Will there be a balance against camping killers and SWF?

theonethatknows Member Posts: 11
edited November 2019 in General Discussions

The majority of games I end up with no pip or not escaping are those where the killer just camps or tunnels one guy after another.

If you play solo it's hard to counter unless every teammember knows exactly what to do without comms.

So on red ranks you get too many people playing awful or playing so bad that even a very unskilled killer has it easy to do 4ks.

On the other hand playing against a certain SWF team makes it nearly impossible to win or pip as killer.

This means that the small amount of SWF teams that are premades and play together every single time and have comms will beat nearly every killer and on the other hand even a very experienced survivor who plays on red ranks after every reset will have a very hard time winning against low skilled camping killers.

Seriously I haven't had a game with an camping killer in months where "just do then gens then" helped.

I am not sure if the devs will ever do something against this though.


  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    I get to red ranks as solo survivor every reset and honestly I rarely go against camping killers in red ranks. Majority of camping killers I find are while I'm going through green and purple.

    I do agree though that if all 4 survivors are solo it is very hard to deal with a camping killer unless the hooked survivor has Kindred. I don't find it hard to pip at all as survivor though so I don't know what you are talking about with that. Doing a gen and a half, unhooking a survivor or two, and running the killer a bit is usually a pip, even if I get killed.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Did you ACTUALLY just do gens? Or did you start doing gens until the last second and THEN hook bombed.

  • asergioam
    asergioam Member Posts: 363

    Vouch for that, red ranks is very rare to get a camper or tunneler. When it happens, it's usual matchmaking fault and we are paired up against green ranks.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    If the Killer camps 3 Survivors then you in particular will have enough time to complete 4.5 gens. So if the Killer is distracted for a combined total of 60 seconds (counting 18 seconds of attack cooldown animations and 4.5 seconds of hooking animations) you will be able to complete all 5 gens and open an exit gate even if none of the other Survivors are working in generators.

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    This unwanted behavior does not need to be balanced, it must be totally ineffective, both solo and SWF.

    "just do then gens" is indeed not a good argument. That means: it's ok that a killer stays ALONE around a hooked survivor, involving 2 inactive players, and letting others fix generators without any pressure. No, it's not ok.

    • Uninteresting for 3 survivors.
    • Frustrating for 1 survivor.
    • Only the killer played by a troll seems to have fun without needing any skill.

    Of course, if the killer chases another survivor who gets closer and revolves around a hooked survivor, it's the survivor's mistake, it's not camping.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    If you're hoping for SWF to get addressed... yeah it's never going to be. BHVR is too afraid and/or doesn't know how to fix the problem THEY created.

    Camping is at least seeing some work. IDK how they are going to make people camp less other than by de-incentive it heavily which they already have begun with camping affecting emblems.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Wanna count, how many killer perks discourage killers from camping?

    • Hex: Devour Hope. A meme perk that usually gives you nothing;
    • Make Your Choice. Mediocre perk, hard to use on average killer, pay walled.
    • BBQ & Chilli, amazing perk, but again pay walled and was in a shrine only twice since Bubba was added (or was it 3 times?).

    Wanna count perks that encourage/enchant camping?

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Those are two very different things that IRONICALLY beat each other out. The only real way to save a hook from a camper is to be coordinated and communicate.

  • theonethatknows
    theonethatknows Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2019

    Sad to see that the majority of players are still very ignorant towards the real issues in the game.

    Probalby thats the reason why I see so many bad skilled players on red ranks every reset that dont even know how to do skill checks with ruin.

    Anyway, as long as people are ignoring this inbalance and rather cry about killers the devs will continue to nerf them. And not in a smart way. All they needed to do with Spirit was to give survivors a way to determine if she is phasing or not. But what did they do? Change vaulting and a whole bunch of addons. Thats like shooting with a shotgun at sparrows. Only good change was that collision thing!

    Also imho it's really not smart to say that on red ranks you dont get camping or tunneling killers anymore. Matchmaking is broken and matches you with purple or green ranks aswell sometimes. Also I get a lot of red rank killer that still camp or tunnel. Just they do it efficiently. They know exactly what they are doing and take advantage of a helping team to get an easy 4k. If you never had that you probably dont play often.

    Btw if you are a smart red rank player whenever someone gets hooked you should determine by the distance to the hooked one if you should check if the killer is camping. If you see he is chasing someone else it's obvious what you have to do.

    If you are on the other side of the map its smarter to do gens or look for ruin and let others who are maybe closer do the rescue. Its quite some times until a hooked one comes into phase 2.

    Should be enough time to check if someone is going to rescue or if the killer is camping.

    Also if the hooked one is not waving with his hands it means the killer is probably camping. Otherwise if he is you should go for a rescue if you are close.

    Dont know why this is so hard for some people.

    If he is camping you should know when he is coming close to phase 2 and nobody unhooked him yet and nobody else getting chased.

    By that time if you are good, you should have finished a gen and then go there to see if two of you can try to unhook. Sometimes a trade is even smart to give the 4rd survivor even more time to do gens meanwhile.

    If you are good he has to chase someone and let the other one downed if he has DS.

    Anyway I can only imagine people maybe playing 1hour per week if they dont have the same issue here.

    Camping killers have it too easy to pip or do 4kills. But I guess thats intended from the devs. In the year one most bad killers would just farm and maybe thats why they want it to be that way so killers dont start farming hardcore.

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