Ran around on infinites... but let’s nerf spirit

Playing survivor, i did somewhat agree with the spirit changes. Like the collision change I liked. Took away from having to listen for the survivors while phasing. I play killer and survivor equally. I agreed with the changes until this game i just played. I’m a rank 5 killer and was playing ghost face. I got ran on infinites the whole time, found my ruin in about 30 seconds, and there wasn’t much i could do. Yeah, i could chase a survivor around an infinite til they couldn’t anymore, but that wastes an insane amount of time. Then the incessant body blocking. To make matters worse, all rank 1 survivors, most likely SWF. Then for the cherry on top, they harrass me on PSN and say how they won blindfolded. No you didn’t, you abused a god loop. But then their rebuttal is to get good so i don’t even humor them... but let’s nerf spirit.


  • TheCrookedMan
    TheCrookedMan Member Posts: 282

    One thing at a time, like damn

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    I'm the slightest farm and Mac Millan loops are still there. Those Windows should be blocked.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    Not at all Mac Millan and farm middle buildings Windows are still un the game and should ALWAYS be blocked.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428


    I agree with your post.

    I also think that for every “infinite” there is an insane amount of dead zones and unsafe pallets. Something that rarely gets brought up.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I don't understand what your point is, though?

    You weren't playing spirit so whether she is nerfed or not played no part in your match.

  • ADP123
    ADP123 Member Posts: 24

    Exactly. I forgot to mention this team stayed near the infinite the entire time.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,307

    A lot of the time you can make it so if they run there there's nothing actually useful for them to do, try to keep gens up that force them away from that kind of structure. Even if they keep running there if you can get a single hit in on them that means they gotta play more conservatively or get healed before the next time, or risk going down before they can reach it which buys you time. Even if they have sprint burst or other exhaustion perks and that allows them to make it, those perks have the exhaustion cooldown. If they want to play a war of attrition, make them come to you.

    And it's not "abuse", while I totally agree there's maps that could use reworks because of silly main structures and the like it's in the game and it makes no sense to blame players for using resource in the game in an attempt to win, basically no different to complaining about a killer that camps when it's the correct play to do so in that situation (which a lot of people do, but that doesn't make it any more right of them to do so).

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    At least they fixed a part of the long loops with the BL nerf. Sadly there is still a possibility for a long loop on most maps.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    The fact that Ghost Face has both stealth and insta-down mechanics mean you shouldn't have been running infinites. Catch them off-guard. Use the edge of the map instead of the center, where they're watching the Killer to approach from.

    For what it's worth, they're not always going to be great games. I've never seen these champion survivors who can evade like that in my games, Entity knows I sure am not one of them, but it's not always going to be easy. They also had to abuse some mechanics in order to survive, so at least you can take comfort in that.

    On the subject of long loops, what do Killers think Survivors should do instead? Run into the open where they can die easily? Like I do? =/ I know you hate running in circles so I usually don't, and I'm often first to die.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited December 2019

    Dude you can't always make it to the strongest loop from ANYWHERE on the map.

    If there are no gens near that loop anyone that goes there is dead weight.

    If they do the gens near the loop, that will leave gens AWAY from the loop uncompleted for you to patrol.

    You chase them near the uncompleted gens, if they run to the loop let them go. Either they waste time healing before they come back or they try to finish the gen injured and you catch them. Widdle them down, change targets for survivors out of position. You can win these scenarios. Once you take out a survivor or 2, that infinite loop becomes less powerful because it will take them longer to do other gens.

    The only map where your argument is valid is Ward because you can make it to the building from pretty much everywhere and that whole tile is a mess of a loop. But most other "infinite" loops are in specific parts of the map that are not always accessible at every moment.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    At least on the specific map I used as an example, you can literally make it there from anywhere more than 2 meters from the wall (aka: Practically anywhere)

    In fact, given an 18 meter head start a Survivor running in a straight line could go from 1 end of the map to the other end of the map even on the largest maps in the game without getting hit (with time to spare even).

    This is why one of the most important tools in a Killers Power is a gap closer. A Survivor running against a Leatherface can touch both ends of the map, but that same Survivor against a Huntress or Hillbilly won't get very far, simply because they can close the initial gap quickly. It's not about being anti-loop, but rather because those Killers can prevent you from reaching the hook.

