Hurts to think about this game's potential.

Yeah,you can say this about every game.

But in DBD's case ,the potential is much much higher than your average multiplayer game.

The only reason people stick around,Behaviour, even after all the wrong decisions you made is due to Dead By Daylight's concept.

I don't know if you realize what you've created.

A special,particular,unique game.

DBD seriously has the potential to become a gem in the gaming industry.

Many have tried to replicate your project and all of them have failed.

So why cant you realize what you have?

You're holding a mine full of gold in your hands and you're ruining it because you'd rather stick around the surface instead of going deeper.

Behaviour,developing a game isnt easy.

Issues are to be expected.

However,too many mistakes are unacceptable.

I KNOW you can do better.

Yes,veterans are still gonna play your game even if you make 3000 mistakes.

But we will never see DBD shine if you keep going on like this.

The faces of Behaviour are all friendly and nice,and you can tell they really like their job.

However,whatever strategy you're using for developing the game is currently not working.

Something must change.

Stop holding back Dead By Daylight.



  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    They are improving, still making mistakes, but they are trying their best to make the game better SoonTm.

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    What's with all the negativity? Yeah sure they mess up from time to time but overall i truly believe they are trying to keep the game balance with the reworks/nerfs/buffs, they'll keep implementing new features etc like map rework/add-ons/perks and sadly after certain features/update, adjustment has to be made to re-balance the game

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,261
    edited November 2019

    Your claims would have more merit if the game was actually failing. The fact that a 3 year old game is seeing a rise in popularity STILL is pretty nuts when you think of other games released 3 years ago have either died off or are on a downward slope (looking at you Overwatch). The fact of the matter is the marketing team for this game has somehow managed to continue gathering interest for this game after 3 years. Yes, theres room for improvement on the mechanical lvl. To suggest that the game is failing though is simply untrue.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,261

    The fact is the game is more popular now than it was 6 months ago, than it was last year, than it was 2 years ago... More ppl are currently logged on RIGHT NOW than back then. Thats not something any of its competitors can claim. The "DBD Killers"...are all dead.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    A multiplayer online game SHOULD keep growing after 3 years..

    Im not saying its failing,but its no where near as good as it could be.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,261

    Real talk discussion time. Can you think of anything DBD could do besides mechanical issues (Fix framerate ect) that its failed competitors havent already done? We dont wanna emulate something that didnt work. The devs already know the need to work on framerate for consoles, so suggesting it over and over again is just beating a dead horse at this point. They currently have their hands full with dedicated servers which is... struggling atm to say it nicely.

  • YoosungKim
    YoosungKim Member Posts: 14

    I don't even understand what you're saying.

    But all I see is something that actually proves I am right.

    Dbd is always discounted.

    It's obvious it gets more popular and more people buy it


    You can't say otherwise.

    Think before writing?

    I don't get what's your point

  • YoosungKim
    YoosungKim Member Posts: 14


    I want to ######### play the game so I'll keep suggesting it

    I don't think playing with 2 frame per second is nice

    The point is

    Stop adding cosmetics

    Stop bullshitting around

    Fix the game


  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2019

    It's extremely rare for an online multiplayer game to keep growing after 3 years. The vast majority of online games experience a steady decline in population post-launch. Dead By Daylight's continued success and growth is a huge anomaly compared to other games.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    I think they play it safe too often. This is because of the demand they set themselves to achieve. It's frequent updates which require excessive work on specific areas. They just don't have the manpower, time and resources to deal with more on their plate at one given time. They're not doing terribly however their shortcomings are kinda clear, I hope they work on them.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Not to mention, it doesn't actually show how many players actually STAY to play Dead by Daylight in the long run. Imagine if 60-80% of the player numbers shown on the charts are actually players who'll stop playing Dead by Daylight within a week or two, and they're just constantly being replaced by other new players who got the game through a sale.

