DC Defenders, give me an excuse for this one on my team...

You guys who claim DCs are okay are always so innovative with reasons to justify DCing against a mean, bad manner killer.
Less than one minute into a game, working on a gen with another survivor who gets stalked and downed by Ghostface... insta-DC. What terrible thing was the killer doing that made them screw the team over? He wasn't camping, literally never even got to hook them. He wasn't tunneling, literally the first person he downed. He wasn't using broken Prayer Beads, Iri hatchet, insta saw. He wasn't that terribly broken, over performing Spirit. Wasn't playing "boring forever freddy."
DC defenders are the DC themselves... why wasting your time asking them?
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To me the only justified reason to DC is if a survivor or killer is holding the game hostage or if there is a bug being exploited. Other than that I think if you DC you are a poor sport that can't handle losing once in a while
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OMG that happened with me and my friends last night the Killer DC one minute after the game started all because we were all working on gens at the same time. We had been waiting for 15 minutes for a game and this crap happened it was ridiculous I tell you, it needs to stop and I'm glad that they're at least doing something about it. I heard in the update for the new killer that IF you DC on purpose you'll be blocked from playing for 20 minutes and I hope it's like a 3 strikes you're out system where if you continue to do DC you get banned from playing. If you can't play the game and you're such a baby you need to DC every time or don't like the Killer or whatever then you shouldn't be playing DBD in the first place.
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Amen couldn't agree more!
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No one here is defending this kind of dc'ing.
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Some people just DC if the game doesn't start in a favorable way.
First to go down? DC. Ruin blows up early? DC.
There's nothing to defend or explain, it's just scrub behavior.
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I will be fine DC punishments once tunneling and camping out of spite will become punishable.
If you tunnel me with 5 gens remaining and ruin up, while being first person to be hooked. I am not gonna stay in that game.
If you camp me with same scenario, i will leave.
If you down me and i have to wait 4 minutes for me to die because you really need that 4k. I will leave not to give the person hatch, but i value my time.
Before you say: "Those matches are rare". No they arent sometimes im in matches like that 4 times in row.
Therefore if you say even then you shouldnt be allowed then i will assume that you those things.
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Okay if you’re slugged you don’t wanna wait for him to hook the other survivor, so you’ll DC and eat what I hope is at least a 5-10 minute timeout before you can queue up again. Makes sense.
In regards to tunnel, if a killer tunnels me I at least run and try to buy my team as much time as possible. It’s not their fault the killer is tunneling me, if I can run the killer for even 30 seconds and then stun him with DS and run him another 30 that is HUGE for the team. Maybe they find ruin, or maybe they crank out two gens in that time.
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It's the same thing with people who says they have real life responsibilities they need to tend to and may not be able to play a full match.
Then don't play.... Not trying to be insensitive here, but if you have responsibilities tend to them first. I know once in a while unexpected things happen (and that's ok.. if you disconnect once in a while Im sure you won't be punished). But c'mon.. don't ruin everybody else's fun because you can't sort your stuff before you jump into a game. GET THAT SOUP OFF THE STOVE BEFORE MATCHMAKING!!!
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If you enjoy being tunneled 4 games in a row which adds up to at least 40 minutes of playtime without counting in the time it takes to find a game sure.
I value my time clearly you dont but its your time. I used to do origami for fun and even i dont have the patience for this so good luck.
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You’re getting tunneled, and dying 10 minutes into the game? Even with potato teammates if the killer is only chasing you the three of them would have gens way before this. It’s almost like you’re making things up now
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Run Unbreakable and Decisive. Now stop crying and play the game.
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Clearly because Ghostface is an unfun killer to go against. If the Devs refuse to rework Ghostface and make him fun to play against what choice did they have?
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Sarcasm, I hope?
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I see people tunnel after taking DS so your point isnt valid. Besides i am not crying about. All i am saying is if you really think that DCing is a bad thing, then reasons for example the ones i made should be punishable because its literally same as survivor DCing in way it affects how game is played.
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Dude you think that i care if you think if i make stuff up or not? Either accept that i am or dont comment, because you didnt adress what i said.
Why my examples shouldnt be punishable? They do same thing as someone Dcing.
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No, they don’t. DCing is against the rules, that’s a fact. Camping or tunneling is within the rules, according to the creators of the game, that’s a fact. They aren’t the same but that’s something you’ll cling to to make yourself feel better about being a quitter.
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If you’re that easy of a target, that the killer can down you, hook you, down you, eat a DS, and down you again without wasting time then learn to loop maybe just a little bit?
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The killer played the game at all. For a lot of people that is more than enough reason to dc. Asking for justification from someone other than the person who dc'd is like asking a horse why the crapped on your car. How the hell would it know.
