Marth88 leaves DbD due to game unbalance.



  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    @Bravo0413 said:
    I watched a bit of the stream last night... he was truly putting on a show and gave everyone his A game... a 4 man 5 gen ebony mori wraith game.. how many times does that happen nowadays!? I'm looking forward to watching him play Deathgarden 

    IMO he is the best overall English speaking streamer who plays killer. I think Zubat can make a case as well.

  • Michiko
    Michiko Member Posts: 623
    We've still got Monto, Noob3, Ochido and Panda. Thats enough for me ❤️ Sucks to see him go though. 
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    @Bravo0413 said:
    I watched a bit of the stream last night... he was truly putting on a show and gave everyone his A game... a 4 man 5 gen ebony mori wraith game.. how many times does that happen nowadays!? I'm looking forward to watching him play Deathgarden 

    IMO he is the best overall English speaking streamer who plays killer. I think Zubat can make a case as well.

    I agree zubat is the most intense Billy I've ever seen! When I watched for the first time:O
  • BlackHack
    BlackHack Member Posts: 71

    For people how don't care about his leaving the game , i understand and respect that, but you can't ignore the fact that he leave due to some solid point need to be worked on, the devs will saw it and there respond will be, nope throw another dlc.

  • maximus909
    maximus909 Member Posts: 19

    Oh palease!!! I've gone up against some amazing killers that knock off survivors like shooting fish in a barrel. Marth88 just needs to put down the Double Western Cheeseburger when playing DBD killer. Developers just gave all killers a bump.... yet Marth88 still can't win against survivors? He should maybe go back to Friday the 13th.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    Oh palease!!! I've gone up against some amazing killers that knock off survivors like shooting fish in a barrel. Marth88 just needs to put down the Double Western Cheeseburger when playing DBD killer. Developers just gave all killers a bump.... yet Marth88 still can't win against survivors? He should maybe go back to Friday the 13th.

    Haha, fat jokes. Super mature kid. Grow up. 

    Fact is the game is still stupidly Survivor sided with Gen Rush and Looping still being too good at wasting time. Perks be damned, the core base mechanics in the Survivors favor are still screwed up and way too tilted to casual Survivors dicking around instead of doing the damn objective, that if they DONT dick around, Survivor team wins easily.
  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 589
    edited August 2018

    Marth has left playing because the developers they scold him for making rush-gen with friends, is so stupid to say "don't repair so fast" first fix your game, they can not hide the sun with a finger.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    This isn't even a discussion, just a statement.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    this didn't need a separate thread.. there is already a marth is leaving topic that has alot of replies and views.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    Dont know Marth, never watched his videos, honestly could care less if he leaves or not. Its his choice. That said, he did make valid points, but those valid points have been made for months upon months by a great many people. He is not saying anything groundbreaking.

    Good luck in DG Marth. Hope that game gives you what you are seeking.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    When a killer damages the gen I think it shoukd reduce the repair efficiency/speed everytime.
  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @chefdave12118 said:
    Dead by Daylight will be fine . There's more noob lower level players than red rank players and this is why the balance will never happen . I play with some people that can't get past rank 15 because they're casual players that run in a straight line when getting chased by a wraith . I know a lot of people will say then they need to git gud, but they don't care if they git gud . They want to hop on, play a few rounds and hope they make it out if the gates . I'm guessing 80% of the player base is this . They're not going make changes that makes those 80% put the game down . Maybe 80% is a lil high, but I don't think it's too far off . So us red rank players have some serious and legit complaints, but we are the minority. It will remain survivor powered . Also there's more survivor mains than killer . 

    And none of them are on the forums. Can't blame them. That's why there should be a separation between ranked and "quick play" like matches similar to Overwatch.

    Maybe only allow SWF in ranked (with solo queuers that want to play competitively) and have designated rules & mechanics balanced around that level of play.


    Also, who's marth88

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Brady said:
    Also, who's marth88

    Rule of thumb: when someone mentions person X, they're either a streamer, or a known member of the community (or both).

