Friendly killers should be banned for life

too often these days are the killers friendly . its not cool , its not funny , its bad and ruining the game, friendly killers should be banned permanently .
What do you mean by friendly killer?
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Remove killers from the game already. No matter what they do they always ruin the fun of the survivors.
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No. From time to time I really enjoy rounds like this, especially if they are funny.
It is not bannable. If you don't want to farm, just rush the gens and leave.
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I can only assume a killer who allows survivors to live and lets them farm. I also know a streamer who plays normally but only hooks twice and doesn't kill, letting them escape at the end.
Jus' ... killers like that probs.
However, I don't see this (of all things) as ruining the game....
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Well, it got my upvote and I'm a survivor main, so...
I don't get what farming has to do with toxicity.
Post edited by Rizzo on12 -
You must be one of those xxXSurvivorMainXxx players that takes everything too seriously and screams at everyone not doing the same lol
I'm sometimes friendly, it's rare but when I need points I just farm and let them escape, I usually get around 100k points per match and I will not stop. Cheers!
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I've had quite the opposite. So many insta-saw, tunnelling, camping, NoED abusing and Mori reliant killers as of late.
If camping and tunnelling aren't bannable, then farming shouldn't be either.
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That sums up my experience tonight lol.
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People really need to let others play how they want to. You're not gonna agree with every playstyle, but that doesn't mean you need to call for bans or anything like that, especially if it isn't even against the rules anyway.
As long as no exploits or hacks are involved, every playstyle is fairgame. If you don't like it, rush the gens and get into your next match.
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I'm a main survivor, and the only toxic thing I see in this post is more of the same garbage the forum is already filled with... people complaining for everything... there's always something to complaint about. Due to archive challenges that was to be expected...
It got my up vote too...
Post edited by Rizzo on15 -
People kept on complaining about Nurse, but here I am like "Nah, fam. Hillbilly on console is the problem." after getting body-blocked/rubbed before sawed for the 100th time this rank reset before coming to the forums and saying "Maybe we DON'T need easy instant downs on base kits........"
I've said that slugging, tunnelling and camping are an issue but people are like "JuSt PlAy ThE gAmE yOuR wAy!" That attitude is gonna kill this community.
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I think I get a farming Killer every 50 games at most.
Nothing I would see as a problem.
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Camping I agree tunneling, no, that's a strategy to win and it works, very well
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This is some low quality bait
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3 out of 4 Survivors: Oh hey free Bloodpoints! / Ah well guess I can just gen rush and safety pip this match.
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Friendly killers are Survivor sympathisers. That makes them as bad as survivors themselves. We should not tolerate them! If you are not part of the solution friendly killers, you are part of the problem!
Survivors: Teabag the friendly killers, shine a flashlight in their faces and point at them and laugh.
For that is what they deserve.
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Then when the killer hooks you and camps you while laughing at you then you know why, if i get a match and 2 people DC i will let the other 2 do gens and get out while hooking them a couple times. It's not fair on them that they got screwed over because 2 people DC at the start off the match when i can try and make it fun for the 3 off us.
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I'm just curious, why don't we just ban friendly killers forever? I mean for lifetime is good but forever is even better.
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No, not just forever, enter the fourth dimension and ban them from the past too. It's the only way they will ever learn. Zero tolerance!
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This is so dumb it made my head hurt.
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And Toxic People(dosen't mean the messages) too :) sarcasm
Geez everyone can play how they want.Not you,not the devs and no other Person can say how people have to play.
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Not True, Mrs JawsIsTheNextKiller says if I don't let the last survivor go after two people DC I won't get any dinner.
So "no other Person can say how people have to play, unless you are married to a survivor main"
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TBH though, I'd actually rather slug someone and let them get healed if they just got off a hook. And, not just instantly, I mean a good 10 seconds after the unhook.
Some might call it farming, but I see it more as an anti-tunnel thing.
I actually find it WAY more fun to toy with survivors, rather than rush killing them. Survivors have also thanked me and said it was an extremely fun game too. Maybe more killers should adopt this approach.
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Nobody needs you telling them how to play.
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Exactly this is what a good game feels like for both sides :)
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I’m a nice killer sometimes
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Am i glad you're not in charge.
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Man, I wish I could find some of these "friendly killers". These survivor challenges are a pita.