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Reasons for DC vary but by the sounds of it there wasn't a reason. The only I could think of is if you are on test for Oni. Some survivors go on test to play specifically against Oni. After waiting 5 to 10 minutes in queue, another 5 in lobby waiting for a 4th, and then another 2 minutes in loading, all set for Oni, and you ghostface... I've seen people quit for that. On live servers, that's just a poor sport.
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Ok I am done with you, you cant comprehend what i am telling you. Have a nice life i hope i wont have to see your posts ever again.
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Compares A to B... gets told pointedly that A and B are not the same... proceeds to pout like a 5 year old who didn’t get his way lol... please keep DCing so I don’t ever have to see you in my games
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No it doesn't because you should be able to loop. If the killer is truly hard tunneling or camping then your team can do gens. It's not punished because it's a valid (and not very good) playstyle. And if DS alone doesn't work then run iron will too.
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I only DC if the killer is being toxic so he gets less blood points, like he deserves.
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Killer mains will fiercely defend face camping, tunneling, and standing there repeatedly hitting a hooked survivor until they die or dc.
Why is it surprising people will dc so fast? Getting facecamped/tunneled to death because you went down first ruins any fun.
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I just started the 20 Emblems challenge.
My first 2 matches were full of DCs.
Got 2 Gold or higher so far.
It's like they know...
Weren't crashes either: First match was from a salty down, and with 1 DC come the next few, then the 2nd match they were just suicidal.
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He downed a survivor -- Survivor rulebook chapter 14 subsection 3 clearly states:
14.3: Any killer who offensively uses their weapon against a survivor hereby relinquishes all rights and benefits afforded to them, and must allow all survivors to escape/leave the match as the please, under penalty of being branded as a "Tryhard" hereto for all eternity.
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I agree
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That's true people need to play the game no matter who the Killer is, just because you don't like the Killer doesn't mean you DC it makes it harder for the rest of the team trying to work on gens because now they have to work twice as hard.
I hate when you're the Killer an example for me when I was Amanda I put a bear trap on this person's head and before I could put em on the hook they DC making me loose my trap and my chance to get my trophy (at the time I was going for Adept Pig, thankful I got it in a later round) Oh I report disconnectors in a heartbeat because I'm sick of that crap.
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In my opinion, I don't think they would ever do a three strikes you're out thing. Frankly I don't even think they should. I'm not trying to be rude I'm just saying that I payed $40 for this game and I don't want to be permabanned for three DCs. I rarely DC the only time I do is when I get found at the beginning, get put on the hook, get taken off the hook, put right back on the hook, get taken off once more, and then right back on.
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Not defending it, but every other killer seems to be Ghostface since a streamer told them they should.
It gets pretty ######### boring playing against the same ######### over and over, especially Ghostface whose reveal is SERIOUSLY unintuitive at the moment, to the point that I legitimately think they accidentally shrunk the region to reveal to half or less in recent patches.
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Why DC though, just let him carry you to the hook... or wait 2 minutes if he slugs you.
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I don't want to be punished for when I want to ragequit, and I would prefer to sit here and justify my scumbagedness by saying things like "What if my power went out?" or "Dedicated servers suck!" Despite the fact that every other game that has any sort of ranked mode and no backfill punishes you for it.
My teammates disconnecting as survivor really needs to stop. I'm not having fun I'm going to ruin the experience of everyone else in the game because I want to have fun >:(
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They won't ever perma ban for DC, I seriously doubt that. We can only guess but it will probably be something like
1st DC no action
2nd DC 5 minute ban
3rd DC 10 minute ba
4th DC half anhour
5th DC and each thereafter 1 hour ban
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Are you sure it wasn't just a legitimate connection issue?
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@Jejune Simple solution when getting tunneled/camped (even with DS etc) and you desperately want to leave: Just die on the hook. You keep the points and don't give the killer extra ones. Not that hard and those 20s you need to die on the hook aren't that much.
Or you are a good sportsman and buy your team time. A camping killer is nowhere near your mates for 2 whole minutes! Which is equivalent of at least 2 gens. I even had 4 (!) gens popped during that time once!
And if you do not want to get slugged: Unbreakable is your best friend. And not getting found first works wonders too.
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Someone that gets it! Yes, if I get tunneled it stinks but I at least wait it out to buy my team time to hopefully do gens. I feel like I’m at least punishing the killer by hopefully making him lose.
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ok, so you’re that guy...
No connection issue while working on gen, but the instan she goes down it severs her connection...
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There have been many times that I hit someone (with a regular m1 attack) at the beginning of the match then they DC instantly.
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Cuz he wanted to. You're not obligated to reasons people do things.
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I dont need your "helpful" tips, because they are useless in the scenario i gave.
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cant wait to ban them after this new update <3