Complain and you shall receive
Tome 3 Being Changed - BHVR Tweet

Complain and you shall receive
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Well thank god. Haven't seen the challenges myself yet but they seem to be absolutely horrible and encourage bad gameplay that is unfun for both sides.
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It's also at the top of the forums *insert upside-down smiley face*
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for some reason the tweet isn't even showing it's just a huge ass line in the middle of the screen
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Waiting at work going through here to see what the changes are going to be
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Thank god, I was so happy to read this!
A lot of these challenges are just frustrating, pure luck and have nothing to do with actual skill or anything.
I'm so glad there is even a chance they gonna be changed.
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tbh, saving two people during egc and them being a safe save is ridiculous.
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Honestly, thank Law.
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Thank you for listening. I don't personally mind tough 1 game challenges but the really long annoying ones are horrible.
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I've already completed almost half of them lol.
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I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth on this one. They listened and they're fixing it. That is what matters.
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At least they're conceding a change just a few days into tome 3, that's honourable.
...but I still want to see what changes, though :P
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I didn't expect them to change anything in the first rift. I'm pleasantly surprised.
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People who have already completed them:
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Just finished all the killer challenges. Hopefully most of these changes are for the survivor challenges.
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don't worry, they'll reset tome 3 for everyone to zero, so you can start over again with less demanding objectives!
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Not sure if sarcasm or not...
If it wasnt, then, nope:
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As far as I'm concerned, they're listening - in fact they are changing Tome 3. Before Tome 3 release, no challenge needed to be changed, so there's that. I don't know what they have lied about, since, as you quote, some Tome 4 challenges are placeholders. Tome 3 sucks as well, but they didn't promise anything about it.
However, they still are not replying to my threads, so I guess I'll give them 1 star on Yelp or something.
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of course it was sarcasm, come on guys, how sadistic do you think BHVR can be ^^
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That should have been done far before its release. I already wasted a hole day to try Last Minute Hero, while every killer is doing basement challenges, whats totally annoying to play against for two days now. I literally gave up on having any normal game since level 3 started. Who the hell coded this challenge? I wanna slice him/her/them in a trillion pieces -.-
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I mean..... haha
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It's regular business: If there's lots of complaints about your latest product coming from regular customers, it's only natural to do something about it to keep them loyal to you.
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My biggest hopes for this are:
Change the "2 unhooks in EGC" challenge, even if it just becomes "not in one trial."
Change "blind the killer while they're carrying someone." This is 2019, blinds while carrying JUST DON'T HAPPEN. I really don't want to be a useless teammate and suicide 16 times because I try for every pickup blind, and the killer then hates and tunnels me.
Change "15 basement hooks." It isn't hard, it isn't CHALLENGING, all it's doing is making every survivor match absolutely miserable.
Lower the amount of unhooks, maybe swap that node with a later one so EVERYONE isn't trying to do it all at once.
Increase the reward for challenges. These are longer and more difficult than the other two, and we're still seeing a pathetic reward in terms of fragments and bloodpoints.
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You'd be right. Certain challenges for survivors are impossible unless you got a full swf, people farming each other, and killers farming constantly because it makes things easier. The challenges are just too grindy with barely any reward.
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This won't change the fact that the challenges promote bad gameplay, but it's better than nothin. At least now i can throw all my matches and it won't be for nothin.
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A Thanksgiving miracle.
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I'm so thankful they are changing them. Thank you devs. Us solo survivors need to stand a chance of getting them complete!
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I was only really upset with the "2 saves during the EGC" challenge. Mostly because it is right at the beginning, so you have to do the killer ones if you want to go around. No problem for me, but there are people who just play survivor. That's not fair at all. It is more likely you pallet save someone than completing that challenge.
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its so nice that the dev listen to the feedback. No matter how tiny the changes are, itβs really nice.
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It's nice that they're fixing the challenges. My only problem is as stated before, why didn't they just listen to the feedback the first time? They're giving themselves more work. And does it really need a public outcry every damn time so that they move on to actually fix things?
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That'd have been sick, wouldn't it?
I wonder if they plan on change Level 4 as well, or if they're just gonna edit Level 3 and leave it at that. Might have to complain a bit more when Level 4 releases, if that's the case. One would hope Behavior learns eventually.
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The challenges should not feel like a grind. Grindy challenges for battle passes CAN work in other games when they allow you to take on more than one challenge at once. But that isn't the case here; you can make progress in only one challenge at a time.
As such, the challenges should be quick, less luck dependent, and promote you to try different perks and playstyles (but not at the expense of not actually trying to win the game aka "disturb 25 crows by walking between 2 crow spawn points the entire game").
A solid example was the This Is Not Happening, Botany Knowledge, and Dark Sense challenges. Not quite meta perks, but by re-introducing players to them some could come to the realization "hey, these perks aren't so bad". I also enjoyed making builds that would make me complete the challenges more efficiently; for example taking Bond, Better Together, and Prove Thyself with a Shroud offering for the Dark Sense challenge so other survivors aren't stealin muh gens.
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Hard mode? LMAO ALMOST DIED XD as if, it was more like "Luck BS mode"
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I was lucky enough to get the two saves during end game collapse challenge done right now. πππ
These types of luck challenges should NOT be available whatsoever. Can't wait to see what they change it to.
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Its ok they decided not to change them after all...
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The change is still going through, just later than originally planned, so that they can make sure it doesn't mess up people's challenges in which they've already gained progress.
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My only problem was with the one bugged challenge I encountered (15 iridescent emblems) and having to compete with other survivors for unhooks. Otherwise I think complaints against tome 3 were a little dramatic.