    That's why I consider Leatherface to be the weakest Killer in the game. Every Killer in the game has some kind of gap closer or anti-loop besides Leatherface to do SOMETHING about this situation with their power.

    Clown and Freddy slow Survivors movement speed

    Huntress and Plague (even if it's only for injury usually) have ranged attacks

    Nurse, Billy, Oni, Spirit and Legion (even if it only injures) all can increase their movement speed

    Hag, Demogorgon and Freddy all have their teleports.

    Demogorgon also has Shred

    Shape, Wraith, Pig and Ghostface have stealth (which denies them the head start or at least most of it and thus qualifies)

    Doctor and Trapper can directly prevent the use of Windows and Pallets at loops.

    Meanwhile what is Leatherface going to do? His chainsaw takes too long to use in order to even act as a deterrent to getting hit and boosted towards the loop since it takes so long for it to actually catch them (longer than the charge time cuz of the acceleration mechanic)

    Regardless though when a Killer struggles to access their power (ex: Trapper), has too many weaknesses to the point of their power being pointless at it's job a lot of the time (ex: Wraith, Doctor, Pig) or lacks the ability to fully capitalize on the effect (ex: Legion) or if they are Leatherface (ex: Leatherface) then these loops screw you over.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I agree that maybe Spirit needed some cues, but I still think the nerfs were a bit much.

    But there is also a point where you should just leave them alone and harass someone else. Someone goading you into a chase wants it, and if they're trying to get your attention, then they're not rushing gens. You'll be taking 2 people off gens for the price of one.

    It's all about playing smarter at higher ranks... and having decent perks. People often say: just run ruin, but its too weak most of the time, since they just rush it anyway (besides, sometimes I don't want to base my build on RNG, but my own skill). There needs to be some other objective or something so that they cant just blow through gens and ruin a game for one of the participants.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    iron works of BS, the god window with the pig pen/cattle. mothers dwelling god loop. the basement house on Haddonfield/school map. all these are WITHOUT balanced btw

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022
  • LushyBunny
    LushyBunny Member Posts: 76

    Not a Infinite, a god loop. Trust me, when Infinites were around you'd want to slit your wrists when a survivor ran to it and teabagged then the "gg2ez l2p"

  • LetsBeFriendly
    LetsBeFriendly Member Posts: 18

    While people may be upset about this, as a player who also plays a fair share of both sides, she needs a nerf. Any time I play spirit I easily get 3 and 4k's. There is no real counter to her power and the dev's do not want that as a power struggle in the game. Loops definitely need a little work done but when I play survivor I find that I can run a good game across the entire map. Getting mad about a killer who has most to no true counter getting a nerf is something that people really need to calm down. With almost 3000 hours in the game myself, 50/50 play for both killer and survivor. More nerfs have happened on survivor end, rather than killer. That's a fact.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Long loop idea is most brain dead things devs ever came up with.

    I can imagine someone just popped up in their office and called out: "Hey, how about we make a loop that takes 15 seconds to run around and let's base it around a single window so it never runs out and provides safe space for survivors".

  • vossler25
    vossler25 Member Posts: 416

    Killer mains-this loop is infinite, I go through window, they already around it again waiting with all the distance to play, I run around, they already around waiting with all the distance to play, they all trying to keep it relevant for me by saving those 3 gens around there, so after I do move on, and get someone eventually they just need those 3 and will stay there doing each one, only way this was beatable was nurse, spirit and huntress, 2 nerfed into the ground and 1 requires good timing and aim, I don't want to have to play only huntress, it gets dull and they'll ask her to have some nerf because of the fact she can stop these god loops, as survivor mains always do, Freddy gives me time and teleportation but they know when I do and have to use him for time so I don't get into god loops, but then everyone DC cause they don't like being not overpowered, please fix loops better, cause no matter what I do to stop it I'm either trash for using a perk they don't like or I'm freddy/huntress (real talk, I have many hate messages cause I threw an axe #########?) It's driving me away from killer cause being a survivor is so much easier cause of these loops, and gen speeds

