Can't do Trapper Archive challenges...

Just had a few games as old Trapsy, but before I could get any of the traps needed for the challenge - the opposing survivors DC. In fact, I know that the challenge was the reason for this, as the survivors immediately bombarded me with 'haha no Archives for you', etc etc in the post-game chat.
It's not just the amount of traps that you need, but that you also need the opposing survivors to play ball (i.e. not DC) in order to clear any of the challenges. Even post-DC soft ban update, people will continue to do this. I don't think it's fair that I can't complete a challenge just because at least one/two players DC (at the very start of the game after seeing me) which then leads to other survivors to do nothing and die on first hook (they wouldn't even farm for some points!).
I understand that the Archive is optional, however I don't think it is fair for certain survivors to purposefully ruin the game for others (including teammates) just to spite the killer for trying to complete a task. Has anyone else had this problem at all?
(Also, I am aware that the Tome challenges are due to be updated/amended soon as of writing this discussion.)
I really think this is the sort of stuff the DC penalty WILL discourage.
Since it's immediate, people will be more likely to play out a match they don't particularly want to, and as it scales, smaller petty reasons will no longer be valid reasons for most people.
In the case of serial DCers over what they don't like, they at least have to cut down on what they consider worth it if one DC could mean a full day's ban since they DCed because someone was playing Trapper yesterday, etc.
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sick of seeing trappers every game or they cry because they can't use broken loops
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people will do it for whatever the next rift killer is
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Survivors: "I'm tired of seeing Spirit/Nurse/Billy/Freddy."
Also survivors: "Screw you, Trapper! I'll just DC!"
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Farm, FARM is all you need to do the archives
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Have not encountered that.
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I understand playing hard to win, but to intentionally try and disrupt the other side (either one) from completing challenges, event goals, or optional conditions is just downright unsportsmanlike. Games are not for you, perhaps try sports where there are rules and penalties to ensure everything is in fair play.
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I played 5 games a strapped last night. Zero people escaped, but I only got 6 sacrifices worth of progress on my archive challenge. 4 of them came from the same game...
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As Trapper*
Lol autocorrect, thinking I was playing while stra- oh, bad, bad little autocorrect gremlin! Behave yourself, you little horndog
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We should have an archive challenge related to people DCing
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This game doesn't even work as intended half the time hence why you shouldn't take it all so serious <3
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The DC's are crazy right now best i can tell you is farm it man. im stuck on the save two survivors during endgame and well 3 days still a no go because survivors or the killer keeps DCing so i will have to farm it. Good luck man
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I just had a real treat of a match as Trapper.
Was against some prize saltmeisters...dropping pallets...teabagging...some of the most startling bodyblocking I have ever seen...and then...I get 3/4K with the 4th getting out via match.
And...not one survivor was caught by a trap. The ringleader admittedly got tunnelled in to the next realm...but there was no way I was letting that smug anus survive.
And...I got another Emblem for the archive challenge.
All in all...a successful trip. 5/5 on Trip Advisor.