Tome challenges didn’t change ps4

My tome challenges that were supposed to be adjusted aren’t adjusted on ps4. Anyone else with this issue ?
I don't think that any platform has received the changes yet. It's really annoying because you practically have to do the 15 iridescent emblems challenge to advance, and it is still bugged.
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the changes were hold to next week, probably we get them w dlc
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Thanks u guys I was just wondering because yes this is a massive grind and I feel so dirty playing this way as killer constantly.
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I don't think he means like that. I'm a guy who doesnt like to camp or tunnel but the grind for certain challenges has required me to.
Killing the obsession is the best example of this. I brought a mori and made sure to kill the obsession first. Then after hooking someone I needed to hope they had ds and when they were unhooked down them and get hit by ds. Rinse and repeat for a few games.
I know I could just play all 7 games but I always like getting challenges done as quick as possible so I felt forced to play in such a negative way.
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im glad i finished my rift today so i dont need to worry about challenges anymore
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You can feel forced, but no one is forcing you. And at no point it's required for you to camp or tunnel to complete any challenge.
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Yes I don’t like to camp and tunnel at all and it forces u to do that for a lot of these challenges .
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camping and tunneling =/= efficiency. stop repeating that lie.
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My recommendation- and I realize this requires doing some of the annoying ones- is to do each challenge you can to the point that it will count for when things go live.
For example, I've healed others 10 states, escaped 5 trials, etc.
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I refer you to my precious comment
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For some that's true but for many others (me included) I want to get the challenges done as quick as possible. This should have been a week 4 challenge with the new stun obsession perk.
I never camp or tunnel normally. I will play smart but won't deliberately try and ruin someone else's experience when I'm killer. But that challenge in particular could only be done one way if I wanted to get multiple obsession kills in one game.