Totem Cleansing Information

Given how many survivors complain about NOED and how many other survivors try to break all totems before the last gen is powered, I think it would be great if a way for survivors to know when a dull totem has been cleansed by other players is added.
Survivor could win a very small amount of BPS (100) when a dull totem is cleansed, which would act as a way for them to know how many dull totems remain in the trial depending on how many times they get that bonus. With this solo players could have more information to be ready for a possible NOED totem lighting up, given how many times when a survivor cleanses a few amount of totems they have no idea if there is one totem left or if all the totems have already been cleansed by others.
And this would be a buff that only beneficts solo survivors since SWF groups can tell each other the amount of totems remaining. And also this would be a small indirect nerf to NOED so that survivors can counter it without the perk being nerfed by itslef, It would be the same perk, but with a better way to counter it
I think a totem counter would be nice. It would be a direct nerf to a crutch perk, that is able to boost bad killers in purple ranks.
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I think a notification of when one is done wouldn't be a bad idea, but lets not have a counter spoon feeding you information.
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I agree, for a survivor to know when one is done they would have to pay attention for any notification or small scoring event so it's not as easy as to just look at a counter at the bottom of your screen
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But why? SWFs already have it easy. If the devs are ever to close the SWF-Solo gap they have to give some of those ez benefits SWF have to solos. It’s the only way to properly balance this game for the benefit of survivors and killers alike.
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This seems like a pretty good idea. Closes the gap between solos and SWF a little more, and at the same time gives survivors more bloodpoint scoring events, which they could really do with.
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So that it still requires skill and attention to know this stuff. There is a difference between balancing the game for solo survivors and making the game as easy as SWF. In one solo players would be given information but would need to pay attention and use it accordingly, playing it smart to survive. While in the other survivors would have all the information they want constantly just by looking at a constant counter or by asking it. If a survivor wants extra information they have to be vulnerable for chases (for example) since their perks go to aura reading or detection abilities and very few for looping. SWF can just know everything while having extreme looping builds, which is not fair
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Maps, Small Game, and Detective Hunch. There are perks and items that help with totem count and location already.
Yes swf groups can call it out but as a solo it really isn't an issue.
Survivors are not suppose to have all the info at their finger tips, that is what makes sfw so powerful. People keep asking to 'close the gap' between solos and swf but that is just destroying the spirit of the game. There is suppose to be elements of the unknown... its a horror game after all!
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And yet as you pointed out. Those elements are removed by the simple fact people use voicecomms, You can bury your head in the sand (not saying you, just in general) and try and ignore it, but the fact is until the gap is closed the game cannot be balanced around them, which it needs to be.
This simple mechanic would add a little boost for solo que without effecting swf and without "having all the info at their fingertips" it still means they have to pay attention and keep a mental count.