    The "new player" experience that Dead by Daylight have is known to be one of the worst out there.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    you provided no actual feedback and just trashed the Devs. I have many criticisms about this game, but I actually see the work the Devs put into this game and it's heartbreaking. This game has had to get a completely different engine to accommodate it's changes and the devs are still having to fix it. They just barely got dedicated servers and they work far better than I was expecting and they are working on cross platform play. The devs are doing their best we just need to be a less shittier community to them and to each other. They are listening to feedback, but these things take time. They have so many projects and things behind schedule that it's really evident that the archives was a rushed system. The fact that they have a new chapter coming so soon shows how much content they are releasing for this game. We still have the Nun to look forward to after this chapter and map overhauls.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    If price was a major factor in this game's continued success, then why are so many free-to-play games doing so poorly compared to DBD after three years? This is self-defeating logic.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Fortnite already accomplished this, but I think not only the discounts are driving people to the game, but also some movie killers such as: Michael Myers, Freddy, Pig, Demogorgon, and Ghostafce.

    Though OP does make major point, the game is unbalanced, and all the Devs are doing is ignoring feedback, and are just releasing cosmetics.

    The thing is the game is slowly growing, mainly because DBD has poor player retention. If the Devs decided to fix the game, and balance it, it would increase the player retention.

    You basically explained my point about player retention, and how DBD barely achieve a small player retention.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    None of those killers are what drew me to the game. I own literally none of them. The gameplay is what drew me in; I heard consistent praise for the gameplay across social media and forums.

    All good video games are unbalanced. Truly balanced games are ****ing boring. There's a reason why eSports is dominated by games like League of Legends (A hilariously imbalanced game in a multitude of ways), and not online chess.

    If the devs were ignoring feedback, there wouldn't be community managers and developers replying to threads on this forum, on a regular basis. There wouldn't be balance changes and design choices being made with the community's feedback in mind. This level of direct interaction with the community is a rarity in the gaming industry.

    Compared to the vast majority of online multiplayer games, DBD's player retention is astoundingly high. Most online multiplayer games die long before their third anniversary, or at best, are reduced to a tiny community of diehard fans. You really don't know how good you have it here.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    You had me until I saw "The faces of Behaviour are all friendly and nice." and I say this due to the fact as to what I've heard about things they've said in the past. Such as:

    "Get good or find a new game." or a friend told me he asked in a livestream at one point in his dbd time why can't we see the killer's profile when they can see survivor's and he was told to shut up, he didn't know what he was talking about. There's also much more I'm sure than these two examples.

    Not to mention after updates, nerfs, whatever, I see so many people crying that BHVR didn't listen to the community ... How is that nice towards the community if BHVR doesn't truly listen all the time?

    I also get bugs may not always be the easiest to fix but the fact that some have been around for months and months or even more than a year, it does not seem like they're doing much to actually fix the game. BHVR, if you actually care about your game and community, please do something. I like the game, don't get me wrong but BHVR needs to actually show me they care about their community and stop acting like this.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    I think they need to work on balance, buff up the lower tier Killers so you even see them in Red Ranks (or purple) and work on bug fixes. Am I just gonna trash the Devs about it? No. But I do wish they would let us know they are listening.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Personally, I don't think BHVR goes 100% for this game simply because it has no competition. As you said, there is no competition that's worth their weight besides maybe Identity V, but since that's a Phone exclusive, I don't see it as competition. They know we'll always come back because it's so unique, so they don't give it 100% because they know people will always stay.

    it's why I hope Last Year's steam release makes it very successful, so BHVR has competition and they can hopefully start listening too the community more. I want both games too be the best they can be, but BHVR IMO has gotten lazy and are happy with the bare minimum instead of going all out.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    It's because the monopolized a market, not because the game is good. As you said, no game that has the concept of an A-Symmetrical Horror has done well, but that doesn't mean DBD is doing well either, it's simply doing better then the rest.

    IMO BHVR has gotten lazy, and are happy with the bare minimum. Why try when you know nothing else can touch you? It's why I'm hoping Last Year's steam release succeeds because BHVR needs competition too make them try.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2019

    If you think this is the "bare minimum" and that BHVR isn't trying, you clearly haven't seen what it looks like when a game company isn't giving their best effort.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    I know when a company isn't trying, it's happening in dbd. DBD has had bugs since launch that still haven't been fixed, there hasn't been a single update where the game didn't get filled with 800 bugs. They rarely ever listen too the community on anything balance wise (looking at you, rework Nurse.), and they even stopped the weekly dev streams where they actually communicated with the community. They are doing the bare minimum IMO.

