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Toxicity... Again... Why...? Opinions?

Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
edited November 2019 in General Discussions

XBOX, red rank for killer, P3 Lvl 50 Trapper against a red ranks 3 man SWF and 1 solo red rank survivor. Agitation, Iron Grasp, Nurses Calling and NOED, addon that hurts someone when they dissarm a trap and addon that obscures my traps.

I brought in an ebony memento mori, don't get me wrong, I do the moris ONLY instead of death hook, no tunneling, no camping, the only reason I'll early mori you is if you dare to teabag me.

I down the first guy in less than 30 seconds into the game, he DCs... I think "ok, I'm gonna let them do 1 free of chase gen". It pops and the game is on. I hook 2 of the 3 remaining guys 2 times (means next hook is death hook) and MULTIPLE times I spotted them with Nurses but decided to let them heal and go try to find someone else. The 3rd guy was lucky enough never to be found by me in all that time except when he was a healer but I decided to leave them alone.

The 4th gen pops and I decide to do the "Trapped exit gates" strategy whyle I let them fix the last gen cause I belive the end game hunt is really fun to do. I down an ALREADY INJURED player and mori him instead of death hook, the 5th gen gets done whyle doing the mori. The survivor who hasn't been hooked all game steps into one of my exit gate's traps (no NOED down) and I proceed to hook him (1st hook for him). The other remaining survivor steps on another of my traps and boom, game over for them. I mori this last guy instead of the death hook and the David died on 1st hook.


David: "It's amazing how lowlife noob killers need Ebony to get a kill from a 3 man SWF, imagine if it had been 4 of us"

Me: "I did the moris instead of Death hook, I found survivors with nurses and decided to go away, I gave you a free of chase gen after the DC, I dropped off 4 chases to let you guys have a chance because of the DC... And I was a lowlife noob killer...? Why the toxicity against a nice person who just fairly outplayed you...?"

David: "Ok, I'll give you that one, but why the NOED? You noob killers need an insurance policy? LMAO"

Me: "Dude, I didn't even get to use it... You both last two survivors stepped into my traps at the end game... Nice try though... I guess the Ebony argument didn't work and you needed a better one..."

David: "Stop trying to justify why you use noob tactics to win, LMFAO"

Me: "I'm not gonna argue man, I was nice to y'all, I don't need to stand this... GG"

David: "No GGs against a noob killer"

Damn... second time I regret being nice to pleople...



  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    ######### happens. 🤷‍♂️

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I don't know, I actually believe those kind of people do beleive their own words, that's what gets me...

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I've tried it, but the dumb part of me is always curious to what they have to say, hehehe

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Now that I think about it, for me it has been both Davids and Neas, hehe

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    I experienced something similar yesterday, well more like, in end game chat.

    It was a Ghostface with an Ebony and tryhard add ons and a Survivor put a Gideon offering, i just DC'd at the start and went afk, i came back just before the end and saw how someone still managed to escape.

    End game chat he pointed out how trash the killer is for using an ebony, good add ons with only 3 survivors and still not managing to kill all.

    I'm not saying that David's behaviour was justified, he could've been nicer. But at the same time i can understand him, it's very frustrating going against a mori and good add ons on top of that, aka tryhards.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145


    I have a 14-screenshot long conversation with an angry purple-rank player.

  • lostkq
    lostkq Member Posts: 162

    For one, im on pc so i don't know how it is in the console verse although survivors pretty obnoxious to play although even though you where being nice to them some people cant be pleased and need to assert their internet tough guy dominance on you, don't worry about it , if you get them again mori spam them or just be a utter dick-head to piss them off

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Write gg wp and leave. They are most annoyed by people they can't annoy.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I hope you learned your lesson

    Being nice to survivors, tsk tsk the nerve

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    Just don't use NOED, you seem decent enough to not need it. I know it can be important for trapper sometimes though. But NOED is a toxicity magnet. I'm never toxic, but i do have a rule to never say gg to a NOED player. If they win without it, good for you, you don't need it. It doesn't matter if i escape or not, i just don't like the perk and won't gg it. But alot of people just call you a noob or will be toxic because you use it. Even if it doesn't pop.

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    uhmmm I dunno. Sometimes it’s pretty fun, I guess?

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Ok, I use it almost every time for end game builds, but I also use it cause it's fun AH to use when going in red ranks where a 2k can easily turn into a 3-4k cause "they wanted to play hero".

