I can beat it, it’s just boring to play against

This is the lamest excuse, and I’ve been seeing it a lot lately.
Iri hatchets, forever Freddy, any Legion, Spirit, etc etc etc. People DC and then try to make themselves feel better, like they know they could have won but chose not to... yeah right. I guess we’ll be seeing them first hook kill themself soon sigh
That's my biggest issue with DC punishments. It's not gonna stop hook suiciding, which is arguably worse for the survivor team because it still allows a BBQ proc (which is better for killer though)
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It does at least make the killer waste the time carrying them to a hook though so sort of a trade off there.
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I really think they should get rid of kobe without Deliverance and make struggling automatical. Would solve the problem.
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Yep, I agree. As a survivor watching your teammate kill himself trying to escape is annoying, as a killer possibly losing a game you had won just because someone hit their 4% lotto escape is disheartening at times. It's just more RNG on top of the RNG we already have in this game.
This would allow the player if they want to just go AFK and grab a breather or a drink, meanwhile their team can at least have a chance at altruism from unhooking them.
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Relating to the actual discussion, yeah I don't get why people don't just play the game out. If you can beat it, go ahead and get the bloodpoints. Next game will likely be something different.
I never DC, except when I'm having an extremely bad day (i.e, multiple bad survivor games in a row with some bad killer games mixed in) and a mori appears. You best believe I'm going to alt f4 and stop playing for a night. It's the opposite problem, sure its not really less boring than usual, but its extremely hard to eacape from a half decent killer, let alone an experienced Killer with an Ebony, POP, Ruin, Etc.
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You act like these things make hook suiciding OK. They don't.
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I never DC but I DO agree that forever Freddy is lame to play against. That and DL/Thanata Plague. I like long games but not 30 minute games.
Edit: Dying Light/Thana on Trapper is good though. Slows them down enough for emblems but not to the point of nothing getting done.
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Dying Light
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I don't care if survivors like the killer or "have fun against (insert killer name here). What's not fun is when every killer is nerfed to have the same mechanics.
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Whats forever Freddy? I have seen the term being used a lot recently but i still dont get it
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Haha well its part of the game whether you like or not
therefore, it actually IS okay.
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I wonder how many players habitually DC after poor play but regret it and wish they toughed it out. I’ve had so many games turn around that it’d be a shame if I had just quit before seeing how it goes.
I find that playing in losing situations are incredible practice for future games as well. Maybe sitting on a hook is good down time for the people who have been discouraged from DC’ing to work through their emotions.
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I would auto die on hook if I had to struggle for 2 mins.
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I wouldn't do 30 minutes the first time since DC's via actual crashes happen sometimes, so I'd instead have the first tier be 5 minutes, then 15 minutes and then from there it doubles each time.
Remember the idea is to discourage DC's so it's not done excessively, not to ban people who have computer problems sometimes or who have irl things pop up occasionally.
If it fairly quickly gets to the point where it takes longer to DC and reque than it does to just play the game out until the end then that should already filter out most of the people who don't have legit reasons to DC
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This is why I never DC baring crashes or irl circumstances. I don't care who I'm facing or how badly I'm doing, no one makes me lose without working for it.
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Blatant appeal to tradition fallacy. Just because something is in the game doesn't make it ok.
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It's a freddy using 2 specific addons that are ultra rare + very rare if I remember right (someone correct/confirm for me). 1 puts all survivors in the dream from the start of the match + can only wake up via other survivors or alarm clock and the other slows down survivors repair/healing/sabo speed by an increasing amount per survivor in the dream world. The reason why these freddys tend to be hated is they usually also use more slowdown perks like thana, dying light, ruin, pgtw
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I’m actually fine with 5-10 minutes for each DC, after the first because everyone should get one freebie just in case.
like you said, 10 minutes is enough to make them think they may as Well just play it out or at least run straight at the killer and eat the hook again.
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Actually it does.
Especially, when the devs said themselves, and I quote, "Attempting to escape is something that is fundamentally part of the game and not changing"
It was also mentioned you're not forced to struggle.
