DS rewards failure just like NOED
It only activates once you've been downed AND hooked. Its giving survivors sixty seconds of immunity for not escaping the killer. But NOED is the ONLY problem.
I didn't run DS for 3 years.
I am running it, along with Unbreakable every single game.
It's not every Killer's playstyle, but a good enough percentage of red rank players are all the exact same. They drove me to this point, and I thank you all for the enlightenment.
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I simply just like running unbreakable if a killer slugs me to get the 4man
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Not necessarily. Just because you are "hooked" doesn't mean you've failed. Just because a gen gets done doesn't mean you've failed.
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There is no immunity with DS. Any good killer will slug you instead of picking you up and people will have to stop doing gens to pick you up which is a big deal.
Stunning the killer for 5 seconds and deactivating your perk is also not a reward.
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it is pretty simple to slug and if they have unbreakable then ######### out of luck
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I see DS as compensation for poor teammates. That might be just me tho. 🤷♂️😁
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Thats the immunity. Plus they can just hop in a locker and get away scott free.
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So you're admitting with the right perks there is no counterplay?
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Getting hooked is not losing.. your only supposed to be buying as much time as you can for your team to work on gens. Unfortunately some people think you should be able to 1v1 the killer all game.. this is mostly due to bad map design with god loops and such.
Does it need a change prolly.. something like a 4 second stun (1 second of the stun is always stuck in the animation) this would put it in line with head on. Also it prolly needs to be reduced to 45 seconds instead of 60.
Also noed is fine. It punishes bad survivors who dont cleanse totems and is the easiest of killer perks to counter. Especially since each totem is now 1k bloodpoints and with perks like inner strength I dont see much noed happening anymore.
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yeah it's called slugging if they have unbreakable that's just bad luck
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It's your fault for a teammate pulling you off a hook in front of the killer?
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Yes but noed is just a revenge perk helping you gettin meaningless Kill after you lost the Game (and the Survivor already won). While DS activates on every Hook and helps you win the Game ^^
There is a reason why better Killers dont run noed (and its not em being nice) you rather bring Pop goes the Weasel to help you win the game not a silly perk which only activates after you lost the game...
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It is a reward when my team mates power through gens while he carry’s on to tunnel me to my exit with adrenaline :)
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This goes back to otzs video where he hooked the other survivor and the survivor with ds active came down and unhookd the guy otz downed him and picked him up and he used it and basically got rewarded for being dumb but yeah apparently ds is fine. You should never run toward the killer and unhook someone infront of them unless you have ds apparently. Anti tunnel my ass.
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DS isn’t nearly as bad as BT.
If someone jumps in a locker I just wait it out... as a killer 9/10 you’re in a position to chase someone else before them and if you see them later it’s just like 20 seconds. I don’t think DS should be touched considering you could be directly tunnelled for a minute.
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You can or you can do what happened to otz put yourself in danger unhook a survivor infront of the killer which youd think youd get punished for. Nope ds you just saved that survivor and got off scott free. It should honestly deactivate if another survivor is hooked as its a anti tunnel perk.
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That's not a toxic mindset at all. Good for you random hater.
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And if someone was already slugged right by the hook? Then there’s BBQ giving free information of where the unhooked went etc... and if they had no real time to heal following that.
I saw that vid with otz against DS’es with doctor... his problem was he played doctor who’s gonna get reworked some point.
BT on the other hand encourages dumb saves with up to 6 uses/shields or 8 if 2 are in play.
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I’ve been playing nurse and DS is a joke... he can play a weak killer if he wants, you’re missing the point... if doctor got reworked which meant he also got stronger then DS would be less of an issue since doc would be able to down people faster.
killers have noed, spirit fury, rancor, loads of perks but that’s a few off the top of my head.
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Um he was playing lf in that clip lol.
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I saw a youtube vid where he played doctor against an swf with ds’es. I haven’t seen the leatherface clip and that’s not much of an upgrade in terms of killer tier. :P
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You haven't failed if you go down, and you haven't failed if all the gens get done. It's the game working like intended. If you failed when those conditions were met, then why aren't you kicked to the title screen?
Noed is balanced because you are basically running a 3 perk build for most of the game, and if all totems are done, it does nothing.
Ds is balanced because it only works ounce, and you often don't get to use it at all.