    As survivor, red ranks too, I ALWAYS suppose they have NOED, I'm one of those "Small Game" annoying survivors who never lets a killer get NOED activated so... Based on my experience, if I NEVER complain about a NOED cause I can counter and play against it even if it pops, and do GG gamers who use it, I expect the same from others.

  • dkyguy1995
    dkyguy1995 Member Posts: 45

    Yeah man it happens. Don't feel bad. Survivors are the worst in this game. They feel entitled to have an easy game with no surprises when this game is designed to be a hard game with lots of surprises. They can get #########. Anyone who messages a killer with salt for anything other than revving a chainsaw in their face on hook or slugging one guy and just watching them on the ground until they bleed out then they should feel ######### dumb

  • Schmiddy21
    Schmiddy21 Member Posts: 52

    It's no different for killers man. I just try to make the game fun for everyone. If i bump into a wall as billy i look at the wall and smack it then go on my way. I don't tunnel and i never use the basement because its too strong. The only time i mori is if it's a daily. Lets be honest mori's aren't fun for any survivor. Making it funny and fun builds a community not tbagging and gloating killers.

  • The Yellow and Green Mori’s aren’t that bad, it’s the Ebony that’s overpowered

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    If you can't break a totem to cleanse NOED you should probably play viva piñata 🤷‍♂️. People get so mad at NOED on survivor side. Like nearly everyone I match with. I'm always like, leave them on the hook and let's find the totem since we rushed, now it's broke save them. Ide go against NOED every game to never deal with a face camper who won't let you pull someone from hook because they will pull you off instead of hit you.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    nothing new, I already learnt how to ignore those survivors. If they get toxic with me I'll just be salty witht them because they know they wanted to make me angry so they have no reason to insult me later

  • EridianBlaze
    EridianBlaze Member Posts: 33

    Here's the thing, Killers have their insurance Perk in the form of NOED and maybe Blood Warden (but that's a stretch). While Survivors have Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Sprint Burst, Balanced Landing, Lithe, Borrowed Time, Mettle of Man, and Decisive Strike all as insurance Perks, and they also have the Purple Insta-Heal add-on that gives a free hit too. So does it make Survivors noobs for using Perks that are super useful? No. But then it somehow makes Killers noobs for using their single super-powerful Perk. And as a reminder, NOED can be destroyed and can only be used at the end game. While all the Survivor perks (and add-on) I listed can be used throughout the entire trial and CAN'T be disabled in any way that will last the rest of the trial (with the exception of Adrenaline).

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    I've said it before but that's Xbox for you. All toxicity with no skill to back it up :)

  • xJOELx209
    xJOELx209 Member Posts: 22

    survivor mains get so salty when they lose, I personally just ignore them because they just want you to feed into their ignorance. There’s nothing wrong with what you did and NOED didn’t even play a part so idk he brought that up

  • yeosin
    yeosin Member Posts: 13

    True but most of those perks you named for survivors have been nerfed but killers are just as bad as survivors some play for fun yea ok true, but some are also super sweaty and some just dont care. You guys have NOED, Blood Warden, and even End Game and i do agree Blood warden can be used as a insurance perk and can be very over powered with Blood Warden. Think of it like this killers get op perks and 80% of the time only use those as their builds. Survivors get a few op perks and they end up nerffing them because the killer main community will complain so much about it. Killers can have insta downs but we can't have insta heals, and don't say we do have insta heals because we don't anymore. We have to wait a whole 16 seconds for it to even work that's not an insta heals that's a heal over time and if we get hit at all in those 16 seconds its just gone a takes your medkit with it. we also have bottle bottle time which is ok sometimes if you use it at the right moments. We can loop a killer for 3-4 gens get face camped because of it. And they will sit there till the gens pop and run off with NOED and get 1 to 2 downs with it if theres totems in the game or they will bring a mori and hook you once and tunnel you right off the hook just to mori you. But what im saying it it goes both ways. So its not like we complain for no reason when killers have it easier at most times not all the time but most. So if you get called a noob for using NOED then ok? That's just how it is viewed to us because of how it works.

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    Do totems and 99 exit gates and neither of those perks come into play

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    Why do you waste your time in the after game chat anyways, it's just pointless. Don't even give attention to those toxic garbage.

  • Rinthespooki
    Rinthespooki Member Posts: 255

    Well i sit here being told to kill myself for 3 years straight, you will start to get numb to these insults.