    And for another company, look at Bethesda's Fallout 76. It's pretty much Fallout 4 with 800 more bugs, micro transactions, looboxes, and a dumb yearly membership for content that should be base.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,261

    Its a monopoly in that all the competition that it DID have fizzled out quick. SOMEHOW DBD managed to survive and is currently growing in popularity when none of its competition came anywhere close. Even Friday the 13th at its peak of interest doesnt rate near what DBD has right this very moment. Its currently 2:30 am for me and DBD has more players online right now then F13 had...ever. Thats GOTTA tell you that this game is doing SOMETHING better than all those other games.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    It is doing better then the rest, but that doesn't mean BHVR is doing the best they could. Where did the weekly dev streams go? Why are bugs from the games launch still in the game? Why is there very little community feedback when it comes too buffs/nerfs?

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    Yet comes the fact that they are making way more mistakes then improving. Like way way more mistakes that it basically Over-Shadows the improving part of it

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2019

    Do you have any idea how difficult it is to fix bugs, especially in a 3-year-old game that's had dozens of patches, big and small? A single typo in a single line of code, buried under years of band-aid fixes and patches designed to fix other unrelated issues, can cause a game to instantly crash, or completely break a core system of the game. Even the most polished modern videogames are not devoid of bugs.

    Fallout 76 is not even functional half the time. It freezes and crashes constantly. Core systems of the game, like enemy AI, character animations or physics often stop working entirely. Not to mention that Fallout 76 is a full-price game that has its own pay-to-win cash shop. Also, Fallout 76 is a crappy game with terrible design and tedious, mediocre, cynically copy-pasted gameplay.

    They may have stopped doing dev streams every week (Probably because it took a lot of time away from actually doing their job and working on the game), but they post regularly on their forums and reply to threads on a regular basis, which is more than most developers can say. Just look on the Overwatch forums, for example; the developers haven't replied to any of the popular balance-related topics on their forums in almost three months.

    Not to mention that you're overlooking the countless instances where they actually listened to the community and acted upon their feedback: The community wanted Nurse changed, so they reworked the Nurse, twice. The community wanted Spirit changed, so they reworked Spirit, twice. The community wanted Legion changed, so they changed the Legion. I could go on and on; compared to its original launch, Dead By Daylight's gameplay is almost unrecognizable, as virtually every element of the game has been tweaked heavily since then, and nearly all of those changes were made based on community feedback.

    And, in fact, just a couple of days ago, the developers made an announcement that they would be changing the level 3 tome challenges, in response to the community's feedback that the challenges were too difficult. During Thanksgiving week, no less.

    Do you wanna know what the actual bare minimum is? Just maintaining the game's servers and never actually releasing any new content. It can be done with a tiny skeleton crew of developers, and it requires almost no effort or expertise whatsoever. There are countless games which do just that. The developers are anything but lazy; in fact, I suspect that they're being overworked to keep up with the demand for changes and new content.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,261

    Ok, one thing at a time...

    As far as weekly devstreams go, alot of times theres not really much to talk about on a week by week basis. The devs DO stream themselves PLAYING the game on a pretty regular basis, but you'll be lucky to find ANY game that does a WEEKLY devstream update. I know Warframe skips around from doing one every 2 weeks to once a month.

    As far as bugs go...Yes, theres bugs, lol. Im not gonna pretend theres not bugs, theres youtube series that are pretty much just compilation of videos showcasing bugs. You cant tell me that you've missed the huge laundry list of bug fixes at the bottom of every patchnotes list though. You said theres certain bugs that have been around since release. What bugs are you referring to SPECIFICALLY with that, and please dont say hitboxes or something.

    As far as buffs and nerfs go, its kinda both sides. Alot of their decision making feels like it came outta nowhere, I'll admit to that. The changes on the PTB for Legion's base mend time because they felt his mend time when he stacked 2 mend time addons was too long was...odd. On the other hand though, many changes they HAVE done was things that came STRAIGHT from the community. When Demogorgon hit PTB, everyone saw his UR addon that made shred break pallets and said "That should really be base-kit". On the current PTB now with the Spirit changes, the changes to Prayer beads, collision and vault animation were all community ideas. Sure they havent implemented every change that everyone has ever thought of, but much of that is simply due to many ideas not being agreed upon by the community as it is. I COULD list off far more changes that they DID implement if you want, but I'll just end this here for now.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,261

    Playing devils advocate here... Doing better than Bethesda on bugfixes isnt exactly setting the bar too high, lol. Bethesda's headline might as well be "Having bugs makes the game quirky, right?".

