Please revert Michael EW1 back to being immune to detection

Ever since the "undetectable status effect update" Myers have been severely nerfed due to this new status effect being slapped on him. Granted, he now has 0 terror radius but can be detected by spine chill 36 meters away. This is causing him to lose all his stealth ability when trying to stalk a survivor.

A survivor running spine chill or premonition immediately runs away and looks for him as soon as the perks light up. its being extremely hard to keep up in the start of the game which is very crucial, given he already has very low speed and gains no bloodlust. Also, his lunge is way too small. Undetectable status effect is severely hurting Myers and ruining one of the most fun builds in the game, the scratched mirror.

How was this a good idea to give a killer who is already handicapped to begin with, more negatives? The Undetectable status might be a minor buff for all other stealth killers but for him, its a massive nerf. A nerf that he didn't need in the first place.

I suggest that you could give him the status effect if you must, but only the 0 terror radius part. He already had the immunity to every detection perk in the game to begin with in his base kit. He had that immunity for a reason, to compensate for the negatives that he had to start the game with. This made him unique, now he is just another run of the mill so called stealth killer that is not stealthy at all. His EW1 must be reverted back to complete detection immunity like it was previously. The new status effect is basically making him a M1 killer with all the negatives and no positives.

Please change him back as he was. This change was completely unnecessary and was a horrible idea to begin with, to one of the most balanced killers that was fun to play with and against. He didn't need any changes. Please let him be as he was and not add unnecessary status effects on him.