  • Mr_Grumpy
    Mr_Grumpy Member Posts: 76
    edited August 2018

    he changed a lot in the last month's, and at some point i stopped watching his streams.
    in my opinion he ended up being more and more arrogant and a bit toxic at some points... :/

    Post edited by Mr_Grumpy on
  • BlackHack
    BlackHack Member Posts: 71

    @AshleyWB said:
    When a killer damages the gen I think it shoukd reduce the repair efficiency/speed everytime.

    ya they need to do something about these gens

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165
    jiminie said:
    Oh, what a sad day today is, this no name guy is leaving DBD, i feel so much grief, i don't know how we're goin' to survive

    On a serious note, y'all should chill, it's just a game, and who in their right mind would watch a guy moaning for over an hour? 'u mad?' haha
    Also, this OP guy just said 'We all live for this game' what the hell?That's pretty sad if that's the case, i must say, also, the so called survivor 'buffs' are just speculated, still killer mains already goin' nuts over everything as usual, i've been around for few months, i'll just say this, if the game dies, it's because of the community, they'll never be pleased with anything they get

    One more thing, just chill, it's not like this game is the reason you live...or is it? ;)

    Nah not really currently taking a break from this game myself. The only thing that has me interested in it is the characters and story. Where as DG just seems like another action movie. I am hoping that people don't live and breathe this game. Because at that point that is just disturbing
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @BlackHack said:
    For people how don't care about his leaving the game , i understand and respect that, but you can't ignore the fact that he leave due to some solid point need to be worked on, the devs will saw it and there respond will be, nope throw another dlc.

    Survivors managed to ignore the depip squad experiment and nullify the stats by saying "this is not hwo a normal game looks like" or sth like that.
    I have lost hope tbh, let everyone deal witht he ######### as they want. Devs will buff survivors next patch to heaven and I hope that enough killers stop dealing with this such that the remaining survivors can play 4vs4 and clickat each other faces

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    jiminie said:

    Oh, what a sad day today is, this no name guy is leaving DBD, i feel so much grief, i don't know how we're goin' to survive

    On a serious note, y'all should chill, it's just a game, and who in their right mind would watch a guy moaning for over an hour? 'u mad?' haha
    Also, this OP guy just said 'We all live for this game' what the hell?That's pretty sad if that's the case, i must say, also, the so called survivor 'buffs' are just speculated, still killer mains already goin' nuts over everything as usual, i've been around for few months, i'll just say this, if the game dies, it's because of the community, they'll never be pleased with anything they get

    One more thing, just chill, it's not like this game is the reason you live...or is it? ;)

    This game means a lot to people rather you think it does or doesn't @jiminie, maybe you should go to DG if you really don't care what happens to this game. I said "This game is the reason why we live" to stress the point about how much we love DbD, there's nothing wrong with loving a game that made you wanna keep playing it over and over again. How would you feel if DbD died out? Exactly.
  • Grey87
    Grey87 Member Posts: 346
    edited August 2018

    Not gonna bother reading or watching the video.
    Just here to say "Cya marth, no one really cares other than some fanboys".

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited August 2018
    Grey87 said:

    Not gonna bother reading or watching the video.
    Just here to say "Cya marth, no one really cares other than some fanboys".

    Yeah, this is why half of the community is literally just plain stupid. Not trying to be rude but your literally judging a book by it's cover which is something your told not to do. Maybe try reading the post and watch the first 10 minutes at best to actually see what's going on? Never assume that it's just a random post with no purpose other than saying "MARTH88 IS LEAVING, NOOO!"

    Edit: Sorry, however, when someone says these types of things, "I don't care"... it's literally because they didn't read the post or at least watch some of the video which ticks me off. 
  • Kevvie
    Kevvie Member Posts: 175

    Marth has said he was leaving multiple times in the last month and there are already multiple threads from his previous "announcements". It's turning into "The boy who cried wolf".

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Nickenzie said:
    Grey87 said:

    Not gonna bother reading or watching the video.

    Just here to say "Cya marth, no one really cares other than some fanboys".

    Yeah, this is why half of the community is literally just plain stupid. Not trying to be rude but your literally judging a book by it's cover which is something your told not to do. Maybe try reading the post and watch the first 10 minutes at best to actually see what's going on? Never assume that it's just a random post with no purpose other than saying "MARTH88 IS LEAVING, NOOO!"