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2019

    Sure, but even games created by developers that are famous for having a high level of polish and few bugs will still run into game-breaking issues fairly often, especially with older titles that have had many patches.

    For example, even after 15 years of tireless bugfixing, you can still run into issues like graphical errors, UI glitches, game crashes, map collision errors and much more while playing World of Warcraft. Some of the bugs have been around for a decade or more.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,261

    Sure, Im not saying bugs dont run rampant on many successful games. Using Bethesda as an example though is a joke since that company is KNOWN to release back to back buggy messes. If you said "Even Blizzard has many long lasting bugs in their games" would be abit different, but mentioning Bethesda... lol.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    edited November 2019

    Well, I'm not the one who originally mentioned Bethesda. The other person was comparing DBD's glitches to F76. Fallout 76 wasn't even functional upon release, to the point where people tried to file a class action suit against Bethesda, on the grounds of false advertising. Bethesda had advertised and promised a functional game in their marketing, and they broke that promise quite spectacularly.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,261

    Thought the lawsuit was for the subscription service they released for fallout 76 that didnt provide all the things they said it would, and then they refused to give refunds to the people who asked after seeing what they ACTUALLY got. Either way, im too lazy to look it up atm so meh. Bethesda is known for 2 things. Bugs and successfully selling the same game to ppl 10 times, lol. All that said though...Skyrim VR is fun....

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    The fact you said "A single typo in a single line of code, buried under years of band-aid fixes and patches designed to fix other unrelated issues, can cause a game to instantly crash, or completely break a core system of the game." proves my point. Why are they band aid fixing bugs instead of making sure the bugs are gone?

    The community Managers do, but what about Mcote himself? or the art designers? They always brought many different devs into those streams, so you always got some different insights on different topics. And I can't see how taking an hour out of their day is really them not doing their jobs. Though I agree most devs do not speak too the community, but it's whether they listen too the community is what's truly important.

    People did want Nurse changed, but not her base kit. they nerfed that into oblivion, and when many people complained that she needed too be reverted, they ignored it all and pushed her live anyways. The Legion changes are more a nerf then a buff since loosing M1 hits as Feral hits completely neuters Legion, and faster ms and vault speed doesn't overlook that fact. The only one you got me on is Spirit, since they kept her power the same, but made her more fair too fight and less of a coin flip.

    And you can't really use the Level 3 tome challenges as an example since people already knew they sucked since the PTB, but they ignored it all until the entire community wanted it changed, then they caved. And it's not even coming out until chapter 14! So we're al stuck with Luck based challenges instead of skill based.

    I know they aren't actually doing the bare minimum, it was more an exaggeration then anything, My point was they don't do what they could do, and it does feel like they do the bare minimum. If there's bugs in the game that have been around since Launch after 3 years, they aren't doing what they should be doing IMO.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    They don't have too talk about the behind the scenes every week, but it would be nice too have a 30-45 min QnA stream a week so we know the communities voice is being heard. ATM it feels like people are just shouting into empty air on the forums with constant "we'll look into it" or "we are listening." being shouted back, but nothing is looked into and they rarely listen.

    I Think the most famous bug is the one where killers get stuck inside pallets when there dropped on them. It's constantly "getting patched out." but always comes back, most recent time was with Ghostface. Another one is the horrible Animation glitches, like when you get Adrenalin at the precise moment you get grabbed, so you just become a vacuume and slide across the floor on you're belly (personally had this happen too me.)

    it's not really a glitch, but where is the optimization for DBD after 3 years? I guarantee a lot of problems could be fixed of the game was optimized better. As far as I know there isn't any plans for better Optimization, so why is that?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,261

    Optimization is actually constantly getting worked on with each unreal engine update. I know certain things in the game are QUITE taxing on consoles as well as some lower end PCs. Doc is known for tanking FPS. Hopefully we can have that not be the case EVENTUALLY, because Doc doesnt need anymore hate, lol.

    As far as the stuck in a pallet bug, I personally have never experienced that one. I play killer about 95% of the time so I dont find myself in the situation too often where I can see it happen to other ppl playing killer either. I know for awhile there was a bug that would make it look like survivors were just skating or something instead of running...which alot of the community actually wanted left into the game, lol. I know bugs like these pop up in alot of new patches and get fixed soon after. The current PTB has a similar walking bug where survivors are moonwalking everywhere, that will no doubt be fixed...probably within a month.