So yep, suicide on hook is actually okay. It's fundamentally apart of the game, here to stay that way. I, am no way, obligated to struggling on the hook. I'm also allowed to attempt to escape as many times as I want.
Sorry to burst your bubble, pal
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Your quote has absolutely nothing to do with the claim that suicide on the hook is ok. Using the Escape mechanics to escape being important does not making using that same mechanic to ######### ok for the same reason using your collision with other Survivors to body block the other Survivors to death is not.
And even if they were explicit it still wouldn't let you make the claim. Devs are human and they can be wrong when talking about things beyond hard data, so even if they explicitly said it was ok that wouldn't MAKE it ok. At best it being ok for independent reasons would cause them to declare it as such, but the devs word alone isn't itself a reason for it to be ok, let alone the sole reason of it's currently possible thus it's fine or as you put it "its part of the game whether you like or not therefore, it actually IS okay."
Again, this is a logical fallacy. Something existing is not a reason why it SHOULD exist. And someone saying it should exist is ALSO not a reason why it should exist.
You need to actually list out the pros and cons of it existing and then make a case for why the pros outweigh the cons. That way it at least meets the minimum requirements for an argument.
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Fair enough, those same devs have said camping is a part of the game so I’m glad you’re okay with being camped.
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I am though, just like I'm okay with hook suicides. They are apart of the game, devs have made it clear. Killers have free will on camping, go watch one of the OG trailers. It literally says you can use camping as a strat!
My arguement is devs have stated "It's apart of the game" and that "it's here to stay"
If devs say it's apart of the game = here to stay = it's okay to do it if it's apart of the game
go complain more somewhere else. Not liking something that's apart of the games fine, saying it isn't okay is just your subjective opinion.
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I see, so your average high rank Freddy bringing ultra slow gen builds
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"Boring" is the new thing to say when you get beat or when you think something is too strong. It's kinda silly. If Killers didn't feel forced to run all the slowdown perks they can, it might be more exciting for everyone. DCing should be punished, cause you are screwing over everyone in the match cause you "Don't want to deal with it" or "it's Boring". PVE game? I could understand that. PVP game? Play the game for your team, or at the least your own pride.
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The devs opinions are equally subjective
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Yeah it's a good thing their opinion matters more in this situation. You know, probably cause they built the game and all.
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oh? And why exactly is it a good thing in this particular case?
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Because the devs saying, in their own game they built, for you to play and enjoy, that attempting to escape on the hook, followed by the struggle phase, also followed by the fact you dont HAVE to struggle on the hook if you dont want to, is okay
but for you to go ahead and call it subjective makes any of your arguments meaningless now. If the devs state something about the game, it's probably an objective view. They built the game and are stating facts about the nature and what's acceptable and not.
If hook suiciding isn't okay, what? You want the struggle phased to be removed and you wanna force me to stay in the game? okay. Like atleast give a good alternative to this "not okay" activity!
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Probably an objective view? Then why do we need the devs word about it? If it's objective then you should just be able to provide the raw data and logical chain of reasoning used to reach the conclusion in the first place.
And if you can't then how do you know that the devs view on it is objective? They've said things were fine when they weren't in the past, such as saying infinite loops could be mind-gamed. How do you know this isn't like that where they say something is fine but it's actually terrible and once removed we all laugh about how it never should have been there to begin with?
Regardless of what your answer is, it would need to be some line of reasoning about the mechanics themselves. The line of reasoning you've provided so far could be used to justify literally any mechanic or set of mechanics regardless of it's actual merits.
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This all stems from the frustrations of solo survivor, you'll never understand unless you ONLY play solo.
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Nope, these survivors are right.
Some of the killer setups you mentioned are indeed boring.
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Pure punishment achieves little if the underlying reason why people DC persists. You see this in other games, they implement penalties and then you see mass player defections. Blizzard has a good white paper on win-back rates and how it is more important to quickly remedy actual or perceived problems because winning players back is often impossible. The players that aren't happy and DC, will now suffer a ban or simply stop playing altogether.
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Oddly, I play only solo.