    Survivors-can't god loop nerf them to death all hail Satan

    I play both and using the S tier killers I still have an unfunny amount of more wins as survivor to killer, some killers use to be fun against, nurse, spirit etc that stopped loops from God, but survivor mains murdered them, now trying to kill another that gives the time so they don't even have to worry about these loops cause they'll reach the other side in time, before God loop is all you'll get, why can't survivor mains shut up, and git gud, spirit "no counter" sound, grass, backtracking, going into her funny enough all counters that made loops that aren't infinite, infinite through different means if you pay enough attention, but survivor mains can't do that cause they can't bully her, now she is as deadly as a caterpillar, nurse "OP POWER" backtrack forever, red rank still was never touched cause I backtracked at the right times (console, on PC it is harder cause of mouse, but double backtrack, she would turn thinking that's where you'll be and you just turned again, then don't double, now she has to 50/50 guess and you can time your own movement) now she is as deadly as a butterfly do not need killers anymore, the game will die, buff them, leave Oni untouched if he gets good performance, he will be asked by survivors for nerfs, already has been asked and he ain't out yet, this is survivors crying cause they can't bully the killer, that's not what should happen, killers should be able to bully survivors, I'd enjoy survivor gameplay more and killers will be just that, killers, as it should be

  • concious_consumer
    concious_consumer Member Posts: 282

    Infinites in 2019 LUL

    Blame only yourself. No one is forcing you to engage in long loops

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,261

    If your playing ghostface, try either stealthing in for an easy first hit, stalking for an instadown...or both. If your chasing someone without doing any of this, you're gonna have a hard time.If they make it to a strong loop you dont want to chase them at, you're free to stealth up and either leave them or try for another sneaky hit.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    The fact that they cant do gens if they do that? 🤷‍♀️

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,975

    Trying to find the correlation between the Spirit nerf and you getting looped as Ghostface...

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830

    It doesn't have to be that slow. No other game I play this much has such slow development time

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    If they ruin Spirit like they did Nurse, I'm done with rank 1 killer. I don't find the killer shack, the god buildings, and breaking 30+ pallets fun. Old nurse and Spirit has counterplay survivors refuse to use.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Agree and its funny how some ppl try to find argument with "just dont chase there or just avoid this area". Kinda funny to read how ppl think those loops are fine xD

  • Zoldyar
    Zoldyar Member Posts: 438

    First off, what was the infinite?

    Secondly, you ruin isn't meant to last the whole and by you pretty much admitting you were focus on one person instead of taking care of your totem. Your are confirming that you expected youe totem to last the whole game without you having to monitor to it, which is what you are supposed to do in the first place.

    Thirdly, if it was an infinite, why did you still chase after him? You understand that by him going through the infinite, he isn't doing gens meaning he isn't a threat to you.

    Fourthly, solo surivior is more common than swf and that is fact which the devs have released.

    Finally, they are perks that counter body blocking, so if that was a serious issue for you all the time, then why don't you use it?

    In conclusion, how does this relate to nerfing spirit? Do you even know why she got nerf? Did you forget the devs nerf balance landing to stop most inifinites?

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    I couldn't agree more. I've been following the game since the Nightmare on Elm Street release, and only started playing during the Stranger Things release. I am a Rank 1 Killer, and Rank 1 Survivor, but I consider myself as a Killer main.

    When I first started playing the game was really fun. I started playing Killer, and started with the Stranger Things bundle, and the Nightmare on Elm Street DLC (Always been my favorite horror movie). Sure I lost a lot, but I still had fun, because the people I was facing was learning too. I felt like I was catching people off guard, and competing in mind games.

    Then I reached higher ranks, and started optimizing my builds, learned other killers. Even started to try Survivor. I put a lot of time, effort, and work to play to rank 1 as killer. Feeling pretty good of myself getting there, but the problem I was seeing in higher ranks, is the game is boring.

    You're not catching people off guard anymore, survivors run to the nearest infinite loops, or other loops. You can't mind game them because you require them to use pallets as fast as possible, because if you don't drop the pallets fast enough you lose by their existence. A good example is that if you start working on a generator with 1-2 other survivors at the start of the match, and don't get off it till the killer arrives. You finish a gen before the killer can even make it to that side of the map. If you chase 1 other person, that's 3 other people on gens and a good survivor can finish a gen in 2 minutes or less. A game can end in 4 minutes with perks and survivor items/add ons, on the repair speeds alone.

