

For console players.

Member Posts: 408
edited November 2019 in Polls

Do you have any problems with the framerate and the sensitivity, or with just one of them? This a problem that needs to be addressed, the console framerate has been bad for too long. What happened to "road to 60fps"? Answers down below.

For console players. 66 votes

35 votes
8 votes
Only with one of them
23 votes

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  • Member Posts: 1,783
    Only with one of them

    I have framerate drops and controller issues with this game. No problems with sensitivity for the most part but I've also never played on pc to know what I'm missing.

    I have a couple knock off controllers so I can't complain legitly but for some reason they work very badly with DBD. They work fine (most of the time) for all my other games but dbd brings out the worst in them which makes me laugh. I'll swing and then just end up doing circles. Most of my successful 360's are from my controller freaking out at just the right time.

    Framerate can be very bad though. Depends on how long I'm playing and what killer. If I've been playing a while the game with start to drops frames a lot. Turning off the system helps but only temporarily. My ps4 also takes off to space when it first runs DBD. Certain killers like doctor and hag also cause major drops; playing as or against.

    Had a very frustrating game as the doctor on the game map against some good survivors. I whiffed so many attacks due to my frames tanking and autoaim taking over that I had to just take a break afterwards because it was stressing me out. Thinking on it I haven't been that stressed playing this game since I first tried it.

  • Member Posts: 3,145
    Only with one of them

    Frame rate drops, especially Bloodlust lag and DS freeze are my biggest nightmares.

    I cranked up my sensitivity, so I don't have an issue.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    Frame rate is inconsistent with maps and specific killer powers/actions.

    Sensitivity is too damn low even at 100%.

  • Only with one of them

    Framerates are the main issue along side lag and lag of real but decent official dedicated servers.

  • Member Posts: 1,284

    Frame rate is absolutely atrocious sometimes, and I don't know how considering games like DMC 5 run at 60 just fine.

  • Member Posts: 47
    Only with one of them

    I feel sensitivity along as more buttons to map is needed.

  • Member Posts: 2
    Only with one of them

    Framerate drops like crazy all the time. Sensitivity is an issue I've been able to more or less get used to but the framerate is a big problem and very inconsistent so its impossible to predict sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 172

    Frame Rate is garbage even with ps4 pro and sens can be monstrous at some points

  • Member Posts: 201
    Only with one of them

    I play at default sensitivity so not sure if that's 100 or not, I haven't checked yet; but the frame rate definitely loves to drop at times

  • Member Posts: 534

    Yes. I have sensitivity at 100 and it still feels so slow compared to what I see PC players do. It's part of the reason why 360ing is easy on console. Killers can't always turn fast enough to hit the survivors.

    Frame rate issue have been constant for the past year or so. I'll be in the bloodweb and my frames drop down to like 5. It's worse with specific killers like Doctor or Hag. Even more worse when you're playing as those killers and in a chase.

  • Member Posts: 426

    Both problems, sensitivity as a nurse main, always weakened my plays, fps are unstable, especially after some games, and some killers, Demo as example..Blood lust makes freeze the game, so it slows you down more than helping lol..

  • Member Posts: 2,428
    Only with one of them

    I can deal with the sensitivity for the most part, would I like to see it increased though, absolutely. Now, the fps issues I definitely think is the main problem for me.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,503

    Yes, god, I hate the way Bloodlust causes the game to freeze! I've missed so many hits because of that.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I really hope devs check this out and hear our cries. The frame rate issues are atrocious. playing as killer I miss swings, bloodlust slows me down, certain areas of maps with completed gens cause you to lose sight of your target. So many issues from a source I’m sure they can fix with some attention.

  • Member Posts: 288
    Only with one of them

    My frames aren't too bad, it's definately playable. I cranked my controller sensitivity up all the way and I still wish it could go higher tbh. That's something I've wanted for controller on both console and pc for a long time

  • Member Posts: 28

    For me, my biggest issue is wiggling destroying my joystick

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