    Edit: Sorry, however, when someone says these types of things, "I don't care"... it's literally because they didn't read the post or at least watch some of the video which ticks me off. 

    @Kevvie said:
    Marth has said he was leaving multiple times in the last month and there are already multiple threads from his previous "announcements". It's turning into "The boy who cried wolf".

    This right here says it all, Marth is trying to drum up more sheep followers to follow and donate to him on his next game. If you look back it all started with depip screwing around in the tourney. This has nothing to do with not watching all or part of the video at all.

    The typical fanboy response you don't understand him or didn't watch his stuff is what drives people nuts. It proves the only stupid ones are the ones using that insult because they don't like the responses. It might just be because they know he's done this before as posted above and are tired of the immature behavior.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    @Kevvie said:
    Marth has said he was leaving multiple times in the last month and there are already multiple threads from his previous "announcements". It's turning into "The boy who cried wolf".

    Not a huge Marth watcher because of timezones. But from what I got the past couple of weeks was, that he stopped streaming DbD regularly a few weeks ago and mentioned that he is gonna stop playing it. He played games likes Souls at Stake, Identity V and Warframe during this time. Just a few DbD streams in which he played only Hillbilly and Nurse.
    He always talked about how and why he stopped playing DbD, that he might need to put out another video to clarfify it etc. What he did. And that exactly one day before Deathgarden came out. The game he mentioned he would play more regularly.
    I wouldn't say he is "The boy who cried wolf". It's more like because of this strange transition period he had, that it kinda became a thing with multiple threads etc.

  • boomgagem
    boomgagem Member Posts: 32
    First off, I’m not watching that long drawn out crybaby crap. I can’t take anyone serious that complains about the balance of the game literally all the time while dominating the majority of the teams he goes against. 

    And enough is enough with the “I don’t want to see dbd die”. This game has been going strong for over 2 years now and arguably has more players now than ever. This game isn’t going to die until the devs decide to stop supporting it.

    Is the game perfectly balanced? No of course not. The game will NEVER be completely balanced in everyone’s eyes. The two things in this game that are completely OP and needs adjusting badly are SWF and the Nurse. If you work on balancing those aspects of the game it will help both sides tremendously. 

    Yes, 4 random solo HIGHLY SKILLED survivors can destroy a HIGHLY SKILLED killer, but depending on the map and RNG placements of pallets and windows that same killer can 4K those same survivors in the following match. I’d say that’s pretty balanced. You can’t expect to win every game no matter how good you think you are. 

    I can’t tell you how many high rank killers will tunnel one person for way longer than they should and then complain about gen rushing afterwards. You have to know when to break off a survivor and pressure gens instead. The biggest issue is SWF. They need to find some way to nerf SWF teams, offer an opt out option, or have a ranked system and unranked system. I don’t think dbd has the player base for those last two so nerfing SWF is the only option.

    And before anyone questions my experience, I have 3k hours in this game, played since June 2016, rank 1 on both sides, every achievement without farming. Just because Marth sucked off some bigger streamers to grow his channel doesn’t make his opinions on the games balance any more relevant than any other 1,000 hour+ player. 

    Another one of these threads tsk.

  • 245_Trioxin
    245_Trioxin Member Posts: 171

    @fcc2014 said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    I'm not a Marth fan but he makes good points. I love watching all the survivor mains going "Who cares?" You should because with all the options starting to pop up for this style of game DbD will have actual competition(hopefully) and that is the one thing it won't be able to recover from.

    I don't care about what ANY streamer has to say. I hope DBD gets real competition. If i find i like the competition product better and it actual works i will jump ship to and with no fanfare.

    Hide or Die is coming this October. There's also Last Year: the Nightmare but no one knows what's happening with that one.

    Hide or Die got pushed back a bit. The beta will start around October now. There's no date for the actual release yet. Rewriting the code to switch the game from P2P to dedicated servers caused some delays. 
  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    First of all, DBD is not dying. More people than ever are playing the game and because of the cosmetics, devs earn a lot of money.