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    Bruh you allowed them the help, killers should be ruthless unforgiving monsters that laugh at the tears of baby survivors, whilst survivors should be unseen unheard repair people that laugh at the failure of baby killers, best way to deal with the toxic is "thank you, GG, git gud" then move on, not as easy on console where they message directly, cause you get bombarded with so much salt you could sell it in stores

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    That guy is an absolute toxic... Y'know what I mean. As a survivor main, people like this hurt me. There are a select many that are like this and it hurts the "survivor side" of the community. If any killer's read this, we're not all like this toxic David who couldn't win 'cause he stepped in an exit gate trap.

  • RobMeister88
    RobMeister88 Member Posts: 351

    Lol at all the people still using the "OP" perk arguments. "OP" perks don't exist, they're just a myth. Perks are just perks, they revolve around gameplay style. Perks don't make up for lack of skill. They can help, but they don't really change the game much unless you know how to utilize them. Unless there's only two survivors left, NOED won't secure a 4K, unless the survivors are potatoes and panic. People need to stop bashing perks and just focus on their gameplay style. That goes for both killers and survivors. As far as the question goes:

    Survivors tend to be toxic due to saltiness. Gameplay wise, survivors can't be toxic (unless people get sensitive about tbagging and emotes, which no one older than 10 should get sensitive over) however, their toxicity shows up post game or when they spectate after they die: The flood gates open and suddenly your inbox is full of toxic messages. The main reasons are due to these factors: Anger issues, Social Conditioning (I'll go more in depth with this one), Unrealistic expectations (expecting to win most games, expecting to go against potato killers, expecting to get good maps with good loops/borderline infinites, etc.).

    Social Conditioning: Survivors see gameplay of DBD Streamers/YouTubers. They see them doing good loops, escaping a lot, etc. After watching such content over and over again, they subconsciously expect to do as well, and when they play, it doesn't happen, and thus they get mad. Mainly I'm talking about survivors who watch Ochido, the guy who goes against baby killers, which is why he's able to loop, juke, and do all that pro gamer stuff. People see Ochido do that, and they expect to do the same. What people forget is that they're in red, purple, and green ranks, which means they're going to go up against killers of the same ranks, not against baby killers like Ochido goes against. People figure this out the hard way, when they fail a 360 and get mind gamed at loops. They then get mad because they can't be like their idol, and the poor killers get tons of insults when all they did was just play the game as intended. The sad thing is, there's survivors that don't even have social conditioning and are just toxic about losing/doing bad and insult the killers anyway. The most heartbreaking example includes one of my friends. They are toxic, I hate to say it but they are toxic, gameplay wise. They always rage so much and really dampen the mood when I play swf with them. The worst part is, they always have to message the killer, they just can't let things go. The worst case was when we went up against a Ghostface on Autohaven. The Ghostface didn't tunnel, didn't camp, didn't slug, they just played fair and square and we lost. I don't know exactly what she messaged the Ghostface but she read to me their response and it was mostly "please just leave me alone, stop spamming me I was just playing the game". She really hurt her feelings over a fair killer. As a survivor main, I almost feel ashamed to be one. Personally, I don't get phased by words, I'm just that guy, and people often label me as a "oh you're some sort of tough guy wannabe, huh?" But I feel empathetic towards sensitive people, I just do. Unfortunately most survivor mains are just negative people who are, coincidentally, more evil than killers themselves. Sorry if it got a bit depressing with the story but I just wanted to show how toxic survivors can really be.

    Sure, killers can tunnel, they can facecamp, they can slug, they can wack you while you're on the hook, but that isn't as toxic as trying to emotionally hurt people. I just hope one day my fellow survivor mains can just enjoy the game and accept that they won't always do good, and for the love of everything that is good on this world, don't spread negativity towards killers, just keep your salt to yourself.

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    While i do agree with some of what you said. Your reasoning that you should let people play however they like without us getting mad is plain wrong. Killers tunneling and camping ruin the survivors experience so they have all the right in the world to message them. In this case, the killer really should just ignore them as they did nothing wrong. NOED is an annoying perk but it's completely justified on killers like him, you should expect a high ranked trapper to run NOED, they have no choice.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920
    edited November 2019

    I honestly don't know why so many people let the post-game chat make them angry. If you want to say GGs to try to be a good sport, say it and then leave. Why read these messages if they're so toxic and going to bother you? You have the ability to not participate in the chat, so don't.

