I really hate the high rank players of DBD right now

I just had a game where everyone escaped, I got bodyblocked so I couldn't hit his teammate, but if I run NOED people cry and throw abuse at you. A killer should be feared not tormented, loops need to be changed and reworked, like all the infinetes, not standard loops. This this is really frustrating.
You had a bad game so everything needs to be changed huh? I actually get where you are coming from, but that is how your post sounds. My recommendation is to just not rank up. Yeah, that means putting your pride on the line and letting survivors escape. But from rank 15-8 it's generally pretty easy to get 4 BBQ stacks, lots of bloodpoints, and you can even get away with killing one or two w/o ranking up.
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I agree with you, the killer should be feared and not reduced to a kid for schoolyard bullies to abuse.
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Git gud or git got.
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typical post of someone having a bad game so they cry on the forums
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I had this exact game just last night, but calling for nerfs/buffs isn't the solution.
just move on to the next match and punish the survivors that want to bully when you get the chance.
face it, you got outplayed, just like I did... it happens.
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lol good one
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How is that even remotely related to loops or even fearing the killer? At endgame people would do that regardless unless NOED is active or you made all killer hits instadown by default, no matter how feared the killer is.
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A match can be good or bad. A match can be so dreadful you have to log off to calm down. A match may be so brilliant you feel the need to tell your friends about it. But it is still just a match.
There is always the next match. With a PVP based game its better to have the mind set of playing for objectives. If there are not any, make your own. Seek to adept each survivor or killer. Repair that generator in the weird house at the end of the street, hook three people in your basement.... thats what I did when I found I was stuck forever at rank 16 for two months I adepted almost all my survivors.
You only need to be level 10 on a survivor to use all three unique perks, then you play till you escape... and you get used to running a build with either meh perks or no spine chill etc that helps to spot the killer.
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Just bring ebony moris with you and use them whenever people strike you as "toxic." That's what I do when I'm having a ######### day in DbD.
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Could try using a killer with an instadown. Its funny seeing people trying to bodyblock you, only to remember...Youre a Bubba, lol.
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Complaining about bodyblocking in 2019. Nice.
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Dont rank down in this game if you wanna have fun i learned that the hard way when trying to play legion at purple ranks.
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Oh no you lost a game!? It’s almost like that’s supposed to happen 🤔. You’re not meant to kill everyone every game, sorry to break it to ya.
Just wait until Breakout is live. Can’t wait 😫✊🏻
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I agree they do need to change maps. Many many many of them have abusable loops and bad over all gameplay design. Many people here are bitching at you to just accept it, but the game is not in the most acceptable of state. And while in many ways it is better then release, there are things that are worse. Such as smaller survivor hit boxes that created looping, and double the time it takes for a survivor to die on hook while only making gens take 10 seconds longer each. SWF is also a problem, and one that can't be fixed; but it would be nice for the killer to get some recompense for having to go against them. I was thinking about this last night, and while I don't think I would quite want to go back to release, I do miss some things back then that survivors can abuse now.
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Lulu yeah let's delete all pallets because windows are already dedicated'd and make everyone go in one hit. Killer is the power role therefore no matter what survivors do they should die just from staring at him
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Sounds like the survivors "overperformed" we better get them nerfed
@GrootDude any suggestions?
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How would you change looping? Frankly I find stealthy/immersed players the most annoying to play against.
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Technically a 2k average would include a 50/50 of 0 and 4ks.
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I dunno I rarely see a 2k happen its usually 0, 1, 3, or 4k
Usually the killer dominates or the survivors do.
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That is my experience too which is, I guess balanced.
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what would you like survivors to do? just stand there and die? you said you want loops reworked, but looping is technically the only way for survivors to live. killers are faster.
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LOL I have done but I never buy moris
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Omg you played 1 bad game whatyyg?????? Kylier shood beh bufoedffwd niow siencw u have bade matche!!!!1!111!11!!1!1!1
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Sad truth. That's why this forum is so full of garbage threads.
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I'm garbo at the game so I have no idea how I got to Purple rank but it's a bad time so I'm just gonna depip.
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I don’t know about people feeling fear.
I don’t want to feel like I’m a guinea pig in this game. Certainly not a scared one.
I think you need to look from the lense of trying to survive. It means doing everything you possible can. Sometimes that’s also called having the courage to do what would be deemed as impossible and risky.
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Add a stamina meter that survivors had to manage. Or add a fear meter which affect them the longer they are being chaste, maybe like stumbling or gradually slowing down or something. Encourage survivors to escape and hide rather than running around a pile of junk like they're in a Tom and Jerry cartoon.
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This isn’t F13.
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Never played it so wouldn't know. Maybe they were onto something.
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You exactly described F13, people still found ways to get chased for awhile, I even had 20 minute chases in that game.
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What you described is an exact copy and paste to the F13 formula. It would be too similar to F13.
I’ve played that game for probably as many hours as DBD. Love playing both games though.
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Funny, well it still sounds like a good idea to me. I feel like a clown sometimes chasing a Survivor around a pile of junk five or six times while the Benny Hill theme plays in my head.
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While many maps could need a rework to have more loops that killers have counterplay at, this game is in a fine state at the moment. Killers certainly aren't anymore at a level where they can easily be tormented, as you put it.
The fact that gen speed is fast is what gets people so stressed up, and when they then lose, they immediately come to the conclusion that killer is underpowered. But I believe that's no longer the case. Unless you are playing one of the weak killers.
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It's not the loops or the killer's weakness at fault. it's the gen speed. but of course if gen times were increased survivors would complain. though you would think that if doing gens were so horribly boring we wouldn't have matches were all gens get done in 5 minutes or less.
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It funnier when they go against tombstone myers as well.
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Had it happen with Myers the other day. I was just using stalk addons, not tombstone but... Had a Feng try to body block for her teammate who was just unhooked. She obviously assumed I was trying to tunnel the guy, but in reality... SHE had plenty of stalk and he was completely out. I kept pretending to chase after him while secretly stalking her a lil at a time...then BAM T3!!!
Its also funny when ppl try to unhook infront of me as Myers and do the whole fake unhook thing so they dont get grabbed... Meanwhile I just stalk them so I can 1 shot without worry.
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I never said that
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I do that and everyone just crouches in front of me 😂😂😂