What are some good Clown builds and perks?

Im thinking about learning Clown, yes I know he isn't meta or anything but I like the challenge of learning someone like him.

I know perks like brutal strength, enduring, spirits fury, bamboozle, brutal strength, save the best for last, and obviously ruin (and bbqc if needing bp as well as having ok tracking) are all good on him as they help him excel in what he excels at being chases but I dont know what builds exactly would be good for him.

Id love to hear from clown mains some builds, tips, etc. I tried looking for some more recent or updated clown build talk and the works but couldnt really find any aside from discussions from months ago

Oh final thing, what cosmetics would be best for like visual impairment when hit by the bottles? Im thinking the bloody outfit or the red/white one and the mask with the green hair on the sides as the colors should stretch out quite a bit.

Essentially i want to cover everything lol


  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    I mean you basically already know the great Clown perks.

    I'm not running Ruin right now purely because I'm too bored of it, but my build was BBQ, Ruin, Brutal Strength and STBFL.

    Speeding up the Clowns actions whilst slowing down the survivor's is a really useful combo in catching people faster. When you've got decent STBFL stacks it's pretty damn efficient to bottle them then hit them so they get the absolute least distance possible.

    PGTW is always a great perk too.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Generally I run BBQ & Ruin. Then two chase perks.

    It’s suggested by streamers that Brutal Strength is one of his best perks because sometimes high rank survivors throw pallets really quickly since Clown can end a lot of loops quickly.

    A good combo on top of that is Fired Up since it adds to Brutal and increases other Killer actions.

    Generally I like to run Save The Best For Last to handle mobs and get those sweet stacks. I’m also a fan of Bamboozle to assure myself that there won’t be any infinites.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    I guess I am a clown main these day but regarding perks I find the meta-ones the best. I do like Monitor and Abuse on him though.

    Add on's are where its at. Ones that expand the gas or increase its duration are good. Flask of Bleach: good. Extra bottle: good.

    Reloading add-ons I can live without. You don't really want to be reloading in a chase unless its some kind of stand off where you wont lose time.

    Tips: a bottle thrown in the middle of the shack during a chase is never a bad idea.

    Survivor waiting at a pallet? Throw a bottle behind them - then break it.

    Downed someone? Drop gas then pick them up.

    Cosmetics? Give the people what they want - Santa Clown!

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    You wanna be an OP Toxic MF?

    Insidious + Make Your Choice + Ruin + BBQ

    You down someone, hide close by, 0 TR Insidious, the moment he's getting unhooked throw a bottle to make the hero slow down AH, down him in one hit, repeat.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    That’s a really interesting question OP about highest obscurity. I never considered it but like the poster above, I like his prestige and event outfits the most.

  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716

    I use Ruin, Bbq, Pop & Nurse's right now with my Clown and I pretty much stomp with him but every now and then I'll get those type of matches where i get phucked.

    But the build I'll be using soon is Ruin , Bbq, Enduring & Brutal Strength.

  • LegionOfDumb
    LegionOfDumb Member Posts: 623

    Using the add on that causes survivors to get exhaustion is super good since it essentially can stop common perks like Dead Hard and the soon-to-be-Nerfed Balanced Landing

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Yeah I know and its not a topic many clown players talk about but I feel it's actually somewhat important because more impairment = more mindgame potential

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    What are some of y’alls favorite add on combos?

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    I have been looking at different addons and this is what I think so far.

    Ether 15 Vol% (can also use 10% but its a little weaker) & Flask of Bleach - Combo this with stbfl and its really deadly. It slows them down for 1.5 secs longer and the movement speed with the flask of bleach that makes it about 10% slower so people are screwed with stbfl.

    I havent played him much but that would be the best one imo

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Clowns Ether 15% might be his best add on. I prefer using the 10% with Flask because I save the fifteens for Pinky Finger. The exposed status effect lasts as long as the survivor is coughing.

    Another poster above also mentioned the yellow Exhaust add on. I like to combine this and other status add ons with the larger cloud add ons so I can maybe hit more survivors and guarantee I get the status on who I’m targeting.

    Also like combining the aura revealing add on with the purple add on that makes it harder to see. Lets me hone in on you while you’re a bit out of it.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    POP, STBFL , RUIN( or corrupt intervention) and brutal strength.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Pop Goes, Ruin or Corrupt, Sloppy, and STBFL. Anything too slow the survivors progress will help clown, since his problem is gens, not chases.

  • DJ_Sora
    DJ_Sora Member Posts: 10

    For me its definitely bleach and 2 extra bottles, I'm the kind of player that throws two during chase , one for the actual chase to catch up and another for after I hit them, either they go straight into the gas or detour and go to an unfavorable position

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    My ideal build is Enduring, STBFL, Pop, and Thanatophobia.

    This covers all bases except the endgame, Thana and Pop for Gens Enduring and STBFL for chases.

    Right now I am using Devour Hope, BBQ, Brutal(because I don't have Enduring), and Pop. You can switch out Devour for 3rd Seal, it isn't really powerful but it still encourages Survivors to look for the totem but I'm using Devour as a surprise end game perk; of course that's what NOED is but this is earned.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Thanka for all the input everybody, so far im thinking ill be using bbq (for bp but maybe bamboozle or pop when im not worried about bp) ruin, stbfl, and brutal strength seem to all have good synergy with his power.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    I don't main clown but if you want a strong clown build that wins you games most of the time I'd suggest this.

    Flask of bleach, Ether 15%

    Pop goes the weasel

    Thrilling Tremor

    Ruin/haunted grounds


    I've had a lot of success with this build in the red ranks.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    I find that using pallet perks like Enduring, Brutal Strength, and Spirit Fury are waste of perk slots in Clown builds. If you are counting on shaving a miniscule amount of time from pallet stuns then you are already losing the match.