    It feels almost like if you play like a person, and try to play mind games with survivors. You lose because gens go up too fast. If you stop chasing 1 person, that person immediately goes onto a gen. You chase someone else who immediately peels into the nearest loop. If you try to mind game they just force you to loop. If you follow them, you get a pallet and they use an exhaustion perk to get to the next loop (which rank 1's would agree with me Balanced Landing, and Dead Hard are not actually the best exhaustion perks, Lithe is. It's more consistent across all levels, and more readily available than Dead Hard). The game in high ranks feels like if you play as a person, you lose, but if you play as a robot. You may win - if the survivors mess up a lot, and they unskilled ones who only got there on these exploits alone are the only ones who do.

    Anyways, so here I am a Rank 1 Killer, and the game isn't fun anymore because it's more of a looping simulator now than it is an asymmetrical game. Here is my experience as a survivor.

    I am a rank 1 survivor, and again i'm not a survivor main. I got rank 1 survivor from my first time trying in only two days. That's right. It took me 2 days as survivor to get rank 1 in the first month of me playing this game. How I did that. Well after all of my experience as a killer, I simply remembered the loops I saw high level survivors run to. I remember the most common perks I've seen as killer that made the game so easy for them. Copied that, and even though I was royal trash at the role. I was able to walk Rank 1 Killers who put the same time and effort into the game as I did through the same loops, and received no punishment for it the same as the survivors I faced. I knew from my experience as a killer main, how to counter Nurse, Spirit, Freddy, and other killers that many survivors on Reddit, forums, and in game cry are "broken" with ease, simply because I forced them into looping instead of mind games. (Nurse you can loop if you move the loop towards her when she prepares jumps, and away from her when she is recharging. Spirit you use sound notifications to confuse her, and hide your scratch marks. Freddy you stay awake, which is easier by having people who were recently hooked wake you up instead of running across the map to a clock, or failing a gen skill check. Etc. Etc. Etc).

    Anyways it was too easy, far far far too easy to become a rank 1 survivor compared to a killer that took actual time, and research into knowing what's strong and what's not.

    If I were a dev for this game, and asked what I would do to better balance it. I would say reduce the pallets in the level to make them more of a limited resource that players had to put in the effort to conserve. Make them think (If I drop this pallet, or loop him around this pallet will it punish us in the long run), or reduce the speed that survivors can repair gens, or make the survivors repair more gens, or reduce the survivors down to 3 instead of 4. However I think the later options are terrible, when there are killers that could take advantage of an even lower gen speed (Freddy), more gens (Freddy), and reducing survivors makes it hard to play with a group of friends. However reducing the pallets, could be a big game changer that makes survivor require a lot more skill to play. Another issue would be balance the game expecting the killer to get 3-4 kills a game, or change the ranking system that a killer considered to have won if he get's 2 kills in that game, because right now. If you are not getting 4 man sacrifices in rank 1-2, you black pip when balancing is expecting killers to only make 2 kills.

    In conclusion the game right now is a looping simulator and no longer an asymmetrical game, and I would like to see it become an asymmetrical game again. Balanced Landing isn't the problem, sure it made some infinite loops, but infinite loops wasn't the problem. The problem is that Survivors can so easily loop killers in the time other survivors complete 5 gens without engaging in any kind of mind game (which it only takes 4 minutes to complete 5 gens).

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    I didn't say they where infinites, they are god loops. the time you would waste on them to catch the survivor is SO LONG that you will probably lose the game if they keep doing it. especially because they don't need to use pallets. the problem is when EVERY SURVIVOR YOU CHASE RUNS TO THESE LOOPS WHEN YOU FIND THEM, even if you get 1 free hit. it wastes so much time you can't chase them without losing the game

  • aazimuth
    aazimuth Member Posts: 190

    Another post about "infinites" when they haven't existed ever since bloodlust came out.. yikes

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943
    edited December 2019

    Suffocation Pit, Coal Tower and Iron Works of Misery buildings with there stupid window loops anybody can run with half a brain. Farm maps and Mt Ormond with there connected jungle gyms and garbage map designs but lets nerf spirit. Man it's like the person who made these maps has no idea how to make fair maps but what do i know.....

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Oh yes, just let them go. Then they go back every time. It's a map issue not a Killer issue.

  • UlvenDagoth
    UlvenDagoth Member Posts: 3,535

    Dude you need to put this in it's own discussion, maybe in FeedBack. There are alot of good points here.

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    Why you even chasing on an infinite in the first place?

  • ygnea
    ygnea Member Posts: 116
    edited December 2019

    I love when people use the word "infinites" in 2019. Someone didn't play on release.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    Were all the gens arond the loop too ? What map is this ?