    As far as streams go, if you have questions and such...go to one of their streams. Just because they dont have a devstream where they sit behind a desk and dedicate an hour specifically to QnA every week, doesnt mean you cant talk to them. These guys DO fairly regularly stream themselves playing DBD. I personally have Mclean followed on twitch and know he DOES infact chat with his viewers while playing. We dont NEED a super formal stream to have open communication, just remember to be respectful and dont come across as demanding.

  • John_Doe
    John_Doe Member Posts: 236

    They're not going to get the license to the Nun it's not well enough known

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Behavior's lacking competition and have gone lazy, definitely.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    content is not the issue.

    We need content yes,but we have to fix the game first.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    There is a list of bugfixes under every patch.

    What you failed to notice is all of these bugs were introduced 1 or 2 patches ago. They make a patch, add shitton of bugs, then fix it month later and everyone sees the huge list of bugfixes.

  • YoosungKim
    YoosungKim Member Posts: 14

    Didn't say price is a major factor

    Just that the game is always discounted and it actually plays somehow its role into the bigger scheme :)

    Don't be so salty only to defend a game that can't be defended.

    At all.

    Also I talked about general performance in f2p games

    And many of them even if they have a small community, still do better than DBD.

    Don't come for me.

    Because you don't even have a point.

  • YoosungKim
    YoosungKim Member Posts: 14

    Working far better?

    With something basically every game can easily do?

    Indie developers used to have better hosted servers?

    Games from 10 years ago could do dedicated servers and for some reason they can't make them work?

    Because of the "engine"?

    I think you all are just pretty much being irrational

    The thread creator gave feedback. Negative feedback is still feedback. And if you think telling the devs you can't enjoy the game anymore because it has some issues pointing them out isn't feedback then you are a hypocrite who thinks only good things should be said.

    Sweeten the Pill doesn't help Developers

    It makes them lazy

    And thinking they can always just say something, do the oppposite, and have people who defend them and just get away with it makes me sad.

    Making a game is difficult.

    But keep failing your audience expectation is your own fault and it doesn't have anything to do with the game itself being "old" or running on a particular engine.

    Thank you.

  • YoosungKim
    YoosungKim Member Posts: 14

    That's the whole point my lovelies

    They are slowly becoming cocky, not listening to anyone, doing what they want, not keeping their words and being on so many levels mean to anyone who is giving any type of feedback


    Making a game is hard

    But if you are being horrible at managing everything

    Then it's your fault

    Because You are the dev

    It's your duty.

    It's your job.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    If you think devs are trying their best then you live under a rock.

    And if they are ACTUALLY trying out their best then we are definetely screwed.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    Which is what Behaviour is doing;failing to keep promises,but you are too blind to see it.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Sounds like a pretty flimsy line of logic to me. Discounts will only get people to buy the game if they're already interested enough to spend money on it.

    Netcode and lag compensation are extremely complex for any game with first-person shooter mechanics; even AAA developers have the same issues as DBD when it comes to netcode. Peeker's advantage, rubber-banding, and more. What's happening on your screen often ends up being quite different from what's happening on your opponent's screen, and there's only so much you can do to address that when limitations like ping exist.

    Many free-to-play games, even if they have a small community, still do better than DBD? Name some for me? Because most free-to-play games with a small community just don't work on new content anymore.

    Giving feedback is all well and good, but if you overlook everything the developers have accomplished, and all of the effort they've put into improving the game, then your feedback comes off as irrational whining over something that the developers have no control over. You're asking the developers to give you something that they do not have.

    No developer can meet all of their audience's expectations, all the time, because the audience always wants more, and the audience as a whole can rarely agree on anything. Saying that they're a bad developer because they don't act upon every bit of feedback is patently false. If you act upon literally every bit of feedback, you're not going to please anyone.

    When one person says "Nerf killers", and the other says "Buff killers", there's nothing you can do that will make everyone happy. And if you focus all of your efforts on fixing the game's bugs, then people will start complaining that new content and balance changes aren't coming out quickly enough.

    Nobody's perfect, and if anything, there seems to be an issue with BHVR's leadership not setting realistic deadlines for things to get done. But my point is, if you're going to give feedback, be constructive and be realistic with your expectations. I guarantee that the developers will be more willing to listen to you that way.