    When a youtuber or a streamer leaves a game, it generally doesn't cause anything major. You won't even notice a difference.

    Game was a lot worse in the past and we see devs trying to improve the game right now. Giving bad reviews like some braindead survivors have done after the exhaustion nerf, and threatening the devs by leaving the game will not solve anything. If anything, marth will lose his viewers and subs and then after an update, he will come back excusing the improved state of the game to gain his viewers and subs.

    Stop being childish.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Didn't he already left?

    Either way, who cares? Only his fans will miss him.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Delfador said:

    First of all, DBD is not dying. More people than ever are playing the game and because of the cosmetics, devs earn a lot of money.

    When a youtuber or a streamer leaves a game, it generally doesn't cause anything major. You won't even notice a difference.

    Game was a lot worse in the past and we see devs trying to improve the game right now. Giving bad reviews like some braindead survivors have done after the exhaustion nerf, and threatening the devs by leaving the game will not solve anything. If anything, marth will lose his viewers and subs and then after an update, he will come back excusing the improved state of the game to gain his viewers and subs.

    Stop being childish.

    I'm not being childish, you didn't see me being uncivilized about me making the post either so just stop making me look like the bad guy. You guys are literally avoiding the point that I'm trying to make but instead focus on Marth88 leaving! Again, read my edit post from my orginal post... killer's are leaving because this game isn't in a great state and when BVHR steps up, killers will return to this game. This game is survivor based and not killer base, the killer is supposed to be the POWER ROLE but it isn't ATM. The moment that you feel like your the power role is when DbD is in a great spot IMO.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    powerbats said:

    This right here says it all, Marth is trying to drum up more sheep followers to follow and donate to him on his next game. If you look back it all started with depip screwing around in the tourney. This has nothing to do with not watching all or part of the video at all.

    The typical fanboy response you don't understand him or didn't watch his stuff is what drives people nuts. It proves the only stupid ones are the ones using that insult because they don't like the responses. It might just be because they know he's done this before as posted above and are tired of the immature behavior.

    I could careless about what Marth88 has done in the past, however my point still stands! Killer's don't feel like killers, they aren't the power role... The survivors are the power role. If survivors decide that they want to win then there's nothing stopping them because the killer's can do much ATM. Stop focusing on Marth88 leaving, I posted him in my post to show how much the game is unbalanced in the survivors' favor and he makes great points on why the game is unbalanced in his video. People are just so oblivious to the situation sometimes but maybe try looking at where the sun shines for once and focus at the main topic at hand?
  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617
    Didn’t he “quit” like a couple months ago when deathgarden alpha started? He’ll be back. I don’t find DG very entertaining. It’s an asymmetrical FPS. FPS’ are a dime a dozen. I was drawn to DBD for its unique horror elements as well as the randomness of the character interactions. 

    I remember when Tru3 started streaming Battlefront 2. It was fun to watch for a few minutes but it gets repetitive fast. Aim point shoot Camp. Repeat. 
    Well, no, he said he liked DG enough that he would leave dbd for it when it came out.  It's basically out, and he's leaving dbd behind.  So no, he hasn't quit "again", although he did start mixing in more titles after the DG alpha.  He planned on, and has been playing dbd since.  Not any more, though.
  • Skemooo
    Skemooo Member Posts: 194

    well he did what he had to do.. but i doubt he will like any other game :P.

  • P3Myers
    P3Myers Member Posts: 58
    edited August 2018

    @SovererignKing said:
    I can’t wait till JenDenise, OchiDO, or another big time Survivor Main streamer says they will quit. The outcry will be insane. Most of the people bashing this are Survivor only players or have hardly ever touched Killer or are bias as hell, and are happy to see one of the influential Killer Streamers leave. 

    ochido is ba> @Detective_Jonathan said:

    Real shame that a good streamer is leaving the game. But the toxic ones like Angrypug and Jendenise are still here. Surely has nothing to do with them being survivor mains I hope. 

    lol marth whole squad plays toxic flashlight tbag genrush solely to depip killer. ######### off.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    edited August 2018
    P3Myers said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    I can’t wait till JenDenise, OchiDO, or another big time Survivor Main streamer says they will quit. The outcry will be insane. Most of the people bashing this are Survivor only players or have hardly ever touched Killer or are bias as hell, and are happy to see one of the influential Killer Streamers leave. 

    ochido is ba> @Detective_Jonathan said:

    Real shame that a good streamer is leaving the game. But the toxic ones like Angrypug and Jendenise are still here. Surely has nothing to do with them being survivor mains I hope. 

    lol marth whole squad plays toxic flashlight tbag genrush solely to depip killer. [BAD WORD] off.