    Post edited by meatisadelicacy on
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Of course! I'm a survivor main myself, so I definitely know what it's like from that side of things. But at the same time, I can understand why some killer mains feel the way they do about survivors if they're constantly exposed to people like the ones described in this thread.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I wouldn't call them tryhards. In the same way that as a survivor it can be fun to occasionally have a game with a key or an instaheal, maybe killers just want to enjoy a game or two experimenting with cool, powerful addons every once in a while.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Toxicity rains in this game because it's all ranked based, so it encourages sweat, salt, and the downside of toxicity. The game needs a quick match mode and a ranked mode, so it's easier too both balance and too not have such a competitive environment.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Using a perk is not toxic. It's not like it's 4 survivors running the same perks and teabagging you because you have to fight through all of theirs. Use whatever the hell you want to make sub par killers actually dangerous.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Also never give them chances to escape unless you're an absolute legend who consistently 4Ks. You only shoot yourself in the foot and get hate at the end of the day.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Well the thing is that David shouldn't be complaining since he was with a 3-man SWF. As a killer, you can already expect that the match will most likely be unfun, so at that point why shouldn't you put on a mori and tryhard add ons. I would do the same so I can basically get some form of enjoyment out of that game.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,388

    Remember the names and if they squad up again, play Spirit with a Mother Daughter Ring/Father's Glasses w/ Blood Hound/Sloppy/Nurse's. Not saying I do this against SWFs that take a bully mentality...

  • Austin_HopeFull
    Austin_HopeFull Member Posts: 7

    I understand your pain man. Every time I play killer, I try to be as respectful as possible and run different perks and no moris. On top of that, I do my job as a killer - to make sure no one lives, through any means necessary. Yet, there is always someone that will tell me that I’m the scum of the earth because I’m playing a specific killer or I’m running a specific perk. It’s gotten to a point where I started playing killer less because of the overwhelming amount of toxic messages. I just don’t understand why people think they have the right to be toxic to another person for some dumb reason.

    But for those who aren’t toxic towards killers and are respectful, I thank you so much. We need more people who are wholesome and positive in this community, tbh.

  • FearlessHunter
    FearlessHunter Member Posts: 530
    edited November 2019

    While frustrating as it may be to go up against campers and tunnelers. It doesn't give someone the right to bombard another person with rude comments. And for the record I never said "people can play however they want and people should not get mad" There have been times myself where I have gotten extremely mad at some killers but do I go on their profiles and swear at them? No I turn off the game and play something else until I have calmed down. You'll find that half the reason why a killer camps and tunnels one survivor is because that survivor was most likely being toxic towards the killer, other times they will camp to secure a kill if the game is almost over and they haven't got a single kill. Not saying that the playstyle isn't scummy but that people shouldn't loose their s#it over a game.

  • ADP123
    ADP123 Member Posts: 24

    Lol “insurance policy”... uses Decisive and instas.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
    edited November 2019

    @DBD_Pinhead I am not a Legend, but I do get a 3-4k almost every game when I'm using my mains to be honest, it's pretty weird when I don't and it happens only when I try a new loadout or when I'm focusing on a Daily or an Archive's challenge.

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    I didn't say the perk was toxic, just that survivors hate it, and they will always be toxic if you have it. It is a magnet for hatred.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    The problem is that everything is, NOED, RUIN, Thanatophobia + Sloppy B, Basement Builds, End Game Builds, if you use a Mori, if you use addons better than green. Some people just can't take an L.

    Don't get me wrong, I can't speak for other killers, but my only complain on survivor things are the keys on chests, if they brought it ok, you earned it, but if you found it, damn, you just took my 4k just by being lucky

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    You're wrong about that. Most campers you go against will camp from the very beginning. People who use this strategy are ruining everyone else's experience and they know it. I completely understand why people would try and message a killer that goes out of their way to ruin the survivor's experience. No one complains when a killer camps in end game or if they camp a survivor that has flash light saved multiple times and ran the killer for three gens but it's a whole different story when the killer starts camping and tunneling for no reason. This game doesn't allow the survivors to vent their anger out in the match when a killer is camping so the ones more prone to anger will of course message their killer as a way of cooling themselves down.

  • karlofflugosi
    karlofflugosi Member Posts: 63

    And that's why I disable messages.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Xbox, post game messages directly sent to my profile, hehe. I admit I do get curious to what people have to say