Thesee last parts are obviously just opinions, but you definately haven't "failed" when you get to use them
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You can force a ds by playing risky like they did against otz you should never unhook infront of the killer. But they did so otz downed them and went to put them on nope ds gives them a pass even though its a anti tunnel perk and he hooked another survivor. Thats why i said the only change it needs is if another survivor is hooked it deactivates because it did its job. At least bt gets screwed if the killer has no tr like as pig ill crouch then smack them after they get off so bt doesnt activate.
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I love DS. If you’re in high ranks, you should be running it every match. Also, be sure to use Unbreakable.
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And again, this shows how poor of a killer you must be to think that the only reason to use DS is for that chance to just get away. Listen to what he says, Basement is a bad place for survivors, especially against bubba, essentially because many like to camp (granted, he didn't). but this is a common enough issue that if you know you have a chance to get in and rescue someone from hook, and have a way out, best use it. He as killer knew she was hooked and was just rescued, he took that chance to pick up the survivor right after he downed her. If she had used your logic, she should have just left the survivor to die in the basement, and what fun would that be?
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So the killer should get punished for punishing the survivor for what should be a dumb decision? Also like i said ds is stated as a anti tunnel perk so why should it remain active after another survivor is hooked.
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Yes i really failed when the killer proxy camps and just tunnels me off the hook...
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Or you could not insult somebody for their perk choice and actually be a decent human being
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DS is the most overrated perk in the game, it’s only use is that most killers assume you have it even if you don’t. Unbreakable on the other hand is very underrated.
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The killer wasn't punished, he earned points for everything in that, including additional survivor found, chase, an extra hit, and more. The other survivor was hooked for all of a second, SO WHAT? the killer doesn't get any more points for hanging for 1 second, or 1 minute, the killer makes out, he knows 2 people currently not working gens, and a third who is working their way back. Both shown survivors are injured and likely to heal if they're not chased, and because it just happened, the killer is immediately back in a chase, not looking for someone. The only "punishment" comes from the obvious DS, 5 second stun. With how it was played, he should have known that was going to happen; Survivors aren't going in for the rescue like that without some ace up their sleeve. . If he had left her on the ground, he could have chased the other knowing 3 survivors would be occupied, 1 in chase, 1 down, 1 going to help. So the only dumb play there was the killer picking up the survivor.
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"The dumb play was picking up the survivor." You mean something the killer needs to do to get hooks to win the game? Thats literally like saying "The dumb play was the survivor doing a generator."
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Pulled completely out of context, good job!
As a killer, a survivor you downed was just unhooked and charged at you. Do you;
A. Pick him right up
B. Go after his buddy who is right there?
As a survivor, there is a generator to your left and another to your right. The killer is camping the left. Do you;
A. Go to the left generator and do it in front of the killer
B. Go to the right generator safely?
I'll give you a hint, B is the correct answer in both cases.
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The latter is using an example of game play that is unaffected by perks any one has. The former is forcing the killer to play differently because of perks. THere are very few, if any killer perks that force a change of gameplay from the survivor. There are at least 2 survivor perks that force the killer to play in a different way. Not saying killers shouldn't be adaptable and learn to play; but there is a difference from adapting and something giving little to no counter play.
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You still havent responded on the idea of ds deactivating if the killer hooks someone else since the devs stated ds is a anti tunnel perk if another survivor gets hooked its done its job and should deactivate shouldnt it because then its doing more then preventing tunneling.
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Because tunneling is more than just hooking another survivor. You hook the first. You get into a chase with the next and first gets unhooked. You down the second, hook and go back after the first, and then the second again. In this case you are still tunneling, your bouncing between 2 because the other is/was on the hook. So no, it shouldn't deactivate just because you hooked someone else.
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THANK YOU for realizing that DS is the closest thing survivors have to NOED, not adrenaline.
Adrenaline kicks in with success. DS kicks in with failure like NOED does.
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It used to reward failure and punish killers for doing well.
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There are many different play styles for hunting and killing survivors, but only one way to complete a gen. And completing gens can and are effected by many perks, pop, ruin, surveillance, corrupt int., etc. All of these perks force a change in game play. Ruin- stop doing gen and go find totem. Surveillance - 1 per gen, no teaming up to do them. CI - Hide and wait 2 minutes or find one closer to the killer. Etc. Perks are meant to force a change in game play one way or another. NOED - Run in to save? Nope go find that totem first. So DS forcing you to leave a survivor alone for a minute or deal with the consequences, it's a moot point.