    With this killer you need the snow ball effect. Infectious Fright is good for immediately funding nearby survivors when you down someone, that way you can go for the second down right away.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    Brutal strength, sloppy butcher, noed and ruin are good for clown I think. He isn't that great so ruin and noed can give him the time and power he needs to get things going. Brutal gets rid of pallets quickly, since most survivors will throw pallets early, and sloppy makes healing take longer.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Yeah like aim high so it spreads the gas as much as possible. Or aim behind survs when they drop a pallet.

    What perks do you reccomend mr Dude?

  • ahandfulofrain
    ahandfulofrain Member Posts: 528
    edited November 2019

    Perks: Haunted Ground, Ruin, Save the Best for Last and either Bamboozle or Brutal Strength. You want to try to snowball early (H.G.) so you can keep up consistent pressure throughout the match and gain it as EARLY as possible.

    Add-ons: I use double reload speed just out of preference, but the yellow exhaust and the green extra hinder are probably the best.

    Edit: Infectious Fright instead of Brutal is also super good.

  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604

    You NEED Brutal Strength. It's not even a question: people will drop pallets like crazy against Clown. The entire point of his power is to slow down a loop and force the Survivors to drop the pallet. Since his bottles don't make vaulting pallets slower you can't use them to get a hit at a pallet, so you're going to have to break them as fast as possible and move on to the next.

    Other than that you want perks to start chases fast. Clown can end chases well with his power but he sucks at finding Survivors. Perks like Whispers and BBQ are both great at this, but one perk that's actually remarkably good on Clown is Monitor and Abuse. The lower terror radius really lets you get the jump on Survivors, and the higher FoV lets you see them if they try to sneak away, which allows you to counter stealth better.

    Clown also has very poor map pressure. Perks that offer passive map pressure are great. Ruin goes without saying, and Corrupt is actually not terrible since Clown doesn't want to spend too long travelling around the map. Dying Light is actually pretty swell on him too though you should only use this if you can reliably chain downs on Clown. Huntress' Lullaby isn't godawful? But it's not great. Pop Goes is a little hard to use on Clown due to his poor map pressure.

    I personally find Save the Best for Last to be somewhat overrated on Clown. The problem with STB4L on Clown is that most people expect it, and as a result the Obsession is liable to play aggressively. Clown is not a Killer like Doctor who can reliably ignore the Obsession, and unlike Pig / Demogorgon / Ghostface / Myers / Leatherbilly he doesn't have any way to reduce the number of hits on the Obsession. It's a great perk but I still like having a perk slot for something more reliable.

    My personal perk build for Clown is Brutal Strength, Whispers, Ruin, and a perk of choice. Generally BBQ for le BP, but like I said M&A is really nice on Clown and I've got a lot of success with it. Fire Up is actually remarkably good in combination with Brutal.


    As for addons: https://old.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/azgfde/clown_addons_tier_list/

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Dang thanks for the really good breakdown on the clown and his perks!

    You might have convinced me not to run stbfl! Whispers definetly would help with tracking and with map pressure. Oh yeah I've heard that moniter and fire up are good on him. Which do you prefer when not running bbq of course? Im guessing moniter hehe

    Thats a very interesting build! You have to be very aggressive with it I'd say!

    So distressing to maximize Coulrophobia's usefulness, Sulphuric vial (or sloppy if no vials) also but in the same slot thana, bloodhound, or nurses (im getting too many choices im a built overwhelmed on this one, then brutal strength as the final perk right?

    Tell me how the games go if you dont mind this sounds fun.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Clown isn't really good at anything, so you have a ton of flexibility with perks. I like Enduring/Spirit Fury/Save The Best For Last/Ruin. Brutal Strength is a really bad perk in my opinion. Pallets are too close together to ever actually gain a hit from it on most maps. Your objective isn't to break pallets. It's to down and hook survivors. Spirit Fury will lead to hits and downs while also doing the exact same thing as Brutal Strength, just in a round about way. STBFL just forces you to be efficient with hooks more than anything else. Clown can't afford to 2 hook everyone. Ruin is Ruin. You can bring something else, but Clown is very susceptible to the drop and run pallet strat, and you might find that the game is over before it begins if a survivor runs you early.

  • TigerKirby215
    TigerKirby215 Member Posts: 604
    edited November 2019

    Just to repeat in regards to Save the Best: It's very good on him but he doesn't use it any better than other M1 Killers. I think he's a little worse than the likes of Wraith with STB4L because he can't get easy hits, but it's still an amazing perk on any M1 Killer.

    Also in regards to not running BBQ: I used to run Fire Up on Clown just because I'd get gen rushed so often but I swapped to Monitor for a few rounds and got really good results. Sloppy is also nice but I generally prefer Sulphuric Acid over Sloppy, and Dying Light is actually pretty swell since Clown is really lacking in map pressure. I'm All Ears is actually not godawful for window mindgames especially with the bottles' blurred vision, and if all else fails you can run Spiritduring, but I find most people tend to prethrow against Clown, ESPECIALLY if they realize you have Enduring.

  • Prayer beads

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Just giving an update on how your build has been going for me, this build is crazy good and fun. You can snowball like crazy with this build and I dont even have the perks max level in it. I was skeptical at first but holy crap this build is good.

  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713
  • THEghostface
    THEghostface Member Posts: 296




    Hex: Ruin



    Sulfuric Acid Vial

    Solvent Jug

    A large, misleading TR combined with slow heal potential keeps the pressure on while also preventing gen progress as well as usage of exhaustion perks. Map wise, it appears very useful on any indoor map or a map with several LoS breaking obstacles.