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If camp and tunnel is not bannable, farm shouldn't be either, gg.
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being friendly isn't bannable in like any video game I'm pretty sure
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Don't worry man, I consider myself a "nice" and "friendly" killer, I won't tunnel nor camp, if 1 DC I'll give you a free of chase gen and if 2 DC I'll try to farm, but, as nice as I think I am when playing killer, feel free to tell me your GamerTag and I'll be happy to facecamp you whenever I get to play against you if that makes you happy. :)
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what's next? A nice friendly person in real life can't play killer because that's not what a good person would do?
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Imagine being so entitled that you whine about pointless garbage like killers messing around with survivors and just giving everyone bloodpoints. Those are the games that shouldn't be complained about. Stop being a stupid little baby and complain about something actually worth complaining about
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I guess I should be banned for life without parole because I’m a friendly killer a lot of the time. I’m not a killer main and I like being nice. I play killer for ritual and tome challenges. If someone dcn, I’ll still play like normal but I’ll keep track of hooks and let them live at end. If a survivor makes me laugh, I’ll let him/her live. If I see a seemingly low level survivor struggling a lot I’ll let him/her live. If survivors ask me to farm, I’m game. If there’s one survivor left and he/she hasn’t been toxic, I let him/her have hatch. What’s the big deal? Now nice killers are ruining the game too? What next? I’m wondering what hasn’t been complained about in this game.
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Why would you ban someone who lets you farm bloodpoints ?
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People are only really farming more recently because of the Tome 3 challenges are hard to do for some people.
Once they get changed, farming people will go down until like double bloodpoints come back.
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Stop talking, like youre probably just salty the friendly killer killed you and let others live, yeah maybe its not fun for everyone but if i die to a killer with some annoying perks but he lets my friends live i have respect, quite honestly people like you ruin the community.
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I think I'm getting like RNG lucky cause I feel like I've avoided the ######### put of NOEF and camping killers. Flying under the radar. But I do receive the Spirit and Mori a lot and it ######### blows.
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If the killer is mean, they're a prick.
If they're friendly, they're boring.
Oh boy, what are they supposed to do.
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Funny how this forum is full of trolls, even funnier that other people just get caught into their trap :D
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you have to be banned for life LUL
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but i wanna be nice sometimes :(
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Oh my. What would this community become without such wonderful and creative people like you.
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I saw ''Friendly'' as ''Freddy'' players and I came to watch all the Fredheads burn this place down lol I am pleased I read the title wrong but you are still wrong sir/madame as banning someone for being nice is the most disgusting thing to do, I mean bug testers at Fallout 76 are getting banned and that's being above and beyond a nice person.
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I mean - I'm a friendly killer. I'm really enjoying playing killer as I'm normally a survivor main - I try to be as un-toxic as possible. I appreciate when I'm a killer and survivors do well, especially at the lower ranks, because I want them to have fun and enjoy the game - cause I do. So, example, if survivors DC because they're salty and the others stick in and finish the game - I'm nice about it - I let em live - it's not their fault the other survivors were trash and DC'd like the garbage humans they are! Or if people are clearly being sandbagged by some on their team that isn't playing right - I'm nice about it.
I send "Much love", "GGs" and "have a wonderful day" at the end of matches on PC because I appreciate that there are other people other there playing the game I love and having a good time - especially if they aren't being toxic about it.
I've met some great people and played survivor with them late because I did something nice as a killer.
I guess just... try to be a better person?
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I do agree that farming games are super boring. But why would a "friendly" person get banned? I've really not cared about killing survivors if im focused on other things like daily challenges/archives. I would ignore the gen rushing / killing if I have a specific goal like chasing a survivor for 3 minutes. I'll do that instead.
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I don't "farm" i just don't kill people. I still brutally run through them, and get my hooks, and then slug people when i get them. But i usually only do this when the survivors suck, or someone DCs, which is 80% of my games anymore.
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Bug Abusing(like how i was in a game where infectious fright hit you from anywhere on the map), tunneling, camping are all legit strats.
So it's legit to farm because Rift challenges are absolute garbage. "They'll be fixed" ok sure. That's a pill you're gonna need a lot of water to swallow if you believe them.
They should also perm ban people who come up with pointless suggestions that don't help anyone.
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Billy on console is actually hard to play. Instasaw is his only problem, other than that he's not gonna get many chainsaws if he's bad.