    OchiDO still has montages he puts up on a regular basis and ban evades. He still plays.

    Marths depip Squad did no items, no perks, then did perks, then did perks and items. They didn’t tea bag and weren’t toxic. 

    Where the hell do you get your information? It’s way off.
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    DYING 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165
    edited August 2018
    P3Myers said:

    @SovererignKing said:
    I can’t wait till JenDenise, OchiDO, or another big time Survivor Main streamer says they will quit. The outcry will be insane. Most of the people bashing this are Survivor only players or have hardly ever touched Killer or are bias as hell, and are happy to see one of the influential Killer Streamers leave. 

    ochido is ba> @Detective_Jonathan said:

    Real shame that a good streamer is leaving the game. But the toxic ones like Angrypug and Jendenise are still here. Surely has nothing to do with them being survivor mains I hope. 

    lol marth whole squad plays toxic flashlight tbag genrush solely to depip killer. [BAD WORD] off.

    Marth and the depip sqaud did that for studies and tests to prove something. Which they did. Angrypug and Jendenise haven't done anything to balance the game both sides. Just suggested things to favor their side only. @P3Myers
  • MuteNewt
    MuteNewt Member Posts: 234

    @se05239 said:
    Shame. Your spirit will always live through Nurse players everywhere!

    You see this, @not_Queen , big players leaving DbD because you (not like you personally but you as a company) refuse to see and listen to what's happening in DbD.

    Id hardly call him a big player. Please do not inflate his ego. If anything it was a clickbait video. He will be back within two weeks. Wait and see.

  • MuteNewt
    MuteNewt Member Posts: 234

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    Not a huge loss, he became increasingly insufferable with his ever growing ego since late 2017.

    Thank you! Im glad I wasnt the only one that noticed his ego was well out of order. I wish people would stop promoting him like this. All he ever did was crap on the devs and the game anytime he lost a match.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    MuteNewt said:

    Thank you! Im glad I wasnt the only one that noticed his ego was well out of order. I wish people would stop promoting him like this. All he ever did was crap on the devs and the game anytime he lost a match.

    Where do you see his "ego"? I don't notice any ego, please tell me what you mean exactly. Don't be rude, just asking nicely.
  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    Nickenzie said:

    Why do we all care about what a youtuber thinks?

    He played the game for two years basically for both survivor and killer, he has been trying to tell the developers what's basically wrong with the game. I didn't post this because "OMG MARTH88 LEAVING!!!", it's because I want this to get the developers attention that the game is not in a great spot ATM. However they are making progress, BABY steps but that's better than taking steps backwards. Additionally if you don't care about what he thinks then why click on this thread?
    Yep news just in
    Devs are gutted Marth88 has left so are now gonna implement all his requested changes.....😂
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @maximus909 said:
    Oh palease!!! I've gone up against some amazing killers that knock off survivors like shooting fish in a barrel. Marth88 just needs to put down the Double Western Cheeseburger when playing DBD killer. Developers just gave all killers a bump.... yet Marth88 still can't win against survivors? He should maybe go back to Friday the 13th.

    Could you elaborate on that bump all killers got? Unless 2 killers = all killers.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    If I had a nickel for every time I heard a really good player say they "quit" playing a game only to come back, I'd be able to pay off my student loans. Happens all the time in eSports, but it never lasts.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @thesuicidefox said:
    If I had a nickel for every time I heard a really good player say they "quit" playing a game only to come back, I'd be able to pay off my student loans. Happens all the time in eSports, but it never lasts.

    People can change their mind. I know some alcoholics which sweared to stay sober...