jump scaring into a 1 shot is a blast. Even just being able to hide your red stain and terror radius in a chase makes for some funny moments.

  • Member Posts: 44

    ffs, its not tru3. he didnt think of that. he did what some of us have been doing for a long while.

    ive been playing ghost like that since they nerfed him.

    he may have made people more aware of it, but it def wasnt him who figured it out.

  • Member Posts: 174

    The full method is playing him as a full stealth killer, with sloppy butcher, thanatapbobia, and nurses calling. Then you bounce from survivor to survivor, and stab everyone, and you can stealth around and use nurses to see them if they heal, and if they don't, they are always injured. It's like a harsher, stronger wraith.

  • Member Posts: 277
    edited November 2019

    He is the one who popularized it and made it widely known. Nobody cares that John smith from whocaresville thought of it before, Tru brought it to the communities attention and made it as successful and popular as it has become, nobody ever talked about it or thought twice about it before he did it so now it’s referred to as the ‘TrU3Ta1ent build’ simple as that.

  • Member Posts: 3,535

    Cause Tru3

  • Member Posts: 113
    edited January 2020

    Ghostface has ruined this games experience for me.

    There are so many matches with this stupid ######### killer they might as well rename the game 'Scream: the game'.

    It's like ghostface plundered legions following of edgelord fanboys and sent every other killer on holiday.

    I could care less about surviving another match at this point, it would just be nice to see more variety.

  • Member Posts: 1,364
    edited January 2020

    I play ghostface because I love the films/tv show it’s the same with Michael leatherface Amanda

    edit: and. Freddy

  • Member Posts: 344

    I think that Ghostface is favored because of one real reason that separates him from other killers.

    That horrible, freaking noise when your camera goes over him. Not only can he hear it, too, but it literally points him in the direction of the person that saw him. It's honestly absurd. I'd be fine with just the noise but the guidance showing what direction the survivor is in is insanity. You don't even have to be good or use your own eyes/ears. The game does it for you but even goes beyond that and uses the survivor's view to the killers advantage, too.

    It's the one reason I hate playing against Ghostface. Why? Because it takes no skill. A survivor just has to accidentally be looking in the direction of the killer or an area that the killer passes through, both might be clueless to the other, and BAM. Ghostface knows where you are even if he had no idea you were there.

    Worst of all, he's a freaking stealth killer. It's incredibly difficult to dodge someone you can't even look at. I recommend playing him, though, so you can truly understand it. Just like all killers. You learn so much more about them that way.

  • Member Posts: 344

    I had a post all written out but when I attempted to correct an error and save it the post was deleted. But anyway, I'll tell you why...

    It's because Ghostface has one thing that separates him from all the other killers. That annoying, freaking noise made whenever a camera goes over him. It's absolutely absurd. Not only does it tell Ghostface that he was seen by a survivor (who may not have even known they were looking in Ghostface's direction) but it literally points him in their direction, telling him "oh, the survivor is that way!". And if Ghostface is revealed then the person's EXACT location is given away. It's insanity. I would be fine with just the noise but no... they basically hand him the survivors location or at least show him the general area the survivor is in.

    Why it bothers me? It takes no skill. Yeah, I said it. The killer doesn't have to use his own eyes/ears to find survivors. The game does it for him. Better yet, the game has the survivor do it for him. The survivor betrays themselves and gives themselves away by simply gazing in a direction the killer just happened to be in.

    Worst of all, he is a stealth killer that can chase you while in stealth mode. That means he's silent and fast. It's incredibly difficult to dodge someone you can't even look at that can move at a speed greater than your own. Like what the heck is that crap? I hate it. Not the killer. Just the dumb camera mechanic. It's ridiculous and should be removed.

    I strongly suggest playing killers, though. You would be amazed at what you learn by doing so. It will help your survivor gameplay because you'll understand how each killer operates. Some of them are so different. I guarantee your performance will improve.

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    Same as Wraith. I know everyone is saying they all knew wraith was good for years, but until Tru did his “day of wraith,” he was rare in high ranks

    Debatable which is better, Wraith is faster but has to uncloak. GF has such a freaking buggy reveal mechanic sometimes and doesn’t have to uncloak to hit.

  • Member Posts: 392

    The lack of a terror radius and being clever to stay out of line of sight is very powerful. It’s rare that a killer can have surprise on his side, and when it does it can cause snowballs quickly.

    He is also just fun to play.

  • Member Posts: 56

    I keep seeing tru3 on here he is the worst person to get info from all he does is cry and talk ######### about the game.. Go for otz he is very humble and tells the truth and isnt one sided and biased like tru3 is..

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    I've only ever played him that way. Never bother to stalk and expose as survivors will play uber safe and waste the expsosed time. Hit and run ghostface is a pain for the survivors to deal with, especially with Nurses and chewed pen.

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