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“Boring” is subjective. Freddy is the most boring killer to face for me personally. It’s the same thing you do with Clown. Throw down the pallet early and run to the next loop. At least I’m entertained by Clown laughing after he gets a hit. Freddy legit makes me want to fall asleep. I’ve never been a huge fan of Nightmare on Elm Street so I have no connection to Freddy. Probably the most boring and unfun killer for me to face. A subjective opinion.
I don’t even like playing as Freddy. I hate the look of the dream world.
Saying all that, I won’t DC against him. I might give up and stop struggling against Forever Freddy.
Players just find different killers fun or boring to go against. I love facing Myers, Plague, Huntress, and Nurse. I think Spirit, Ghostface, Billy, and Freddy are boring as hell. Doesn’t make players whiny, just varying opinions on certain killers.
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I really hope they make it fair though.
i myself rarely dc (Just like a few Youtubers i might dc if some complete and utter bs happens)
But sometimes, especially recently the game has been absolutely horrible, dcing me randomly mid game, or when I play killer it dc'd every survivor at once (This happened like 5 matches in a row so it's not oh they dcd cuz of the killer) (And no my internet is perfectly fine thank you)
So I hope, they make it that if you, yourself go and dc, meaning pressing the leave game button or whatever it's called- you get a ban for however long.
Otherwise, imagine another one of these fallouts that happened recently to everyone, but being dcd- boom thousands of people banned for nothing.
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Suiciding on hook should absolutely not be punishable, what??? That would literally be punishing for using a game mechanic for one of the things it can be used for.
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Just like camping, tunneling, etc.
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Games are meant to be fun for all. When game after game, the killer is slugging, camping, tunneling you, the game is no longer fun, and staying in it only rewards that scummy behavior. Why should they be rewarded for it?
For that matter what do you consider a win? Only if you get a 4k? I find it very ridiculous when a killer offers pudding, slugs all and walks out with 12k pts declaring a victory. Really? 36k bloodshardss total(pudding and chili), yet others not using these tactics, 0 kills, survivors hooked at least once, 25k points, 75k bloodshards, same amount of time played. I'll take a "loss" with 75k bloodshards over a win with 36k any day.
To survivors who after the game who taunt "Haha, you killed no one! You suck!" Simple response. "I got 25k pts/ 75k you got 15k pts/30k BS. Pretty sure I did better."
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Well thank god devs said there putting a end to perks that relate to generators. I can't stand those.
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Given a month until it's reset I'd still have at least 3 relatively light punishment (30 minutes or less) tiers simply because some people have a good non-crash and non-ingame reason to DC from irl matters, such as if they are a parent.
If it's a weak reset then it can afford to ramp up faster of course and the less time it takes to reset the faster it can ramp with at least 1 light initial punishment regardless of the reset timeframe.
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I have war flashbacks of Legion constantly putting me and my team in the mending state which has gone on for 30 whole minutes in multiple matches before he decides to start hooking people, us survivors constantly having to mend and heal before being put in the mending state 20 seconds later to do it all over again. I beg the Legion, please just hook me already, and end my suffering. I envy my fellow dead survivors.
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75k Blood Shards from a match?! HOW?
No, I don't just think of a 4k as a win, silly. I think of a win as "I had fun." I don't even care if I get no hooks. But it's hard to have fun when gens are flying at mach 4
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You got it! I'll let them know to make it quicker for you.
The Fanatical Legion Main gives you his word!
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As killer, play a match with Pudding (100% bloodhsard bonus) and BBQ (Max 100% if hook all 4 survivors). with max kills, you can get 32k points, but with 2 hooks on everyone, and doing a ok/good job, you can get between 23 and 28k points. Add in the 200%( or score *3) total bonus and you are looking at 69k, to 84k bloodshards. As killer, that isn't hard.
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I think you mean Blood Points.
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Yeah, though with how games go, I prefer to call them BS.
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XD Tell them at the Legion counsel where it's just one dude talking to himself in the mirror where he sees his three buds behind him.
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I mean, it's a nice mirror.