Level 3 is too easy and boring now

I really liked the difficulty of Level 3. 1 was just boring and so is Level 3 now. Great!
The only change which was needed was the 2 egc saves and the Bug fix.
I thought they were called "Challenge" for a reason. Thats just sad. I probably have it done in one or two days. :(
Please consider there are Players that want difficult and challenging Challenges!
You guys only know to complain... they tried to fix the issue.. but never is enough for u guys..
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I wouldnt mind the difficult challenges. I just don't want the luck based ones like the EGC challenges.
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Hey, guess what! I Never complained about the Challenges 🤷 I liked them.
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The were hard but not impossible.
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They were luck based. It's hard because you rely on others to be in a situation that allows you to attempt it.
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If you didn’t see the problem with the challenges then you are blind. These changes are great.
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This. JFC
But some casual players could not possibly complete these. If it's too easy make your own challenges. Some streamers are doing a hardcore rank 20-1 because the game has become too easy. Try that and let the people who couldn't dedicate hours and hours complete them for the lore entries.
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I'm not blind. I can see they are hard for Rank 20s but they should not forget, there are Players that want difficult challenges like they should be. You are not forced to pay the rift. Idk it should be something special to get Tier 70. You should work for it. Now they are just hand it out to everyone. :/
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I was surprised they scaled them back so far, seems too easy now, but I'm not complaining
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A challenge is supposed to be something where your own skill matter the most, not relying in another survivors fault, or killer's skills. Sometimes there are 1 or 2 hooks per match, that means you need to play more than 10 games to get the achievement, wich is frustrating because yes, unhooking safely it's a challenge for you, but it's not a challenge if you need to rely in the killer's skill.
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At least they Listen to our feedback.
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In red ranks you will not be given the opportunity to safely unhook 2 survivors during ECG, facts.
It needed changing, the rest not so much.
These challenges aren't really difficult just incredibly luck based.
I would like to see more challenges like cause the killer to whiff a hit x number of times.
Or spend x amount of time in a chase without being hit.
Or hit x consecutive hex skill checks and so on
something that requires a bit of skill and is not dependent on luck.
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I already got most of them done they just needed to fix the egc survivor one and maybe reduce the unhook one since it was entirely too grindy with as many dcs we get on average.
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If people don't pay for the rift because the challenges are too hard, that is bad for BHVR, no?
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Alot of people are playing the archive challenges for lore entries. As stated in the news post if you complete the new challenges now the rift will not be complete and you will need to spend extra time playing (OR PAYING) to complete it. How is this not a compromise for everyone?
IMO it seems like you are just sour that you are better at the game/have more time and those people who aren't or don't have the time dedicated to it. And therefore they should not unlock entries for the game's story. Are you saying they are undeserving of game lore? Weird.
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I am all for “working” for the challenges, but let’s be honest.
The chances of getting the 2 EGC saves were slim to none. Most killers (rightfully) won’t leave the hook. One is doable, two is a BIG stretch.
I can’t comment on the rest, but I’ll look when I’m at home.
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The sooner people revert to normal play the better imo.
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I'm not talking about the Lore entries.
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I like the updated level 3 a lot better. The challenges shouldn't kill the spirit of the trial or be prohibitively grindy for casual players, which is what overly difficult challenges do/did. The rewards don't make you more powerful, so they shouldn't be gated behind an excessive grind or challenge. I feel like the purpose of a grind is often misunderstood in the context of this game, but with the bloodweb changes and now the updated tome 3, we're hopefully moving in the right (in my opinion) direction.
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From the news: Since the challenges can now be completed in fewer matches, you may need to play additional matches after completing the Tome in order to reach Tier 70 in The Rift.
Nothing is being handed to anyone. To reach 70 is still a pain. Or.. you can pay for it.
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It was boring and now it's boring and less grindy
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No, It's ok now.
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these are just glorifed dailies in a fancy dress. they are not challenges in the slightest. Unless you are a noob rank 20. which is maybe their target anyway.
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LOL I already did all the difficult ones all that's left for me currently are the long tedious survivor ones like use 8 keys, heal 15 survivors, escape 10 trials, and get 15 IR emblems.
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As in :glorified dailies
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The simple solution is to keep the Tome moderately easy in order to keep the majority of ppl happy with it, then ramped up the Daily Challenges so that they are more difficult. Or add Weekly Challenges if you are into the grind for 40 gen kicks type of thing.
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the challenges should have been made easier it shouldn't be a hard grind to unlock lore
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The rewards are not even that interesting I don't see what the big deal is either way.
If you want lore I am sure all of it has been or will be posted somewhere to look at anyways.
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They simply adjusted the numbers on the challenge to make them less grinding (thanks god) and the egcone because it was luck based. Every other "hard" challenge is the same (like the five traps or the never getting hooked).
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well this is all we can be "excited " about in this period of so little things to do in this game. not even a fleshed out event. no but money grabbing cosmetics and rifts and chapters with ######### perks and another money grab survivor with paid skins in store. adding nothing new to the game so yeah we are excited by these glorified dailies
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On the flip side. A large number of people thought they were too hard. They have to try and balance around what will make the largest number of players happy. It is unfortunate that you find them too easy. But they can't balance around the outliers.
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This content has been removed.
well they are not doing any going forward then, so you have nothing to be upset about. No more events like this, probably just x2 bloodpoints and such which is fine by me I prefer that.
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What about a difficulty level switch? I would really like the idea 🤔 So everyone can be pleased.
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LOL the old challenges weren't difficult in terms of "skill".
They were just either RNG based or obnoxiously grindy.
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This is exactly what most people had issues with.
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And btw, reaching tier70 is nothing special and says nothing about "skill".
Lot's of people already grinded it just by playtime or you know... you can just buy them tiers...
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They didnt fix any issues. They took numbers and made them lower. That doesnt change the difficulty, only makes it less tedious. Theres no challenge, and theres even less reason to do the tome.
40 pallets was "too hard" but 25 is better? It's like 2 games difference.
The only one I could see needing changed was the endgame sacrifice. Which was still fine as is, as it was, a CHALLENGE.
All of this wouldnt even bother people if it wasnt directly tied into the battlepass they conned everyone into buying. Now we cant even enjoy the free challenge part without it having to be "changed and balanced" for the BP crybabies who HAVE to be able to earn those rewards without doing exactly what a BP is for: spending cash and playing way more than you normally would. They want their cake and to eat it too. They want to earn all the stuff, while it also not requiring any extra effort.
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None of the others were "hard" or a "challenge" in the first place. They were just long and boring.
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The difficulty is only different because of how Grindy it was. I want difficulty to be determined on difficulty itself not the grind.
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Idk about you but grinding 25 unhooks when survivor queues are 7 minutes long is a pretty boring experience.
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The changes are fantastic. Thank you Bhvr. Much appreciated.
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when are those commin live cuz from this https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/108232/ it seems it should already be live but its not for me (event after game restart).
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The changes were much needed, these challenges were meant for the majority of players to be able to complete them, not the hard core minority. If the tome 3 challenges stayed the same, I would hate to see what tome 4 would be.
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I dont have so long waiting times. max 2 minutes. Killer takes max 5 at the moment.
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You could always challenge yourself with in-game limitations...
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Wow, this whole rift challenge thing seems like a huge waste of timeANDmoney. Can I just pay someone here 5 bucks to send me all the lore entries?
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I liked them as is and had no complaints.
You are right though, the devs cannot make everyone happy.
Maybe in the future they can make an extra hard challenge section for people who like the challenge/ grind ^^