Region lock is one of the worst things that ever happened to DBD

Kidabi_ Member Posts: 2
edited November 2019 in General Discussions

So, what's wrong with region lock? Some of you might say that region lock is a good thing because you can play with people who live near you and speak in your language + you've got good ping.

But it's not that easy. There are a few issues that region lock brings to the game.

1) Matchmaking at day-time and night-time. Someone at work, someone at school/university, someone is sleeping. But you are just waiting for lobby. Maybe it takes 10 minutes, maybe 40. Because there are no players in the game. That's the game we all deserved.

2) Players from Far East of Russia plays with Japan, not with the rest of Russia. 99% of all matches we play with japanese players. Why is that happening? No one knows but devs.

3) Very specific way of playing even with high ranks. Most of japanese players don't do anything. Most time of match they're crouching and getting scared from every sound. Oh, and when the killer hook you for the first time, you can forget about that someone's gonna unhook your ass. You'll probably die. The same goes to generators - they probably won't be repaired.

4) Language barrier. My english is pretty bad. But you probably won't see messages in english in the ingame chat from japanese players. No. You DEFINITELY won't see any messages in english in the ingame chat from japanese players.

Here's what I'm trying to say - maybe region lock wasn't that a good idea as it had to be? Yeah, my ping got better with dedicated servers, but it happens 50/50 - one half of all matches have ping 65-70, the other half - 250-270.

BUT! I've played for 900 hours with ping 550-600 because of my ######### internet connection. After that, I've got a bit better internet connection and my ping had become 200-230. And I've played almost all the hours with people from central regions of Russia and from Europe. Except that time in the spring 2018 when most DBD players were connecting to Asia with no reason. 

And analyzed all the situation with region lock, I'd prefer to play with people from my country or Europe, with people I could talk to. Even if my ping will be bad.

The main message of all the text above is LET PLAYERS CHOOSE REGIONS TO PLAY. That's all we need. A lot of us would like to see that function. But I understand that it probably will never happen. 

Some of you might ask me - why the hell you wrote that sh*t here? You've got DBD forum in russian, write your posts there. Welp, I wrote that message here because all the forums in other languages exist just for nothing and totally ignored by devs.

Thank you for your attention.


  • concious_consumer
    concious_consumer Member Posts: 282

    Yaaaaaaaaay. I can't wait for killers switching regions for unfair, laggy 400ms advantage.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 616

    I'm sorry but don't like that idea. I have no interest in being grouped with someone on the other side of the planet just because they clicked my region. I'd rather wait for a fair match.

    Also, your assessment of Japanese players is pretty much racist. The descriptions you are giving are not of Japanese players but of rank 20-15 players. I'm guessing you are also grouped with other enormous Asian countries like China, South Korea, etc. but you are calling out one specific group of people. So, rank up. There is no way survivors at rank 1 are doing the stuff you describe.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970
    edited November 2019

    I live in the west coast of Canada I wonder what region that's considered locked to

  • Kidabi_
    Kidabi_ Member Posts: 2

    I usually play at rank 3-4 and I definitely don't have hallucinations which can show me things that don't exist. I see what I see and I described it in the 1st post. I didn't see any players from China and Korea since region lock was added in the game. Sometimes I see players from Taiwan and Russia, but it happens very rarely. I mean VERY rarely. That's why I wrote about 99% of all matches, not 100%. So you can call me a racist, but that's what happening around me and some other players in the game.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    But I understand that it probably will never happen.

    Why not?

    Dedicated servers themselves were first said to not be possible to implement, that they'd have to do loads and loads of re-coding stuff.

    And now here we are.

    I for one would love a toggle for region lock, got one in Dark Souls games too.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I dont mind having an option to to connect to every server IF they make the people who selects it connect only with other people with the same option.

    As a survivor I dont want to be paired with someone with 300-400 ping who wont be able to play properly, as killer it also sucks to chase people lagging, it makes it very easy and boring.

  • Jholla31
    Jholla31 Member Posts: 253

    lol you overestimate East Coast US Rank 1 PS4 players

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    He's actually right. Japanese players are pretty famous for playing that way even in red ranks. I'm on the Korean server, and I haven't seen a Russian player since these servers/region lock went live. So yeah, he pretty much is just playing with the people he says he is playing with.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 616

    @Omans Explain how they got to red ranks then. They cannot 'do nothing' and pip, it is not possible.

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    DBD isn’t region locked

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    On one side it's good and on the other side it's bad

    Sure it's not great that queues times are longer

    But on the other hand you don't have teamates that are either teleporting or having such lag that prevents them from playing normally