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Well i can see how your ranked since you stop working on a gen while ruin is play.... Also...what? You cant tunnel 2 people or if you are its moreso trading then tunneling and thats the survivors decision.
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There is no immunity. At worst you get a 5s stun. If thats immunity all survivors would escape every game. DS cannot satisfy both sides, but in is needed due to tunnelin being a serious issue in most of the games. And thats not because its a mechanic, its because killers decide to do so on purpose. As long as tunneling isnt prohibited by design even the actual DS is too weak for solving the purpose.
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Really? So what's my rank? I bet you're as wrong as me saying you never got out of green ranks as killer.
If ruin is in the game, someone should find the totem and destroy it. Sometimes it's me, others it's not. Otherwise the base 80 seconds to complete a gen can push up over 2 minutes.
As for tunneling, no that is the killer's decision, it can only be influenced by the survivor by intentionally running to you, and if that's the case, by all means, have at it. Understand this, what survivors hate isn't you trying to kill them, it you deciding that's the only thing they get to do. Yes, you're there to kill 4 others, so work on that, to focus and kill 1 right off the bat, you're killing the fun for everyone.
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I actually power through ruin and find it as im moving around the genes. If someone else wants to look for it good on them.And im saying tunneling by definition is going after the same person refusing to let them go how do you tunnel 2 people at 1 time. Oh i tunnel all 4 survivors...you mean you go after all 4 because thats the point? Nope somehow i tunnel all 4 survivors. Also heres a definiton:"Tunneling" based on the phrase "Tunnel Vision". It is an accusation applied for when you focus on one survivor over others. Most accusations about tunneling are stupid as the decision to focus on one person is perk driven or common sense. (Dying Light/Remember Me) or targeting an injured person over an uninjured one are examples.
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You can at least remove NOED, nothing you can do against DS you have to either slug them, tunnel them extra hard, or let them go. 1 and 3 are the only viable options.
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As a person who plays roughly 50/50. I would say yes your correct, but the main difference is while
DS is a failure based perk it helps remove the potential to tunnel as a incentive to get the killer to avoid them. DS has certain incentives for a killer to avoid this. Yes I do believe that DS should have a infinite timer on the basis its removed upon every hook. I would rather have it deactivated upon another hook then I would people making it so only one person can have DS at a time.
NoeD is simply a reward for failure it has no incentive for anything. It robs the survivors and the killer of any real game play.
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NOED doesn't reward failure. It's a perk that is designed for the Endgame. It's a trump card. Hell I can make getting to the Endgame part of my master plan (endgame Trapper, those exit gates will never open). Same with decisive strike. It's a perk that prevents tunneling and keeps things predictable. I'm fine with both of these perks because Dead by Daylight is a game that can be VERY punishing for both killers and survivors and I don't think that either side should be completely stomped by the other side's momentum.
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That's a Very good point
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"how do you tunnel 2 people at 1 time." I've addressed this already. If you can't read, that's on you.
"(Dying Light/Remember Me)" 2 perks rarely used in purple and red ranks. There is more tunneling and camping than those using these perks. Additionally, go reread these perks. Dying light deactivates if you kill the obsession, and Dying light, you want to make sure you get your hits in on the obsession, kill him too quickly and you may not get what you want. For these there is good reason not to tunnel. Rancor is another example to avoid tunneling the obsession, you want that kill at the end, leave the obsession alone and deal with the other 3.
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The main difference between DS and NOED is that DS has a very clear indication that it is likely in play, where NOED doesn't. If you see obsession claws, that's almost always going to be DS so you have the heads up to adjust your tactics. NOED, on the other hand, has nothing except the killer's behavior to signal it. In fact, majority of perks in the game have a tell that you can see as the other side that let's you know "this person has this perk". There are only a handful that don't have a tell, but none of them are that powerful anyway (Spine Chill and Whispers being the only 2 exceptions I can think of).
If NOED had some tell in the game it would be much better IMO. The reason to run NOED as killer is to scare survivors into doing totems and thus slowing down on gens. It's really not for the one shot//speed boost at the end game. So if say, 3% of skill checks did not have a great skill check zone as a "tell" that the killer has NOED that would be a huge QOL improvement to the perk, because now survivors have no excuse to not cleanse totems AND the killer benefits because survivors that see this will now slow down on gens and look for totems. It's win-win for both sides.
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Game isn't lost until survivors escape. I don't noed but it definitely isn't a failure perk.