Claudette's best perk?

Claud's perk are somewhat a popular choice, and with good reason since they provide very interesting and useful advantages, specially regarding healing yourself and others.
But what do YOU think? Which is Claudette's best perk?
Claudette's best perk? 63 votes
Botany Knowledge
Probably Botany. The efficiency and speed are both very nice, especially when bringing a medkit.
I have found that running Bond is better than Self-Care or Empathy. Self-Care is so ridiculously slow. I also see teammates use it when they shouldn't be, like when they are facing Legion. Then they spend the majority of the game self-healing and don't touch any generators. It's usually better to just find a teammate with Bond and heal in half the time, then work on a generator together. Empathy just isn't as useful as Bond I feel. With Bond, I'm running to the person to unhook, but I see a teammate 30 meters away through a wall is already on the way there, so I can go back to doing the generator.
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Botany doesn't give efficiency to medkit
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Botany Knowledge
The perk states
Healing Speed and Healing Item Efficiency is increased by 11/22/33 %.
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Botany Knowledge
It does indeed.
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Botany Knowledge
the 25 percent taking 5 years to heal across the map no thank
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I just realised that I never read the description of Botany completely. I'm dumb
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Botany Knowledge
It happens to the best of us.
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I'd say i'm tied with botany and self-care. I would chose Self-care for solo and botany if in swf.
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they're all good but like I never get a med-kit please game I just want one
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They're all bad, but this one is the least bad
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Bond is alright, but Empathy works well as you can tell once a survivor is hit where the killer is if they're running/dropping pallets/etc. and if there are multiple survivors injured you can always run to help heal the others (helps with the Tome heals).
I don't normally run either tbh unless theres a reason to do so.
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Botany Knowledge
Botany Knowledge is a great perk that saves a lot of time.
Empathy is a very close second due to it being Bond on steroids when someone is injured.
Self-Care is a waste of time and should only be run by low-rank survivors.
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Fantastic perk for tracking where the killer is!
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People actually voted self-care
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Botany Knowledge