The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!


PLEASE stop butchering survivors perks and items.

Balanced landing is fine as it is, sure it's strong on badham and haddonfield. But most other maps it is almost useless. Most other maps have only one or so "good" place to use BL.

On a side note, with the butchering of medkits, and even the further butchering, from 8 seconds, to 16 seconds. MoM should be restored to it's original setting.


  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    They just made Balanced Landing and actual Exhaustion perk is all. It's like them changing Legion's Frenzy to not be basic attacks for perks. They are making things more consistent. Also, strong doesn't equal broken. There was a good reason why Killers AFK'ed or left those maps. Also Medkits heal others faster now... so im not sure where you are going with that. Insta heals were broken too, even Peanits said that.

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    BL was an exhaustion perk, not sure where you're getting off. If BL ever proc'd it caused exhaustion.

    If killers are AFKing because of BL they should just quit the game. Literally Lithe is almost the same jumping out a window in those maps. There's no problem with Lithe, and there's no problem with BL.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,074

    The problem with Balanced Landing was that it gave you bonus even when exhausted, no other perk does this.

    And it was broken on some maps, Haddonfield for example, maybe after they fix those maps they could revert or buff Balance Landing again.

    Mettle of Man was broken unfair perk, now you must work for it instead of just getting slapped 3 times and then get a free hit.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    consistency =/= balance and legion is a great example of that tbh.

    The BL nerf is an example of the devs band-aid fixing, as they did with deep wounds, which in turn broke some interactions with legion, freddy, and stealth killers.

    And to boot, with the BL nerf came a new map that showcases they're not even recognising the issues with map design; the new map would have had the same infinite problems as, say, haddonfield, in the middle structure if they hadn't changed the perk. That implies they have no intention of fixing these maps.

    As for 'BL is just an exhaustion perk now' I can say without a doubt that many people didn't run it for the exhaustion; among good survivors, it will die, as they ran it for the stagger off hills and other structures, etc, as a type of mindgame to catch the killer off guard when they expected a slowed survivor rather than for a speed boost. The issue came in when there were structures that could be abused for loops, some of which could be abused even without BL (haddonfield, tractor will both still be just as oppressive to killer as they are now) I'd rather they removed the exhaustion side of things or gave us a new perk that did that, tbh.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Welp, how about this? It's much much easier to fix a broken perk than rework every map around it being broken. In my mind, this needed to happen, and I don't think you will change my mind on that one.

    As far as Legion goes, we just need a rework. I'm not putting the link to my thread about that here, but Deep Wounds is the thing that makes Legion so hard to balance.

    Balanced Landing gave you too much for what it was, and that's why it's being reworked. Sorry if you relied on that perk so much, but i'm sure you will do just fine without it. Anything that makes and Infinite needs to be fixed, and I hope they start looking at the maps like Cowshed next with that one window.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    ffs, did you even bother to read what I said? The only reason for its use is the passive - the speed boost is inconsequential. The issue isn't the perk, it's the broken maps and the fact that survivors can still abuse them just fine WITHOUT the perk, because the maps are what is broken and the entirety of the community has been saying this for a very long time.

    No, deep wounds only exists because of legion. It's the fact that the devs went for the consistency side of things that it became tied with BT, which it didn't need to be, and is a reason why horrid interactions like freddy/BT exist. Legion can be balanced and strong with DW being a part of their kit, so long as we dump the idea of consistency = balance.

    I don't actually use it when I play survivor all that much; if I run exhaustion it's always DH. Nice try, though. :)

    Yes the infinite window on the abbatoir definitely needs looking at, along with a few other maps. That doesn't excuse nerfing a perk into obscurity to try and hide away bad map design (which won't work because it's still there in the maps this change will have any effect on)

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Did you bother to read anything I said?

    I've had people use that speed burst plenty of times to get away from me off a hill, like the one with a hook on it or that two leveled building on the swamp. Even the pier looking thing in the swamp. The Speed boost got you from a useless spot to a new loop. You go around and ask people if Balanced Landing broke some maps. I'll wait.

    The problem with Balanced Landing was that it gave you bonus even when exhausted, no other perk does this. That and it literally made Infinities.

    Also, No Legion with DW tacked onto there power makes them either useless or broken. They should remove it off there.

    In the end, the Devs have the excuse to do whatever they want and no amount of us talking will change that. They saw it as broken, it got nerfed. I don't agree with everything the Devs do, but Balanced Landing was broken in half. The reasons are very obvious and at this point I feel like you are arguing for the sake of arguing.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Balanced landing is fine as it is, sure it's strong on badham and haddonfield. But most other maps it is almost useless. Most other maps have only one or so "good" place to use BL.

    That's why it got changed. It was either changing BL or changing the maps (which they're planning to do anyways, maybe we'll see it buffed when it happens who knows)

    On a side note, with the butchering of medkits, and even the further butchering, from 8 seconds, to 16 seconds. MoM should be restored to it's original setting.

    ... Wdym Butchering? Did i miss something?